Quality Management Reports

Updated: 06/04/2024

  1. Where can I find the Reports page in the application?
Location in the application
Login > Reports
  1. What can the Reports page do for me?
Reports page offers you a list of various reports that can be run in order to extract detailed information on agents’ results, performance, and evolution within a selected period of time. Also this feature offers the possibility to save the reports you generate. Maybe your company has hundreds of agents and you may want to track the evolution of some of them, by using the same path (all the evaluations from the current week for a specific agent). Now you are able to save your customized report on Reports page.
New drop-down is located in the right upper corner of the page. Clicking on it will present a drop-down containing a list of the available reports. Click the desired report and new report appears at the bottom of the page. The report's results are displayed by default for the current month.
Reports available from the Reports page are:
  • Single Evaluation Report
  • Trending Report
  • Average Score Report
Reports page
At this point Reports page is empty. To choose one of the available reports click the New drop-down from the right upper corner of the page. After you clicked on the desired report, it is displayed on the page. As you add more reports, the newest will appear at the bottom of the page. On the Reports page are displayed three columns, Name of the report, the Last Modified date and the Category.
Actions Menu
Each report has an Action Menu button in the right side of the page with three available options: View, Edit, Delete.
Click the View button and the report according to the clicked View button is opened on a new page.
Click the Edit button and the report according to the clicked Edit button is opened on a new page.
Click the Delete option. A message will appear on the screen in a pop-up window, "Deleting the report will permanently remove it. This action cannot be undone." and two options "Delete" and "Cancel" below the question. Click Delete. The report is immediately deleted.
Displays in an elegant, HTML format all the evaluations details. The questions, answers, comments, hints, notes, and overall comments are displayed on the printable report, on which results are very easy to read. The report can be accessed directly in the reports drop-down in evaluations page or it can be viewed by the user in the evaluation screen. Just save the evaluation and the button becomes enabled and the report can be viewed. All reports, except for Single Evaluation Report and Calibrated Evaluation Report, can be exported in Excel format, using the Export button, located in the right upper hand corner of the page. The Excel file downloads locally and it can be edited and printed.
With a new and friendly design, the report shows average score for either evaluations, sections, or questions. Using the drop-down selectors you can easily choose to display the average for all the evaluations, the questions within a specific section and also the average for the individual questions. An arrow is assigned next to each section. Click one of them and the section is immediately expanded. To simultaneously expand or collapse all the sections just click the + button that's shown in the left corner above the sections.
The Filter By drop-down menu can be found next to the Date Picker. It contains columns on which you can perform a search. Column name has a checkbox. At this point all checkboxes are unselected. Select the checkbox of the column that you want to perform a search. Then click OK  at the bottom of the Filter By drop-down button.
Date Picker
Click Date Picker and two calendars will pop up. In the upper right hand side of the second calendar you will find the Range drop-down menu. Here you can choose the period of time you are interested in. Click OK at the bottom of the right calendar after you choose one of the options.
Click Custom from the Range drop-down menu and choose a start date and start hour from the left calendar. Also choose an end date and hour from the right calendar. Click OK to confirm your choices. The page will refresh and display only the results that fit within the selected timeframe.
Refresh button is located in the upper right corner of the window. Click on it and the page will immediately refreshed. The new design of the loader displays hints and tips regarding the reports.
Example: Did you know? By default we hide deactivated agents from reports, but you can show them from the settings menu inside a report.
Export to Excel
Export to Excel function is also available. Click on the export button and the report's data will be exported to an excel document you can save locally in your work station.
Using this option you can choose to print or not the report’s data. Click the Print button and a pop-up window containing the report’s data is displayed.
Click the Report Edit Panel icon that’s displayed in the upper left side of the page and the page becomes divided. You can choose to customize the report’s results by using these options: Metric, Add Columns, Report Layout, Subtotals and Grand Total, Deactivated Agents and Layer Templates.
Click the Metric drop-down and the available options are displayed; Average Score and Average Score (Evaluations/Questions/Sections). Click on Average Score to display the averages.
Choose Average Score (Evaluations/Questions/Sections) to display their averages and the corresponding counters. The counters are displayed between "()" next to each average.
Depending on which option you choose from the drop-down, between “()” is displayed just one option: Evaluations, Questions or Sections.
On Metric drop-down, by default Average Score and Average Score (Evaluations) are displayed. Depending on your chooses from Report Layout drop-downs, the Average Score (Evaluations) is changed into Average Score (Questions) or Average Score (Sections).
E.g.. Select Question on Group By, Row or Col and the Average Score (Evaluations) is changed into Average Score (Questions).
Add Columns
Click the Add Columns and Average Call Duration and Hire Date are displayed. You can choose to display them or not just by clicking on it. By default Hire Date and Average Call Duration are checked and displayed on the report.
Group By
Click the Group By drop-down selector and the available dimensions are shown below: Agent, Evaluator, Group, Labels, Month, None, Quarter, Question, Section, Supervisor, Template, Trainer, Week, Year.
Note! The None option displays all the results in a single section.
Row and Col
The same dimensions displayed on Row and Col drop-down selectors are also available on Group By. Click the swap axis icon displayed in the middle and the selected dimensions in Row and Column are switched.
Note! The already selected dimensions on Group By appears in these drop-down selectors but they are disabled. You can only select one dimensions for rows and one for columns.
Subtotals and Grand Totals
This option offers to you the possibility to display the subtotals for each subsections and the grand total of them. Click on it and the subsections colored in yellow care are displayed below. Grand Total is shown below the table.
Note! The subtotals are displayed when the sections are collapsed.
Deactivated Agents
This feature offers you the possibility to display the averages for the evaluated even if they are now inactive in the application.
Layer Template
This option is available on Report Settings menu. If Layer Template option is unchecked, then the report displays all the questions/sections even if these have the same name. If the Layer Template is checked then the report shows the questions/sections that have the same name, only once, which means a reunion of them, and displays their average.
This feature was implemented to clearly display the results. If a question or section is used in multiple templates you can select the Layer Template option from the Report Settings to display it just one time. You will see displayed the number of times the question/section was used to score the agent.
Click the Save button to save your preferences. The following confirmation message will be displayed, "Report preferences saved successfully!" highlighted in green on the top of the page.
Note! The Save button is disabled until you customize the Report Edit Panel.
Click the Delete button to delete your preferences. The following confirmation message will be displayed, "Report preferences deleted successfully!" highlighted in green on the top of the page.
To close the Report Edit Panel, just click the X button that's shown in the right upper corner of the panel.
Conditional Formatting allows you to apply different formats on the report's cells. The cells are colored, depending on the values and the colors you set.
Click on Conditional Formatting icon that’s shown next to Report Edit Panel and the page becomes divided. Click the Select a metric to format dropdown and it will display a list with the available options you can apply for conditional formatting. The two available options are Average Score and Counters. For example, let's choose Average Score; Select an operator drop-down and Value inputs are displayed below. The available operators are: Between, Equal, Greater than, Greater than or equal, Less than, Less than or equal.
Note! The Average Score's unit is a % so the Value must be a percentage.
The Add button becomes enabled after you choose a valid value and an operator. Click on it and a list with the checked operator, the value and the color are displayed below. You can add more than one option to format the report. For example you can display in red the averages that are less than 50% and in green the averages that are greater than 90%. Each option's row has a delete button assigned. Click on it and the corresponding option is deleted.
The formatting for Counters it's applied on the number displayed between parentheses. Click the Counters and add a formatting rule or more to display the formatted content.
You can't add two formatting rules having the same operator and value. If the rule exists the message "Value already exists for the same operator" will be displayed.
Adding more than six options makes the formatting imprecise. The Add button becomes disabled and the message "Formatting may be inaccurate because the inserted value overlaps the already defined intervals" is displayed.
Below these drop-down buttons you can see the available colors you can choose from, to format the cells. The available colors are: red, blue, purple, orange, pink, green. Hover over the preferred color and check it. Click the Apply button and the page results are recalculated and displayed according to the desired formatting.
Note! The Apply button is disabled until you select a metric and a valid value (e.g... 30%, 55%, 100%).
Clear button erases all formatting from the report and clears out the inputs.
To close the Conditional Formatting Panel, just click the X button that's shown in the right upper corner of the panel.
Click on a row and the Report Side Panel is divided. The available options are Evaluations and Trending. You can switch between Evaluations and Trending views. From the left side of the window click the specific button for the section you want to concentrate on.
The details shown on the top of the panel are displayed according to the clicked column/row. The first column displayed on the report is named Master Column, click on a row and the Report Side Panel displays the row's name and below Overall.
If a random cell of the report is clicked then the Report Side Panel displays the row's name and below the column's name. However the main function of this panel is to display evaluations, the dates when the evaluations were mane, the scores obtained by the agents and the evaluator's name. Open Single Evaluation Report button is displayed next to each evaluation. Click on it and the single evaluation report is generated on a new page.
Users can also pick the date range they want to obtain for. Click on Date Picker, select a date and then click OK.The chosen date are displayed under the Date Range.
Each subsection has + button assigned. Click on it to display the details of that subsection. To view all the details simultaneously click on the + button that's on the left corner over the table.
Additional Filters
When filters are applied the Additional Filters message is displayed at the bottom of the page. The user can also see the applied filter queries.
With a clearly and friendly design the Trending report displays the average score for either   evaluations, sections, or questions. Using the drop-down selectors you can easily choose to display the average for all the evaluations, the questions within a specific section and also the average for the individual questions. An arrow is assigned next to each section. Click one of them and the section is immediately expanded. To simultaneously expand or collapse all the sections just click the + button that's shown in the left corner above the sections.
The Filter By drop-down menu can be found next to the Date Picker. It contains columns on which you can perform a search. Column name has a checkbox. At this point all checkboxes are unselected. Select the checkbox of the column that you want to perform a search. Then click OK at the bottom of the Filter By drop-down button.
Date Picker
Click Date Picker and two calendars will pop up. In the upper right hand side of the second calendar you will find the Range drop-down menu. Here you can choose the period of time you are interested in. Click OK at the bottom of the right calendar after you choose one of the options.
Click Custom from the Range drop-down menu and choose a start date and start hour from the left calendar. Also choose an end date and hour from the right calendar. Click OK to confirm your choices. The page will refresh and display only the results that fit within the selected timeframe.
Refresh button is located in the upper right corner of the window. Click on it and the page will immediately refreshed. The new design of the loader displays hints and tips regarding the reports.
E.g..: Did you know? By default we hide deactivated agents from reports, but you can show them from the settings menu inside a report.
Export to Excel
Export to Excel function is also available. Click on the export button and the report's data will be exported to an excel document you can save locally in your work station.
Using this option you can choose to print or not the report’s data. Click  the Print button and a pop-up window containing the report’s data is displayed.
Click the Report Edit Panel icon that’s displayed in the upper left side of the page and the page becomes divided. You can choose to customize the report’s results by using these options: Metric, Add Columns, Report Layout, Subtotals and Grand Total, Deactivated Agents and Layer Templates.
Click the Metric drop-down and the available options are displayed; Average Score and Average Score (Evaluations/Questions/Sections). Click on Average Score to display the averages.
Choose Average Score (Evaluations/Questions/Sections) to display their averages and the corresponding counters. The counters are displayed between "()" next to each average.
Note! Depending on which option you choose from the drop-down, between “()” is displayed just one option: Evaluations, Questions or Sections,
On Metric drop-down, by default Average Score and Average Score (Evaluations) are displayed. Depending on your chooses from Report Layout drop-downs, the Average Score (Evaluations) is changed into Average Score (Questions) or Average Score (Sections).
E.g.. Select Question on Group By, Row or Col and the Average Score (Evaluations) is changed into Average Score (Questions).
Add Columns
Click the Add Columns and Average Call Duration and Hire Date are displayed. You can choose to display them or not just by clicking on it. By default Hire Date and Average Call Duration are checked and displayed on the report.
Report Layout
Group By
Click the Group By drop-down selector and the available dimensions are shown below: Agent, Evaluator, Group, Labels, Month, None, Quarter, Question, Section, Supervisor, Template, Trainer, Week, Year.
Note! The None option displays all the results in a single section.
Row and Col
The same dimensions displayed on Row and Col drop-down selectors are also available on Group By. Click the swap axis icon displayed in the middle and the selected dimensions in Row and Column are switched.
Note! The already selected dimensions on Group By appears in these drop-down selectors but they are disabled. You can only select one dimensions for rows and one for columns.
Subtotals and Grand Totals
This option offers to you the possibility to display the subtotals for each subsections and the grand total of them. Click on it and the subsections colored in yellow care are displayed below. Grand Total is shown below the table.
Note! The subtotals are displayed when the sections are collapsed.
Deactivated Agents
This feature offers you the possibility to display the averages for the evaluated even if they are now inactive in the application.
Layer Template
This option is available on Report Settings menu. If Layer Template option is unchecked, then the report displays all the questions/sections even if these have the same name. If the Layer Template is checked then the report shows the questions/sections that have the same name, only once, which means a reunion of them, and displays their average.
This feature was implemented to clearly display the results. If a question or section is used in multiple templates you can select the Layer Template option from the Report Settings to display it just one time. You will see displayed the number of times the question/section was used to score the agent.
Click the Save button to save your preferences. The following confirmation message will be displayed, "Report preferences saved successfully!" highlighted in green on the top of the page.
Note! The Save button is disabled until you customize the Report Edit Panel.
Click the Delete button to delete your preferences. The following confirmation message will be displayed, "Report preferences deleted successfully!" highlighted in green on the top of the page.
To close the Report Edit Panel, just click the X button that's shown in the right upper corner of the panel.
Conditional Formatting allows you to apply different formats on the report's cells. The cells are colored, depending on the values and the colors you set.
Click on Conditional Formatting icon that’s shown next to Report Edit Panel and the page becomes divided. Click the Select a metric to format dropdown and it will display a list with the available options you can apply for conditional formatting. The two available options are Average Score and Counters. For example, let's choose Average Score; Select an operator drop-down and Value inputs are displayed below. The available operators are: Between, Equal, Greater than, Greater than or equal, Less than, Less than or equal.
Note! The Average Score's unit is a % so the Value must be a percentage.
The Add button becomes enabled after you choose a valid value and an operator. Click on it and a list with the checked operator, the value and the color are displayed below. You can add more than one option to format the report. For example you can display in red the averages that are less than 50% and in green the averages that are greater than 90%. Each option's row has a delete button assigned. Click on it and the corresponding option is deleted. The formatting for Counters it's applied on the number displayed between parentheses. Click the Counters and add a formatting rule or more to display the formatted content. You can't add two formatting rules having the same operator and value. If the rule exists the message "Value already exists for the same operator" will be displayed. Adding more than six options makes the formatting imprecise. The Add button becomes disabled and the message "Formatting may be inaccurate because the inserted value overlaps the already defined intervals" is displayed. Below these drop-down buttons you can see the available colors you can choose from, to format the cells. The available colors are: red, blue, purple, orange, pink, green. Hover over the preferred color and check it. Click the Apply button and the page results are recalculated and displayed according to the desired formatting.
Note! The Apply button is disabled until you select a metric and a valid value (e.g... 30%, 55%, 100%).
Clear button erases all formatting from the report and clears out the inputs.
To close the Conditional Formatting Panel, just click the X button that's shown in the right upper corner of the panel.
Click on a row and the Report Side Panel is divided. The available options are Evaluations. You can switch between Evaluations and Trending views. From the left side of the window click the specific button for the section you want to concentrate on.
The details shown on the top of the panel are displayed according to the clicked column/row. The first column displayed on the report is named Master Column, click on a row and the Report Side Panel displays the row's name and below Overall.
If a random cell of the report is clicked then the Report Side Panel displays the row's name and below the column's name. However the main function of this panel is to display evaluations, the dates when the evaluations were mane, the scores obtained by the agents and the evaluator's name. Open Single Evaluation Report button is displayed next to each evaluation. Click on it and the single evaluation report is generated on a new page.
Users can also pick the date range they want to obtain for. Click on Date Picker, select a date and then click OK. The chosen date are displayed under the Date Range.
Each subsection has + button assigned. Click on it to display the details of that subsection. To view all the details simultaneously click on the + button that's on the left corner over the table.
Additional Filters
When filters are applied the Additional Filters message is displayed at the bottom of the page. The user can also see the applied filter queries.