
Prevent unwanted callers from reaching the Auto Attendant in Admin Console.

Applies To

  • Admin Console


  1. Remove the number in question from the Auto Attendant.
  2. Create a user and add a license to it, in order to be able to assign the number previously assigned to the Auto Attendant.
  3. Go to the Call Forwarding Rules section of the newly created user:
  4. Configure the When the user gets a call from a blocked caller rule.
  5. Set up a new custom rule which always forwards to the Auto Attendant in question.
  6. Make sure that the Block Callers rule comes before (above) the custom Always Forward rule in the Call Forwarding Rules hierarchy.

Additional Information

  • As the Auto Attendant would not have a built-in blocked caller function, it would need to go through an extension first which can filter out the unwanted calls.
  • Call Forwarding Rules prioritize active rules from top to bottom. This is why a new custom Always Forward Rule needs to be created, instead of using the existing Forward All Calls rule, as that cannot be moved, only disabled.
  • Currently the functionality to block numbers for an entire phone system is not supported in Admin Console.


Instructions and information covered in this article include:

Applies To

  • 8x8 Admin Console
  • Microsoft Azure Active Directory (Azure AD)
  • Single Sign-On (SSO)
  • User Provisioning (SCIM)


  • SSO allows users to authenticate into any 8x8 application using their corporate Azure AD credentials.
  • User Provisioning allows:
    • Users from Azure AD to be created in 8x8 automatically without the need to re-key common user details.
    • Updates to user details made in Azure AD to be automatically pushed to 8x8.
    • Deactivation of users in 8x8 by disabling their account in Azure AD.
    • Existing users created directly in Admin Console can be linked to their Azure AD counterparts.


To use the 8x8 Azure AD Integration you need:
  • Any 8x8 X Series subscription
  • Azure Active Directory of any subscription level
Note: On-premise Active Directory is not supported directly, but can be used in a “hybrid” Azure AD environment where users are synced from on-premise AD to Azure AD via an Azure AD Connect agent.


Known limitations for the current release:
  • Assignment of X Series licenses must still be completed from Admin Console, either individually or in bulk using a CSV upload.
  • The user’s phone and extension numbers set in Admin Console cannot be synced back to Azure AD through the 8x8 app. This is due to limitations of Microsoft’s implementation of User Provisioning which does not allow for data to be retrieved back into Azure AD.
  • The user's Site cannot be modified once it is set.
  • Deleting a user in Azure AD does not delete that user in Admin Console. You must delete the user manually from Admin Console.

Considerations for existing deployments

Several factors to consider for existing deployments include managing user names and separating Single Sign-On from user provisioning.


If you already have several 8x8 users set up in Admin Console and their usernames (as shown in Admin Console) are different from their usernames in Azure AD, please read this section carefully.
In order to link existing 8x8 users with their Azure AD equivalents, they must have the same username in both Azure AD and Admin Console. If your users already log in to 8x8 apps with their Azure AD credentials via SSO, then their 8x8 usernames can be updated to match with no disruption to the users. However, if your users currently log in with their 8x8 username (for example, they are not using their Azure AD credentials via Single Sign-On) then we strongly recommend enabling SSO and switching your users over to logging in with their Azure AD credentials via Single Sign-On before enabling user provisioning. This allows alignment of the usernames without further disruption and also provides the benefits of Single Sign-On.

Separation of Single Sign-On from user provisioning

If you already have an established user base using an earlier version of the application for Single Sign-On and you want to phase in user provisioning with a smaller subset of users, you can install a second instance of the 8x8 app into your Azure AD environment, with one configured for SSO and the other configured for User Provisioning. With this scheme you can assign users or groups to the two apps independently.


Configuring User SSO Login

Below are instructions for configuring your Azure AD service and 8x8 Admin Console for Microsoft user login to your 8x8 applications. If you have already configured Azure SSO login to 8x8 applications, and want to apply SCIM user provisioning to 8x8 Admin Console, skip to User Provisioning Configuration (SCIM).

Add the 8x8 App to Azure

  1. Log in to the Azure Active Directory admin center.
  2. In Enterprise applications click New application.
  3. In the Azure AD Gallery, search for 8x8. The icon will have a red background with white text. 
  4. Select the 8x8 app, optionally rename it, and click Create.
  5. Configure Single Sign-On by following the instructions belowNote: For reference, Microsoft has an older, less up-to-date article regarding this process, here: Tutorial: Azure AD SSO integration with 8x8.

Azure SSO Configuration

  1. In the Azure Active Directory admin center > Enterprise applications, click on 8x8 and click Single sign-on.
  2. Click SAML.
  3. In Basic SAML Configuration, click Edit.
In Basic SAML Configuration, perform the following steps:
  1. In Identifier (Entity ID), click Add identifier.
  2. Add the following URL into the blank field. This entry should be marked as Default, and there should be no other Identifier entries.
    • https://sso.8x8.com/saml2
  3. In the Reply URL box, click Add reply URL.
  4. Enter the same URL as for the Identifier. This entry should be marked as Default, and there is no need to modify the Index field.
    • https://sso.8x8.com/saml2
  5. Click Save.
Your Basic SAML Configuration should appear as in the screenshot below:
  1. Next, in SAML Signing Certificate > Certificate (Base64) click Download, and save the 8x8.cer certificate file onto your computer. You'll apply the certificate later, when configuring Single Sign-On in the 8x8 Admin Console.
    • Critical: Use only the Base64 certificate for configuring Single Sign-On Integration in the 8x8 Admin Console. User single sign-on will fail if you apply other available certificate types.
  2. In Set up 8x8, click on Configuration URLs to expand the section (as needed).
  3. Individually click the Copy to clipboard icon for each of the URLs you will use, and paste them into a text editor. You'll need these URLs later, when configuring Single Sign-On Integration in the 8x8 Admin Console.
    • Login URL
    • Azure AD Identifier
    • Logout URL
Important: The Logout URL is optional for 8x8 SSO. If it is applied in 8x8 Admin Console, users logging out of 8x8 services will also be logged out of all Microsoft services. If users or administrators receive a Microsoft error code AADSTS750054 during logout of any 8x8 application, replace the default tenant-specific Azure Logout URL in the Sign-out page URL field of your 8x8 Admin Console Configuration with the following URL:
  • https://login.<wbr>microsoftonline.com/common/<wbr>wsfederation?wa=wsignout1.0

Assigning Azure AD Users

  1. In the Azure portal, select Enterprise applications, and then select All applications.
  2. In the applications list, click 8x8.
  3. In Manage, click Users and groups.
  4. Click Add user/group.
  5. Click None Selected to open the Users and groups selection dialogue.
  6. Click on the users and/or groups you wish to log into 8x8 services using SSO.
  7. Click Select and then Assign to complete the assignment of the 8x8 app to users/groups.

8x8 Admin Console Configuration

  1. First, log in to the 8x8 Admin Console.
  2. From the Home page, click Identity and Security.
  3. In Single Sign-On Integration (SSO), click the slider to enable
     SSO integration.
  4. Select Microsoft Azure AD.
  5. Now you'll apply the URLs and signing certificate that you previously obtained from the 8x8 app in Azure:
    1. Copy and paste the Azure Login URL to the 8x8 Sign-in page URL field.
    2. Copy and paste the Azure Azure AD Identifier to the 8x8 IDP Issuer URL/URN field.
    3. (Optional) Copy and paste the Azure Logout URL to the 8x8 Sign-out page URL field.
    4. In Certificate in use, click on Click to attach and select the Base64 certificate file that you previously downloaded from Azure.
    5. Click Save to apply your 8x8 SSO configuration.
Important: If users or administrators receive a Microsoft error code AADSTS750054 during logout of any 8x8 application, replace the default tenant-specific Azure Logout URL in the Sign-out page URL section with the following URL:
  • https://login.<wbr>microsoftonline.com/common/<wbr>wsfederation?wa=wsignout1.0

User Provisioning Configuration (SCIM)

Below are instructions for configuring user provisioning from Microsoft Azure AD to 8x8 Admin Console.
User provisioning (SCIM) from Azure to 8x8 is not required, but aids in user administration. Without this automated user provisioning, administrators must manually create and manage users in both Azure and 8x8 Admin Console.
New users provisioned through any SCIM process – such as through Azure or Okta – must be manually assigned an 8x8 X Series license in the 8x8 Admin Console. The SCIM user provisioning process does not apply X series licenses to users.
New users who are provisioned through SCIM will not automatically be made visible in the Company directory. This must also be manually configured for the user(s) in the 8x8 Admin Console.

8x8 Admin Console

  1. First, log in to the 8x8 Admin Console.
  2. From the Home page, click Identity and Security.
  3. In User Provisioning Integration (SCIM), click the slider to enable
     SCIM integration.
  4. Select Microsoft Azure AD.
  5. In the Microsoft Azure AD User Provisioning section, click the Copy button
     for each of the following sections and paste the copied information into a text editor. You'll apply this information in Azure to enable provisioning of users to 8x8:
    • 8x8 URL
    • 8x8 API Token
  6. Click Advanced settings to expand that section.
  7. Click the drop-down menu and select the appropriate user retrieval option:
    • All users
      • Retrieves users created in and synced from Azure and users created directly in 8x8 Admin Console, thereby allowing Azure to take control of 8x8 user profiles if the login IDs in both locations are identical.
    • Only users created by the identity provider
      • Limits user retrieval to only those users created in and synced from Azure.
  8. Click Save to complete your changes in the 8x8 Admin Console.

Azure Active Directory

  1. Return to the Azure Active Directory admin center.
  2. Navigate to the Provisioning blade of your installed 8x8 app.
  3. Click Get started.
  4. Change the Provisioning Mode to Automatic.
  5. Paste the 8x8 URL value you copied from 8x8 Admin Console in the previous section into the Tenant URL field.
  6. Paste the 8x8 API Token value you copied from 8x8 Admin Console in the previous section into the Secret Token field.
  7. Click Test Connection. You should receive a success confirmation message.
  8. Click Save to complete this configuration.

User Provisioning Configuration Options

Create a user
To create a user in 8x8, assign them to the 8x8 App. New users will appear in Admin Console when the next Azure AD sync cycle runs.
Note: 8x8 recommends that each AD user to be assigned to 8x8 has their Office attribute (physicalDeliveryOfficeName) set to the name of the 8x8 Site they belong to. For this, you can simply copy the site name from Admin Console into.
Azure AD provisioning activity typically runs on a 40 minute cycle. Please allow one hour between assigning a user to the 8x8 app before the user appears in Admin Console.
Any unlicensed 8x8 users are visible along with their contact number to the licensed users in their corporate directory. If you do not intend to assign an 8x8 license to the created user then no further action is required.
To configure a user with an X Series service you must sign into Admin Console and assign an X Series license to the user. Then edit the user individually , or in bulk, using the Edit feature.
User changes
Whenever an Azure AD user that has been assigned to the 8x8 app is updated, Azure AD automatically pushes any changes to 8x8.
Deactivate and activate a user
If a user has their Block sign in (isSoftDeleted) attribute set to Yes in Azure AD, they are deactivated in 8x8 and are no longer able to make or receive phone calls (except Emergency calls). They are also not able to log in to any applications. Existing login sessions expire within half an hour. The user is not deleted and they retain their X Series license and settings.
When you unblock a sign-in for a user in Azure AD it also re-activates that user in 8x8.
Delete a user
Deleting a user in Azure AD is a two-stage process:
  1. Initial deletion is a soft-delete which moves the user to the “Deleted users” blade in Azure AD. This causes the user to be deactivated in 8x8 (This is similar to blocking sign-in from Azure AD).
  2. When a user is fully deleted from Azure AD, nothing further happens to the 8x8 user. If the user had not already been deactivated, then the user is deactivated at this point, but not deleted. It is not possible to delete an 8x8 user via the integration, you need to do this individually in Admin Console.
Administration restrictions in 8x8 Admin Console
When a user is created in 8x8 via the Azure AD app, 8x8 considers the user to be owned by Azure AD. This activates some administration restrictions in Admin Console, specifically preventing any changes to the key user attributes that are mastered in AD:
  • Username
  • First name
  • Last name
  • Email address
  • Deactivation and Activation
These restrictions are there to ensure your 8x8 users do not become out of sync with Azure AD.
Unassign users from the 8x8 app
When a user is unassigned from the 8x8 app in Azure AD, they are deactivated in the 8x8 app but not deleted.
Link an existing 8x8 user to Azure AD
If you create a user in 8x8 Admin Console directly, and there is an equivalent user in Azure AD, then assigning the Azure AD user to the 8x8 app in Azure AD is enough to link them providing the following criteria are met:
  • Their Username in Admin Console matches their User name (userPrincipalName) in Azure AD.
  • Upon initial assignment to the 8x8 app, Azure AD checks if the user’s attributes are in sync and updates the 8x8 user accordingly. At this point, Admin Console considers the user to be owned by Azure AD and prevents any changes to those attributes that are mapped from Azure AD. This restriction avoids data inconsistency by enforcing that changes are only made to the master data source of the user.
Disable the integration
If you want to temporarily disable the integration, navigate to the app in Azure AD. Click Stop provisioning and OK to confirm. 
Each 8x8 user created through the 8x8 Azure AD app must be associated with a Site before they can be assigned an X Series license. To do this, you need to ensure that the Office (physicalDeliveryOfficeName) attribute contains the exact name of one of your Sites from Admin Console.
In the default installation, Site is set from the Office (physicalDeliveryOfficeName) attribute in AD, but you can change this in app mappings to suit your AD environment if required.
If your 8x8 installation has only one Site, you can opt to hard-code its name in the 8x8 application's attribute mappings using a “Constant” mapping type. This avoids the need to set the Office (physicalDeliveryOfficeName) attribute for each user.
Note: A user's site cannot be modified once it is set.
Note: If you change the name of any of your Sites in 8x8 Admin Console, the synchronization of users is broken until their Office (physicalDeliveryOfficeName) attribute matches in AD.
Contact numbers
In the default installation, the AD user’s Office phone (telephoneNumber) and Mobile phone (mobile) attributes are passed to 8x8 as contact numbers and will be displayed to other 8x8 users in the following places:
  • Company directory of 8x8 Work for Desktop and Mobile
  • Contact Center directory
  • Switchboard Pro directory
Note: Contact numbers are not displayed in the directory of physical desk phones.

User Provisioning Attribute Mappings

Default attribute mappings

This table shows the default set of attribute mappings for user provisioning.
Azure AD Attribute Azure AD Portal Name System for Cross-domain
Identity Management (SCIM) Attribute
8x8 Admin Console Name
userPrincipalName User name userName Username
objectID Object ID externalId Not visible in Admin Console
mail Not visible in AD portal emails[type eq "work"].value Email
Not([IsSoftDeleted]) Block sign in active User is greyed out
Last name First name name.givenName givenName
First name Last name name.familyName surname
jobTitle Job title title Job title
department Department urn:ietf:params:scim:schemas:extension:enterprise:2.0:User:department Department
mobile Mobile phone phoneNumbers[type eq "mobile"].value Personal contact number
telephoneNumber Office phone phoneNumbers[type eq "work"].value Not visible in Admin Console
physicalDeliveryOfficeName Office urn:8x8:scim:schemas:extension:8x8user:2.0:User:site Site

Advanced attribute mappings

This table displays additional attributes that are available but not mapped by default. Instructions for configuration of advanced mappings is outside the scope of this guide.
System for Cross-domain
Identity Management (SCIM) Attribute
Suggested Azure AD attribute Notes
locale PreferredLanguage PreferredLanguage may be set through the AzureAD powershell module
timezone User extension attribute  


Set up an Auto Attendant in Admin Console.

Applies To

  • Admin Console
  • Auto Attendant


An Auto Attendant can be used in the place of a live receptionist, or to automatically transfer calls. The Auto Attendant is the recording that says, "Press 1 for ___." Your Auto Attendant can even route calls based on time of day for weekends, weekdays, holidays, and business exceptions (e.g., company offsites).
There are four steps to planning your Auto Attendant:
  1. Identify the calls you want to the Auto Attendant to handle.
    • Should all inbound calls go to through the Auto Attendant, or just those that your live receptionist can’t answer? Is the time of day important?
  2. Choose what menu options callers will have.
    • Will one menu work, or will you need sub-menus?
  3. Decide where to route calls.
    • What should happen to the calls? Should they go to a person, a group, a cell phone? What if a call doesn’t get answered?
  4. Compose the menu script.
    • Do you need multiple language support?

Pre-Configuration Steps

  1. Log in to Admin Console.
  2. Set up User Profiles, Ring Groups, Call Queues, and Extension forwarding settings.

Set up your Auto Attendant

  1. In Admin Console, click Auto Attendants.
  2. Click + Create Auto Attendant.
  3. Fill in your Auto Attendant Details. The following fields are required to configure your Auto Attendant:
    • Name
    • Site
    • Extension number
    • Time Zone
    • Language
    • Schedule
  4. Select Create new schedule by clicking the drop down menu under Business Hours to set up your Auto Attendant schedule. This allows you to create different rules to be used during or outside of business hours.
    1. Click the Pencil icon next to the day of the week you wish to edit.
    2. Choose if your business is open or closed by using the drop-down under Status.
    3. If your business will remain open, use the drop-downs in the From and To column to select the hours of operation. This schedule will operate in the time zone selected for the Auto Attendant.
    4. Click Save.
    5. Repeat steps i through iv for the other days of the week and click Save.
  5. Select an Auto Attendant greeting. Use text-to-speech to type out a prompt to be read by an automated voice. You can also use the default greeting, upload a pre-recorded greeting, or call a phone and record your greeting. 
  6. Set rules for your Auto Attendant. These rules will set up the actions tied to specific keys in your Auto Attendant menu. Note: You must select a site before you can create your Auto Attendant menu. 


Set up a holiday schedule using an Auto Attendant in Admin Console.

Applies To

  • Admin Console
  • Auto Attendant
  • Holiday Scheduling


Auto Attendants easily route your calls and can be set with a holiday-specific greeting. You can choose to select a schedule adjusted for holiday hours or carry over the rules set for regular business hours.
The call-handling menus will operate according to the opening and closing hours of your business as well as the hours specified in any holidays or exceptions you have added to your schedule. You can create multiple schedules, so make sure the one you choose or create has the correct time zone and holidays listed before you proceed.

Setting Up a Holiday Schedule

  1. Log in to Admin Console.
  2. Click Auto Attendants.
  3. Create a new Auto Attendant profile or click Edit (pencil icon) to the right of the Auto Attendant you wish to edit.
  4. Go to Auto Attendant Profile and select Edit.
  5. Go to Holidays exceptions and click +Add a holiday
  6. Enter the Date and the Name of the holiday. 
  7. If your business will remain Open, click Add business hours
  8. Enter the Date and the Name.
  9. Select Status.
  10. Enter the hours of operation.
  11. Click Save.

Managing Holiday Schedule Rules

  1. Log in to Admin Console.
  2. Click Auto Attendants.
  3. Click Edit (pencil icon) to the right of the Auto Attendant you wish to edit.
  4. Go to Call Handling Menus and select the Holiday tab. Then select the Open Hours Menu or Closed Hours Menu. Note: You need to select a Site for your Auto Attendant before you can view the Call Handling Menus.
  5. If you want to use the same rules in your Open Hours Menu, select Use Weekdays Open Hours Menu. Your Closed Hours Menu options and greeting are also available for use in your Holiday Closed Hours Menu. To set up holiday-specific rules for opening and closing hours, select Define Custom
  6. Click Add Key to create scheduling rules for specific keys.
  7. Select the Key users will press to complete an action from the menu.
  8. Select any of the actions below. Callers can complete these actions by pressing the key associated with them.
    • Go To
      • Submenu: Create a separate menu within your main menu.
      • Voice Mail System
    • Action
      • Repeat Menu
    • Transfer To
      • Auto Attendant: You must have two Auto Attendants to use this option.
      • Call Queue
      • User
      • External Number: This can be used for any third party services, such as contact centers.
      • Ring Group
    • Dial By
      • Company Directory: Users must be added to the company directory to be selected. All new users are pre-set to be added to the company directory.
      • Name: This allows a caller to dial users in the company directory by name.
      • Extension
  9. Click Save in the Add a New Key window.
  10. Save your Auto Attendant profile.

Manage Auto Attendant Holiday Greetings

 You can create a custom greeting for your Holiday Open Hours Menu or Holiday Closed Hours Menu. Also, you can skip the Auto Attendant greeting by clicking Skip Playing Prompt in the Holiday Open Hours or Holiday Closed Hours menus. This can be used to route callers directly to your voicemail or another number.

Recording Special Holiday Greetings

To record special holiday greetings
  1. Log in to Admin Console.
  2. Click Auto Attendants.
  3. Click Edit (pencil icon) to the right of the Auto Attendant you wish to edit.
  4. Go to the Call Handling Menus section and select the Holiday Open Hours Menu or Holiday Closed Hours Menu. Note: You need to select a Site for your Auto Attendant before you can view the Call Handling Menus.
  5. Select Play Audio.
  6. Click Select File.
  7. Select Call a phone number to record
  8. Enter the Name and the Phone Number or Extension you wish to record your initial greeting on.
  9. Click Call Now and follow the instructions. 
  10. Click Save.

Uploading Special Holiday Greetings

  1. Log in to Admin Console.
  2. Click Auto Attendants.
  3. Click Edit (pencil icon) to the right of the Auto Attendant you wish to edit.
  4. Go to Call Handling Menus and select the Holiday Open Hours Menu or Holiday Closed Hours Menu.
  5. Select Play audio file.
  6. Click Select File.
  7. Click Upload an audio file
  8. Enter the Name of your recording.
  9. Click the center of your screen or drag an audio file to the Upload your Audio File window
  10. Click Save.

Forwarding Calls to an Announcement-Only Greeting

You can set up your Auto Attendant to greet callers with a message before forwarding the call to a number outside of your 8x8 system.
  1. Log in to Admin Console.
  2. Click Auto Attendants.
  3. Click Edit (pencil icon) to the right of the Auto Attendant you wish to edit.
  4. Click Edit Settings
  5. Adjust the number of seconds the system should wait before taking the next action.
  6. If desired, set the toggle to allow users to Dial an Extension at any Point during the recording.
  7. Set the If user inputs no key, replay menu option to 0. This means that the call will directly route to your external number.
  8. Set the And Then action to Route To
  9. Click the drop-down box and type the external phone number. 
  10. Click Save in the Settings window.
  11. Save your Auto Attendant profile.


Enable the option for callers to dial an extension at any point within an Auto Attendant.

Applies To

  • Admin Console
  • Auto Attendants


The Auto Attendant must have at least one menu option configured in order for the Dial by Extension feature to work.
  1. Log in to Admin Console.
  2. Click Auto Attendants.
  3. Click Edit (pencil icon) to the right of the Auto Attendant that you wish to edit.
  4. Go to Call Handling Menus and select Edit Settings.
  5. Enable Allow callers to dial an extension at any point.
  6. Choose the Directory Scope.
    • All sites: this will allow the caller to dial any extension on the PBX.
    • This site: this will allow the caller to dial any extension on the site.
  7. Click Save.
  8. If needed, repeat steps 4-7 for each menu (After Hours, Holidays, Alternate).
  9. Click Save.


Set up business hours and after hour rules for the Auto Attendant.

Applies To 

  • Auto Attendant
  • Admin Console


Your Auto Attendant menu allows you to forward calls to extensions, dial by name in the company directory, and set up caller options during hours your business is closed. Create an Auto Attendant before setting up business or after hours rules. Each call handling menu can have a separate set of rules as determined by your Auto Attendant's schedule.
The caller options will operate according to the business hours, holidays, and exceptions in your selected schedule. The Alternate Menu provides caller options for any circumstances that occur that may cause your business to operate outside of normal business hours, such as an outage. You can create multiple schedules, so make sure the one you choose has the correct time zone and holidays listed. 
Note: You must complete both the Open Hours and Closed Hours menus to save your rules.
  1. Log in to Admin Console.
  2. Click Auto Attendants.
  3. Click on the pencil to the right of the Auto Attendant you wish to edit
  4. Go to the Call Handling Menus. 
  5. Click the type of prompt to play for each menu under Select a Prompt to Play:
    • Use Text-To-Speech: Type a prompt to explain what keys callers should press to activate menu options.
    • Play Audio File: Record or upload an audio prompt.
    • Skip Playing Prompt
      Note: You need to select a Site for your Auto Attendant before you can view the Call Handling Menus section.
  6. Select one of the following menu tabs. Then select one of the OpenClosed, or Alternate hours menus.
    • Weekdays
    • Holidays
    • Alternate
  7. Click the blue plus sign next to Add Key. A pop-up window will appear.
  8. Select the key you want callers to press to activate this rule. For example, callers could press 5 to leave a voicemail message. The keys currently open in the menu will show Empty next to the number value.
  9. Create keys for your Weekday Open HoursWeekday Closed HoursHoliday Open HoursHoliday Closed Hours and Alternate menus as needed. 
    • Action
      • Repeat Menu
    • Transfer To
      • Auto Attendant: You must have two Auto Attendants to use this option.
    • Call Queue
      • User
      • External Number: This can be used for any third party services, such as contact centers.
      • Ring Group
    • Dial By
      • Company Directory: Users must be added to the company directory to be selected. All new users have the Add User to Auto Attendant Directory selected by default.
      • Name: This allows a caller to dial users in the company directory by name.
      • Extension
    • Go To
      • Submenu: Create a separate menu within your main menu.
      • Voice Mail System
  10. Optional: Click Edit Settings to add rules for additional options for callers.
    • Click the toggle to Allow Callers to Dial an Extension at any PointNote: You must select this toggle to select a Directory Scope, which allows you to restrict which sites are allowed to be dialed as extensions.
    • Define the Number of Seconds the System should Wait before Taking the Next Action.
    • Define the rules for when callers press keys not associated with any rules or do not press any key. Note: Select the number of times the menu should replay in the dropdown under If User Inputs No Key, Replay Menu.
      • Hangup: Simply hang up and end the call.
      • Route Call to: in the Target box, select a user, service, or external number to send the call to.
Do not set the same Auto Attendant as the Target within that Auto Attendant. This will cause call loops or stuck calls on your Auto Attendant.

  • Note: There's no need to add an audio prompt in your auto-attendant. You can use Route Call to in order to route calls differently depending on the time of day or auto-attendant schedule.
  1. Click Save.


Configure your Call Park Extensions or BLF Call Park in 8x8 Admin Console. This feature is available to X Series customers only.

Applies To

  • 8x8 Admin Console
  • Call Park Extensions
  • BLF Call Park


To set up a Call Park Extension (also known as enabling BLF Call Park), you need to:
  • Add a Call Park Extension.
  • Assign the Call Park Extension to a BLF key on the phone.
First, add a call park extension for each department or extension that you want to monitor.

Add a Call Park Extension

  1. Log in to 8x8 Admin Console.
  2. Click Extension Numbers.
  3. Click + Reserve Extension Numbers at the top right.
  4. Select Call Park as the Extension Type.
  5. Enter the Extension Number and LabelNote: Pre-existing call park extensions starting with 46X will not be available as options. Those extensions are reserved by the system for the default call park feature built into the phone.
  6. Save the extension.
The next step is to assign call park extensions to BLF keys on phone sets. To assign the call park extension to these keys, the user must have a Poly phone that supports BLF keys.

Assign the Call Park Extension to a BLF Key on Your Phone

  1. Go to Users.
  2. Click Edit (pencil icon) next to the user you wish to edit
  3. Activate your device by using the MAC Address or an Activation Code.
  4. Click Line Key Configuration above the Device dropdown.
  5. Click +Busy Lamp Field.
  6. Enter a Label.
  7. Select Call Park from the Extension Type dropdown. The label will appear next to the BLF key on the phone device display.
  8. Select the Extension you wish to use from the dropdown.
  9. Optional: Click the toggle next to Enable call pickup for this monitored extension number.
  10. Click Save. After saving, your BLF keys will appear with a red highlight.
  11. Save the Phone Keys Plan.
  12. Click Save at the bottom of the user's settings.

Additional Information

What do the BLF icons on my phone indicate?
Status Icon
Line is idle
Line is busy
Line is on hold
Line is unregistered


Configure your IVR (Interactive Voice Response) options with a brand-new audio file greeting at any time.

Applies To

  • Auto Attendant
  • Admin Console 


You can record and select greetings to play on specific holidays in advance.
This flexibility gives you the power to:
  • Let callers know that your office is closed for a holiday.
  • Promote special sales and offers for callers to hear on selected dates, before the caller selects a menu option.
  • Prepare special IVR instructions for callers on specific dates, when you anticipate a high call volume.
Note: Define rules for key input processing. If user inputs no key, replay menu X times. This rule will only take effect if there is a key option defined. If none is defined, it will just route to the configured "Target".

Access Auto Attendant Greetings

  1. Log in to Admin Console.
  2. Click Auto Attendants.
  3. Click Edit (pencil icon) to the right of the Auto Attendant you wish to edit.
  4. If you have a holiday schedule set up, select it from the drop-down.
  5. Go to Call Handling Menus and select one of the following:
    • Weekdays
    • Holidays
    • Alternate
  6. Select one of the following:
    • Open Hours Menu
    • Closed Hours Menu
    • Lunch Hours Menu
  7. Click Change to the right of the pre-existing audio file. Note: If no audio file is selected, it will display Select File.
  8. Click + Create Audio Files.
  9. Upload or record a holiday-specific greeting.
    • Select By Uploading an Audio File to upload an existing audio file from your computer. Continue below to Upload Greetings.
    • Select By Calling a Number to Record to record a greeting through a call to your phone. Continue below to Record a New Greeting.

Upload Greetings

  1. Select By Uploading an Audio File.
  2. Enter the Title of your recording.
  3. Click the center of your screen or drag an audio file to the Upload your Audio File window. Note: Audio files are limited to 5 MB and must be in an accepted file format: .au, .wav, and .mp3.
  4. Click Save.

Record a New Greeting

The user must have a license assigned in order to make a call and record the greeting.
  1. Select By Calling a Number to Record.
  2. Enter the Name of your recording and the Phone Number or Extension on which you wish to record your initial greeting.
  3. Click Call Now and follow the instructions on the call. 
  4. Click Save.

Test Your Greeting

  1. Click the tab of the menu you want to test.
  2. Click Test Open Menu in the top right corner.
  3. Enter a Phone Number or Extension.
  4. Click Test. You should receive a call to hear the greeting for your selected menu.


What is a call loop and how can I avoid them?

Applies To

  • Admin Console
  • Auto Attendants
  • Call Loops


A call loop occurs when call forwarding rules are set up in a way that allows a single call to go back to a destination infinitely, without allowing the call to reach a voicemail box.
Call loops are bad because they can cause problems for the PBX, and cause missed calls, which is the opposite of the intent when creating forwarding rules. When you create a call loop and calls start coming in, this create logs in the server. Since the loop is infinite, so are the logs. The means it is possible to crash your PBX if a call gets forwarded too many times. Also, when a loop is in place, additional calls that hit the loop often receive a fast busy signal when dialed, preventing you from answering that call.

Call Loop Examples

Example 1: Auto Attendant Forwarding to Ring Group
The most common example we see is having the Ring Group forward to the Auto Attendant, only to have the Auto Attendant forward back to the Ring Group. That looks like this:
A caller dials a Virtual Number, which gets forwarded to an Auto Attendant, which forwards calls to the Ring Group. The Ring Group has a no answer or busy forwarding rule, which forwards the call to the Auto Attendant.
The call will then be sent from the Ring Group to the Auto Attendant in an endless cycle.
Example 2: Extension Forwarding to a Ring Group
A caller dials a Virtual Number, which gets forwarded to an Extension, which has a forwarding rule to send the call to a Ring Group if the line is busy or if there is no answer. The Ring Group has a no answer or busy forwarding rule to send the call to the Extension.
The call is then stuck in a loop between the Extension and the Ring Group.
Example 3: Using Forwarding Settings on Physical Phones
A caller dials a Virtual Number, which is forwarded to Extension x1001 that has a no answer forwarding rule, which sends calls to the original Virtual Number.
As these calls are stored locally to the phone, 8x8 cannot detect them in the system.

Additional Information

Use Call Queues to facilitate call volume.


Set up the Dial-by-Name feature using Auto Attendant in Admin Console.

Applies To

  • Admin Console
  • Auto Attendant


The Dial-by-Name feature gives callers the ability to use the audio menu to reach a specific extension within the company directory. You can view this option in your Auto Attendant settings.

Before You Begin

  1. Log in to Admin Console.
  2. Create user profiles for all the people in your company directory. This will set them up with the extensions that the Auto Attendant will dial. 
  3. Confirm that each user's First Name and Last Name on their internal caller ID is the same as the name callers will be searching for in the company directory.
    • Screenshot_307.png
    • Note: If a users name is not set up correctly, it might not appear when searched for by other users (or at all, if this is left as default resulting in the Auto Attendant looping back to the Main Menu).
  4. Each user in the company directory must set up a voice mailbox recording with their first and last name. This will be done individually on each user's phone. 
  5. Check that each user profile is in the company directory. Follow the instructions below to add users to the company directory.

Add a User Profile to the Company Directory 

  1. Log in to Admin Console.
  2. Click Users.
  3. If you wish to add an existing user, click Edit (pencil icon).
    • To add a new user, create a user profile.
  4. Scroll down and select Auto Attendant contact directory Scope.
  5. Ensure that the toggle next to Add User to Auto Attendant Directory is switched on. This should be set for every user you wish to be in the company directory.
  6. Click Save.

Configure Dial-by-Name 

  1. Log in to Admin Console.
  2. Click Auto Attendants.
  3. If you haven't already created an Auto Attendant, you can do so now before moving on to Step 4. To edit an existing auto attendant, click Edit (pencil icon) to the right of the Auto Attendant you wish to edit.
  4. Click Add Key in the Call Handling Menu. You can enable the Dial-by-Name feature in the OpenClosed, or Alternate menu.
  5. Select a key that callers will press to enable the Dial-by-Name option. For example, if callers press the "0" key, they would be able to dial extensions by name.
  6. In the second field, select Name in the Dial By submenu.
  7. If you have multiple sites, select the site to use with the Dial-by-Name feature from the Directory Scope menu.
  8. Save your changes.


Create an Auto Attendant greeting in Admin Console.

Applies To

  • Admin Console
  • Auto Attendant


Your Auto Attendant greeting allows you to create a personal menu for callers who contact your company number.
  1. Log in to Admin Console.
  2. Click Auto Attendants.
  3. To create a new Auto Attendant and then record a greeting, select Create Auto Attendant. If you wish to record a greeting for an existing Auto Attendant, click Edit (pencil icon) to the right of your chosen Auto Attendant.
  4. Select the menu you wish to create a greeting for in the Call Handling Menus section.
    • Note: You must select a Site for your Auto Attendant in order to view this menu.
  5. Click Select File.
  6. Click + Create Audio Files.
  7. Select By Calling a Number to Record from the pop-up menu.
  8. Enter the Name for the recording and the Phone Number or Extension you wish to call.
  9. Click Call Now. This will call the number you have entered in this field.
  10. Record your greeting.
  11. Save your recording.
  12. Wait for the system to confirm your file has been successfully uploaded. 
  13. Click Finished only after you have received the confirmation.
  14. End the call.


Edit an extension in 8x8 Admin Console.

Applies To

  • 8x8 Admin Console


Account administrators can change a user's extension at any time. Extension numbers can be edited to be shorter or longer than the internal dial plan for the site assigned to the user, but this may affect cross-site dialing.
  1. Log in to 8x8 Admin Console.
  2. Click Users.
  3. Click Edit (pencil icon).
  4. In Voice Basic Settings, enter a new number under Extension number, or click Suggest to automatically assign the user an available extension number.
  5. Click Save.


Provide an overview of 8x8’s SCIM API for user provisioning with the System for Cross domain Identity Management (SCIM) 2.0 industry standards.

Applies To

  • 8x8 Work
  • User Provisioning


Planning Your SCIM Integration

There are two approaches to integrating user provisioning via SCIM:
  1. Using a pre-built integration with either Microsoft Azure AD or Okta. For more information on setting up these integrations see:
  2. Custom integration directly with the SCIM API
This article is mainly concerned with the second option.

Obtain an 8x8 API Token

Calls to the 8x8 SCIM API must include an http Authentication header containing an authentication token.
An authentication token may be obtained from Admin Console as follows:
  1. Log in to Admin Console.
  2. From Home, click on Identity and Security.
  3. In the User Provisioning Integration (SCIM) section, select Other SCIM Provider and copy both the 8x8 URL and 8x8 API Token into the properties of your SCIM provider.
Note: If you are already using a user provisioning integration with an external Identity Provider, then you can re-use the API URL and authentication token for your native SCIM integration client for GET operations only. We do not support the use of multiple clients for POST/PATCH/PUT/DELETE operations.


The following CRUD operations are supported with 8x8 SCIM APIs:
  • Create Users
  • Get Users
  • Get User By User ID
  • Update Users
  • Deactivate Users
  • Activate Users
Note: Deletion of a user is not supported. The SCIM DELETE operation will result in the user being deactivated.

Modifiable User Attributes

Attributes are the details or fields associated with a user. The table below lists supported attributes, their SCIM schema and any applicable restrictions.
SCIM Attribute
SCIM Schema
Admin Console User Field
First name
Last name
User name¹
Must be unique across all 8x8
emails [work]
Email address
Only one email address is supported.
Primary sub-attribute is ignored and is always true.
Defaults to noreply@8x8.com if omitted.
phoneNumbers [mobile]
Personal contact number
Primary sub-attribute is ignored and is always true.
phoneNumbers [work]
Personal contact number (not visible in Admin Console)
Primary flag is ignored and always false for provided work numbers
Job title
Language tags must be from the  ISO639-1 set
Default = inherited from site or en-US if not set
Time zone
Default = inherited from site or not set if site is not set
Default = false
Enterprise User
8x8 User³
Must match the name of a site configured in Admin Console
Cannot be modified once set
  1. The userName attribute also sets the user’s Federation ID (used for Single Sign-On) on create only.
  2. Inactive users are shown as a grayed out row in Admin Console.
  3. 8x8 User schema URN is urn:ietf:params:scim:schemas:extension:8x8:1.1:User.

Read-Only User Attributes 

The table below lists attributes that may be returned when retrieving a user but cannot be set or modified via SCIM.
SCIM Attribute
SCIM Schema
Admin Console User Field
phoneNumbers [work][primary=true]
Phone numbers
Extension DID has primary sub-attribute set to true.
Present only if user is assigned an X Series license
Read-only (set from Admin Console)
extension 8x8 User¹ Extension number
Present only if user is assigned an X Series license

Read-only (set from Admin Console)
  1. 8x8 User schema URN is urn:ietf:params:scim:schemas:extension:8x8:1.1:User

Get All Users

Gets a list of all users in the company. For pagination, specify numbers for startIndex and count.
Operation: GET
Authorization: Bearer <Access Token>
Content-Type: application/json

Get User By User ID

Gets a single user identified by User ID.
Operation: GET
Authorization: Bearer <Access Token>
Content-Type: application/json

Create User

Creates a user. Must include userName, givenName, familyName and exactly one email address in order to create a user.
Operation: POST
Authorization: Bearer <Access Token>
Content-Type: application/json
  "userName": "jdoe",
  "name": {
    "familyName": "Doe",
    "givenName": "John"
  "active": true,
  "locale": "en-US",
  "timezone": "US/Pacific",
  "emails": [
      "value": "john@abc.com",
      "type": "work",
      "primary": true
  "externalId": "1234",
  "phoneNumbers": [
      "value": "+14085551234",
      "type": "work"
"value": "+14085551235",
      "type": "mobile"
  "title": "Manager",
  "urn:ietf:params:scim:schemas:extension:enterprise:2.0:User": {
    "department": "billing"
  "urn:ietf:params:scim:schemas:extension:8x8:1.1:User": {
    "site": "HQ"

Update User

Updating a user results in the specified user profile property changes.  Note that a PUT operation must include all attributes, regardless of whether they are being modified or not.  
The absence of an attribute in a PUT body is processed as clearing those values, i.e., is equivalent to explicitly setting them to null or an empty array.
Refer to the table in the User Attributes section to see which attributes are mandatory and which optional attributes have a default if cleared.
Operation: PUT
Authorization: Bearer <Access Token>
Content-Type: application/json
  "userName": "jdale",
  "name": {
    "familyName": "Dale",
    "givenName": "John"
  "active": true,
  "locale": "en-US",
  "timezone": "US/Pacific",
  "emails": [
      "value": "john@abc.com",
      "type": "work",
      "primary": true
  "externalId": "1234",
 "phoneNumbers": [
      "value": "+14085551234",
      "type": "work"
      "value": "+14085551235",
      "type": "mobile"
  "title": "Manager",
  "urn:ietf:params:scim:schemas:extension:enterprise:2.0:User": {
    "department": "billing"
  "urn:ietf:params:scim:schemas:extension:8x8:1.1:User": {
    "site": "HQ"

Deactivate User

Deactivation sets a user’s status from active to inactive. Deactivating a user results in the following end user experience for 8x8 services:
  • Login to 8x8 softphone (8x8 Work for Desktop/8x8 Work for Mobile) is not allowed.
  • From hardware device endpoints:
    • Inbound calls are allowed
    • Outbound PSTN calling is not allowed
    • Extension to extension calling is allowed
    • Only emergency calling is allowed
Updating a user results in the specified user profile property changes.
Operation: PATCH
Authorization: Bearer <Access Token>
Content-Type: application/json
  "schemas": [
  "Operations": [
      "op": "replace",
      "value": {
        "active": false

Activate User

Activating a deactivated user profile will restore their 8x8 services.
Operation: PATCH
Authorization: Bearer <Access Token>
Content-Type: application/json
  "schemas": [
  "Operations": [
      "op": "replace",
      "value": {
        "active": true

Additional Information

About SCIM 2.0

SCIM is designed to simplify user identity management in cloud-based applications, retaining secure authentication, authorization and privacy. 8x8’s SCIM API leverages these foundational SCIM capabilities and is geared towards facilitating rapid user onboarding using a common user schema and extensibility, thereby reducing the cost and complexity of administration.
SCIM is an open standard, see here for documentation.


The SCIM API has some known limitations which are due to be addressed in a future release. See also the restrictions column in the User Attributes section of this document.
  • The API does not support:
    • Assignment of licenses, cost center or user profile
    • Setting of work phone number
    • Update to site once set
    • Setting of profile picture
  • Some fields set through the SCIM API can be subsequently modified in Admin Console. Depending on your SCIM implementation this may lead to some inconsistency between your Identity Management System and Admin Console
  • Modification of fields other than “active” is not supported with the PATCH operation. Use PUT instead.
  • The fields in 8x8 Admin Consoles for the users which are provisioned through SCIM API, are read only and can be changed only via the IdP.


When Microsoft Azure is configured in the 8x8 Admin Console as a SCIM Identity Management provider, Microsoft user Office phone and Mobile phone fields will be synced to 8x8 along with other standard user information.
When the content of those phone fields is different from a user's assigned 8x8 Work phone number, 8x8 Work applications (such as 8x8 Work for Desktop) will display those numbers in the user's Contact Work and Mobile phone fields.
This information cannot be changed from within the 8x8 Admin Console or 8x8 Work applications.
This article describes how to change or remove these fields from view in 8x8 Work, by making and syncing Microsoft user changes from Azure.
Note: Customers using a hybrid on-prem/cloud environment where Office 365 is not the master must make the equivalent changes to their on-premise AD.

Applies To

  • 8x8 Work
  • Microsoft Azure
  • SCIM Identity Management


This section concentrates on the process of removing the assigned Work and Mobile phone fields from view in 8x8 Work.
Note: If you wish to only change the phone numbers in view rather than remove them from 8x8 Work, simply correct the phone numbers and perform a standard Microsoft Azure provisioning sync.
  1. First, log in to the Microsoft 365 admin center.
  2. Navigate to Users > Active Users.
  3. Click on the name of the user you wish to change.
  4. Scroll down to Contact information > Phone number and click Manage contact information.
  5. In Manage contact information, change the Office phone number and/or the Mobile phone number to the user's assigned 8x8 Work phone number, as needed.
  6. Click Save changes. You should see a confirmation message: Contact information updated.
  7. Now in the Azure Active Directory admin center, navigate to Users and click on the user you've just changed.
  8. Scroll down the user's Profile and verify that the change has been made. It can take a few seconds for Microsoft to update the user's information. Click Refresh as needed to update the view of the user's changed info.
    At this point, Azure should automatically sync any changes made to 8x8 users during the usual Provisioning sync timeframe (usually 30-40 minutes).However, individual users can be synced immediately, if needed.
  9. While still in the Azure Active Directory admin center, navigate to Enterprise applications > All applications and click on the 8x8 app.
  10. In Provisioning, click on Provision on demand in the action bar.
  11. In Provision on demand, search for and click on the user to add them to the Selected user list.
  12. Click Provision.
  13. Once the provisioning is completed, you'll be shown an Export details confirmation. Confirm that it displays the updated phone numbers that have been synced to 8x8.
  14. To confirm that the change was made, log out of and back into 8x8 Work for Desktop.
  15. Click the magnifying glass icon, and search for and click on the affected user. The user's displayed 8x8 contact information should now appear correct, with no Work or Mobile phone field displayed.


Prepare your 8x8 phone system for a holiday.
Will your business be closed or have reduced hours of operation during a holiday? Admin Console easily allows you to prepare with temporary options to configure your voicemailcall forwarding, and Auto Attendant options while you are away (and restore for normal operations).

Applies To

  • Admin Console
  • Extensions
  • Voicemail
  • Call Forwarding
  • Auto Attendant
  • Holiday Setup


Click below for detailed instructions on how to:


Configuring Google Single Sign On (SSO).

Applies To

  • 8x8 Admin Console
  • Google SSO
  • SAML 2.0


  1. Log in to Admin Console as an administrator.
  2. Navigate to Home > Identity and Security.
  3. To allow users to log in with either SSO or their 8x8 user credentials, click the slider to enable (blue) the 8x8 Authentication option. Leave this option disabled (gray) if you wish to force all users to use only their SSO credentials for logging into 8x8 services.
  4. Click the slider to enable (blue) the Single Sign On Integration (SSO) box to enable SSO features.
  5. Select Google or Other SAML SSO Provider, depending on the service type you're using.
    • Note that the Other SAML SSO Provider option requires additional configuration.

Additional Information

SAML is a method of authentication and authorization used to confirm user identity for logging in to various services.
Companies using Identity Management Systems such as Okta, OneLogin, Ping Identity, and Microsoft ADFS require their employees to be able to authenticate to 8x8 services using their company username instead of an 8x8 username. 8x8 services support SAML 2.0 and Google OAuth Federated Single Sign-On (SSO). Configuring SSO can simplify the login process for your 8x8 end users.
For more information, see 8x8 Work SAML and Google SSO Configuration.


When receiving a call in a Ring Group, the incoming Caller ID only shows the caller's phone number. The caller's name does not display.

Applies To

  • Admin Console
  • Ring Groups
  • Call Queues
  • Caller ID


  1. Check the Ring Group Caller ID settings to ensure it is set to Caller's Name and Caller's Number.
  2. If the setting is correct but the issue still occurs, create a case with 8x8 Technical Support.


A backend setting is preventing Caller ID name from being passed.


Set up or change your Auto Attendant forwarding rules in Admin Console.

Applies To

  • Admin Console
  • Auto Attendant


Your Auto Attendant can forward callers to a number of destinations while your recorded message can inform callers of your business hours, or any other information they need to know.
  1. Log in to Admin Console.
  2. Click Auto Attendants.
  3. Create an auto attendant or click Edit (pencil icon) to the right of the Auto Attendant you wish to edit.
  4. Ensure that you have the proper Schedule selected. You can also create a new schedule for holidays or other occasions in the future where you will have reduced hours.
  5. Go to Call Handling Menus and select Open or Closed to set up specific rules for calls that come in during and outside of business hours. To set up a menu with separate actions, select Alternate MenuNote: You need to select a Site for your Auto Attendant before you can view the Call Handling Menus.
  6. Click Add Key to create scheduling rules for specific keys.
  7. Select the Key users will press to complete an action from the menu.
  8. Select any of the actions below. Callers can complete these actions by pressing the key associated with them.
    • Transfer To
      • Auto Attendant: You must have two Auto Attendants to use this option.
      • Call Queue
      • User
      • External Number: This can be used for any third-party services, such as contact centers. Note: A phone number is required if using External Forwarding on an Auto Attendant and if the Site does not have a Main Number.
      • Ring Group
  9. Click Save in the Key Manager window.
  10. Save your Auto Attendant profile.


Configure cross-site dialing in Admin Console.

Applies To

  • Admin Console
  • Cross-Site Dialing


Cross-Site Dialing enables users to call by extension between different sites as long as they are configured under the same company (i.e., company's phone system has Cross-Site Dialing enabled). You will need to have administrator rights in Admin Console to set up this feature.
If you require sites with different extension lengths across PBXs, create a case with 8x8 Technical Support to enable.
  1. Log in to Admin Console.
  2. Select Sites.
  3. Select Edit (pencil icon) to the right of the site that you wish to edit.
  4. Enter the Site Code under Internal Dial Plan.
  5. Select the desired extension length from the drop-down. You can select an extension of up to nine digits long.
  6. Select Save.

Making Extension-To-Extension Calls with Cross-Site Dialing

Though in-site dialing will remain unchanged, users will have to add the site code before the user's extension to make extension-to-extension calls between sites.
We will use the following Site Codes as an example:
  • Acme Site A: 20
  • Acme Site B: 21
Calling Examples:
  • Within Acme Site A: Sarah dials 1002 to call Jeff
  • Within Acme Site A: Sarah can also dial 201002 to call Jeff
  • From Acme Site A to Acme Site B: Sarah dials 211001 to call Rob


My Auto Attendant is not routing to my Ring Group correctly.

Applies To

  • Admin Console
  • Auto Attendant
  • Ring Group


  1. Home Auto Attendants.
  2. To the right of the desired Auto Attendant, select Edit.
  3. Scroll to Call Handling Menus.
  4. Under Main Menu on the desired schedule, select Edit Settings.
  5. Under Number of seconds the system should wait before taking next action, ensure it is set to 3 seconds (and not 0).
  6. Click Save.


Having a 0 setting under action does not give the Auto Attendant enough time to correctly pass the call to a Ring Group and will cause the call to hang up. Typically this issue occurs when forwarding to an overflow ring group where the primary ring group is busy.


Configure your organization to use the 8x8 Azure App.

Applies To

  • 8x8 Admin Console
  • Microsoft Azure Active Directory (Azure AD)
  • SSO
If you want to configure Single-Sign-On for Azure AD users, see Azure AD: 8x8 Single Sign-On (SSO) and User Provisioning (SCIM) Configuration


In the following sections, user attributes are described in bold to indicate the name shown in the Azure AD portal and in italics to indicate the equivalent name seen in PowerShell, Attribute mappings, and the Graph API. For example the surname attribute is labeled Last name in the Azure AD portal.

Create a User

To create a user in 8x8 assign them to the 8x8 App. They appear in Admin Console when the next Azure AD sync cycle runs.
8x8 recommends that each AD user to be assigned to 8x8 has their Office (physicalDeliveryOfficeName) attribute set to the name of the 8x8 Site they belong to. You can copy the site name from Admin Console.
Azure AD provisioning activity typically runs on a 40 minute cycle. Allow one hour between assigning a user to the 8x8 app before the user appears in Admin Console.
Any unlicensed 8x8 users are visible along with their contact number to the licensed users in their corporate directory. If you do not intend to assign an 8x8 license to the created user then no further action is required.
To configure a user with an X Series service you must sign into Admin Console and assign an X Series license to the user. Then edit the user individually, or in bulk, using the Edit feature.

User Changes

Whenever an Azure AD user that has been assigned to the 8x8 app is updated, Azure AD pushes any changes to 8x8 as required automatically.

Deactivate and Activate a User

If a user has their Block sign in (isSoftDeleted) attribute set to Yes in Azure AD, they are deactivated in 8x8 and are no longer able to make or receive phone calls (except Emergency calls). They are also not able to log in to any applications. Existing login sessions expire within half an hour. The user is not deleted and they retain their X Series license and settings.
When you unblock a sign-in for a user in Azure AD it also re-activates that user in 8x8.

Delete a User

Deleting a user in Azure AD is a two-stage process:
  1. Initial deletion is a soft-delete which moves the user to the “Deleted users” blade in Azure AD. This causes the user to be deactivated in 8x8 (This is similar to blocking sign-in from Azure AD).
  2. When a user is fully deleted from Azure AD, nothing further happens to the 8x8 user. If the user had not already been deactivated, then the user is deactivated at this point, but not deleted. It is not possible to delete an 8x8 user via the integration, you need to do this individually in Admin Console.

Administration Restrictions in 8x8 Admin Console

When a user is created in 8x8 via the Azure AD app, 8x8 considers the user to be owned by Azure AD. This activates some administration restrictions in Admin Console, specifically preventing any changes to the key user attributes that are mastered in AD:
  • Username
  • First name
  • Last name
  • Email address
  • Deactivation and Activation
These restrictions are there to ensure your 8x8 users do not become out of sync with Azure AD.

Unassign Users from the 8x8 App

When a user is unassigned from the 8x8 app in Azure AD, they are deactivated in the 8x8 app but not deleted.

Link an Existing 8x8 User to Azure AD

If you create a user in 8x8 Admin Console directly, and there is an equivalent user in Azure AD, then assigning the Azure AD user to the 8x8 app in Azure AD is enough to link them providing the following criteria are met:
  • Their Username in Admin Console matches their User name (userPrincipalName) in AD.
  • Upon initial assignment to the 8x8 app, Azure AD checks if the user’s attributes are in sync and updates the 8x8 user accordingly. At this point, Admin Console considers the user to be owned by Azure AD and prevents any changes to those attributes that are mapped from Azure AD. This restriction avoids data inconsistency by enforcing that changes are only made to the master data source of the user.

Disable the Integration

If you want to disable the integration temporarily, there is setting for this in the application’s Provisioning blade in Azure AD.

User Provisioning Configuration


Each 8x8 user created through the 8x8 Azure AD app must be associated with a Site before they can be assigned an X Series license. To do this, you need to ensure that the Office (physicalDeliveryOfficeName) attribute contains the exact name of one of your Sites from Admin Console .
In the default installation, Site is set from the Office (physicalDeliveryOfficeName) attribute in AD, but you can change this in app mappings to suit your AD environment if required.
If your 8x8 installation has only one Site, you can opt to hard-code its name in the 8x8 application's attribute mappings using a “Constant” mapping type. This avoids the need to set the Office (physicalDeliveryOfficeName) attribute for each user.
Note: A user's site cannot be modified once set. If you change the name of any of your Sites in 8x8 Admin Console, the synchronization of users is broken until their Office (physicalDeliveryOfficeName) attribute matches in AD.

Contact Numbers

In the default installation, the AD user’s Office phone (telephoneNumber) and Mobile phone (mobile) attributes are passed to 8x8 as contact numbers and will be displayed to other 8x8 users in the following places:
  • Company directory of 8x8 Work Desktop and Mobile
  • Contact Center directory
  • Switchboard Pro directory
Note: Contact numbers are not displayed in the directory of physical desk phones.

User Provisioning Attribute Mappings

Default Attribute Mappings 

This table shows the default set of attribute mappings for user provisioning.
Azure AD Attribute Azure AD Portal Name System for Cross-domain
Identity Management (SCIM) Attribute
8x8 Admin Console Name
userPrincipalName User name userName Username
objectID Object ID externalId Not visible in Admin Console
mail Not visible in AD portal emails[type eq "work"].value Email
Not([IsSoftDeleted]) Block sign in active User is greyed out
givenName First name name.givenName First Name
surname Last name name.familyName Last Name
jobTitle Job title title Job title
department Department urn:ietf:params:scim:schemas:extension:enterprise:2.0:User:department Department
mobile Mobile phone phoneNumbers[type eq "mobile"].value Personal contact number
telephoneNumber Office phone phoneNumbers[type eq "work"].value Not visible in Admin Console
physicalDeliveryOfficeName Office urn:8x8:scim:schemas:extension:8x8user:2.0:User:site Site

Advanced Attribute Mappings 

This table displays additional attributes that are available but not mapped by default. Instructions for configuration of advanced mappings is outside the scope of this guide.
System for Cross-domain
Identity Management (SCIM) Attribute
Suggested Azure AD attribute Notes
locale PreferredLanguage PreferredLanguage may be set through the AzureAD powershell module
timezone User extension attribute  


Set up a Site in Admin Console.
In Admin Console, a site is representative of the location of your business. Your sites come pre-configured, based on the information provided at the time of purchase. However, you can create additional sites as needed.
If you want to create a site with a Main Line Number, you must first claim a phone number so that it can be selected for your site. See Claim Phone Numbers in 8x8 Admin Console.

Applies To

  • Admin Console
  • Sites


  1. Log in to Admin Console.
  2. Click Sites.
  3. Click Create Site.
  4. Enter your Site Name.
  5. Enter a Site Code. This is the extension that will be used to dial the site for cross-site dialing. See Configure Cross-Site Dialing in Admin Console.
  6. Click the Address drop-down and select New Address.
  7. Select the Language and Time Zone for your site.
  8. If desired, enter the name or number of your site's Receptionist and select their name and extension number from the drop-down. Your receptionist can be a user, Call Queue, or Ring Group.
  9. Set the Main Line Number for this site. This is only required if you wish to make calls using your site extension, or if you want to set up your Main Number for all users belonging to the site.
  10. Optional: If you want all your site users to have the Main Number and Caller ID Name for their outbound caller ID, click the toggle next to Set Main Number as Caller ID for all Users Belonging to this Site. The toggle turns blue when this feature is enabled.
  11. Optional: Select the Calling Country from the drop-down. This will determine the numbering plan for your site.
  12. Click Save.


Set up your main line number in Admin Console.

Applies To

  • Admin Console
  • Main Line Number


  1. Log in to Admin Console.
  2. Click Sites.
  3. Click Edit (pencil icon) to the right of your site.

  4. Confirm your site details.
  5. Under Voice Service Settings, select your Main Line Number.


    Note: If you want to use the Main Number for the Caller ID for all users in your organization, click the toggle to On (green).
  6. Click Save.
    Note: If no number is assigned to ring groups (e.g., in the instance of overflow ring groups), then it will use the Site Main Number to make calls out. Ensure the Site Main Number is set, or it will fail to forward calls to external numbers on ring groups.

Additional Information

Your mainline number is the number that will be associated with your site, the location of your business. Admin Console will be pre-set with one site which can be configured with the mainline number if you provided it at the time of purchase. However, this number needs to be assigned to a user or a service like an Auto Attendant or a Ring Group. You can also set up your mainline number after your site has been created.


Configure all your extensions within a site so that your company’s main number and name are shown no matter which of your 8x8 extensions dials out.
Sites are your company's office locations that are pre-configured for you based on the information you provided about your company at the time of purchase. Follow the steps below to allow your main company information to be sent as caller ID info. Internal users will still see the 8x8 network extensions that are calling them.

Applies To

  • Admin Console
  • Extensions
  • Caller ID


  1. Log in to Admin Console
  2. Click Sites.
  3. Click Edit (pencil icon).

  4. Under Voice Service Settings, toggle Set Main Number as Caller ID for all Users Belonging to this Site. A blue toggle shows this option has been successfully activated.

  5. Click Save.