How do I cancel my 8x8 account?


Cancelling a full account or partial service.

Applies To

  • 8x8 Accounts

Important Service Cancellation Stipulations

  • Porting out? Porting your phone numbers away from 8x8 to a different carrier does not constitute or trigger 8x8 service cancellations.
  • Advanced Notice Required At least thirty (30) days advance notice is required for cancellation of service prior to the contract end date.
  • Contract Buy Out Fees may apply for customers canceling during their contract term. Canceling at the end of your term is recommended to prevent buyout fees. See Will I owe a fee if I cancel my account?

Cancellation Request

  1. Identify what services you would like to cancel.
  2. Cancellations are done within 30 days after the cancellation case is created. Please advise us if you would like to have the services canceled on a different date.
  3. Call us at 1-888-898-8733. An agent will collect the necessary information to begin the cancellation process. 

Cancellation Details Finalized

Once your request is submitted, a cancellation expert will review your case and reach out via email regarding any of the following pieces of information:
  • Verify Security passphrase on the account.
  • Services that are being canceled.
  • If there are any contract buyout fee’s for the cancellation. 
  • Any additional steps that must be taken prior to cancellation specific to your account.

Completing the Cancellation

After all details are confirmed you will receive a email from your Cancellation expert including:
  • The Date your services are set for cancellation.
  • Any Contract buyout fees that may be charged based on your contract term. For Information on any contract buyout fees, review our terms and conditions.
  • What happens after your services cancel.

Services Canceled

On your cancellation date, you will receive an email letting you know that your services have canceled. Services will no longer be available and any assigned phone numbers will ring busy. We give a 30 day grace period where you can restore your service if needed by responding to the cancellation emails.

Post Cancellation

  • The canceled services will be removed on next the billing cycle.
  • Any contract buyout fee’s will be applied to the next month invoice after the services are cancelled. 
  • You will get one last email at the end of your grace period letting you know that your services or account will not be accessible after a certain date.

Additional Information