8x8 Work Analytics: New Call Queue Dashboard Comparison

Updated: 05/29/2024


The new 8x8 Work Analytics Queues dashboard is being introduced to centralize all Queue data in one place, without the need to navigate between multiple reports and dashboards. 
This new Queues dashboard will report on both real-time and new historical data (generated after the release of the new dashboard), with the option to drill down into specific queues or into the activity of specific users.
This article contains Old vs New comparison tables and other important information to assist you with transitioning to this new Queues dashboard.
Please note that no historical data presented in the old dashboard will be available in the new dashboard at the time of release.
We advise all of our customers to export and SAVE their historical data from the old dashboard.

Applies To

  • 8x8 Work Analytics
  • Call Queues Dashboard

General Information

Call Queue Listing: downloadable in Excel and CSV formats.
The call queues table information will be downloadable in Excel and CSV formats.
Queue Listing: Call Comparison graph 
Not Available in the new report 
Queue Listing: Call Time graph
Not Available in the new report 
Call Queue Detail: downloadable in Excel and CSV formats.
The Agents table information will be downloadable in Excel and CSV formats.
Call Queue Detail: Queue Summary Chart 
Not Available in the new report 
Call Queue Detail: Additional Statistic
The metrics are included in the Queue and Agent tables 
Call Queue Data: downloadable in Excel and CSV formats.
Call Queue Data - downloadable in Excel and CSV formats.

Queue Tab location

Like the old call queues report, the new report will be available from the Analytics for Work Main Menu.
The old report had four separate tabs: Queue Board, Queue Listing, Queue Detail, and Queue Call Data.
Now all necessary call queue information will be available in one single dashboard, called Queues.
  • Queue Board 
  • Queue Listing 
  • Queue Detail
  • Queue Call Data
  • Queues

Filters Component

Dashboard: Queue Board 
Available filter: Queue 
Queue Drop-down selector 
Dashboard: Queue Listing 
Available filter: Queues 
All Queues will be visible in the Call Queues Table by default. 
The user will be able to filter what queues to be visible using the Queue Filter 
Dashboard: Queue Listing 
Column Editor 
Column Editor will not be available in the first release for the Call Queue Table. However it will be made available in one of the future releases. 
Dashboard: Call Queue Detail
Available filter: Queues 
All Queues will be visible in the Call Queues Table by default.
The user will be able to filter what queues to be visible using the Queue Filter
Dashboard: Queue Call data 
Available filter: PBX 
The default PBX that is pre-selected is the user’s PBX. If the user has multiple PBXs, they will be available in the PBX drop-down.
Dashboard: Queue Call data 
Top-N Pages selector
Not available in the new report
Dashboard: Queue Call data
Available filter: Queues
Queues Drop-Down selector. All Queues from that PBX will be available by default.
The order is PBX > Site > Queues, so if a Site is selected, only the queues available from that site will be available in the drop-down. 
Dashboard: Queue Call data
Option to Exclude forked/children calls
This will not be available in the new report
Site: After selecting a site, all agents under the site will be available in the Agents drop-down
Agents Drop-Down 
Applying the agents filter will not influence the Summary Widgets from the top of the page  or the metrics in the Queue Table, because the Summary Widgets and Queue Table are meant to present primarily Queue Related Metrics. 
This will directly influence the User (Agents table).
The data will refresh automatically every five seconds 
Date picker 
Selector for: 
  • a specific date range
  • a specific date range, with start time and end time 
  • a specific intraday time range 

Help link

Located in the upper right corner of the page 
Located in the upper right corner of the page 
By clicking on it, the user is directed to the Analytics for Work User Help Page 
By clicking on it, the user is directed to the Analytics for Work User Help Page 
The link will remain the same, but the page will be updated. 

Summary Widgets 

Instead of the Queue Board tab available in the old report, Summary Widgets will be available in the new report.
For the first release of the new Queues Report, six widgets will be available, containing the following information:
NOTE: All metrics contained in the summary tiles are Real-Time Metrics.
Tile Name 
Metrics contained 
Explanation of the metric 
Total Agents
Total number of agents assigned to the queue, whether or not they are logged in.
Total number of agents. This is the sum of all agents for the selected queue(s)
Available Agents
Number of agents currently available to handle calls.
Total available agents  for the selected queue(s) 
Overflow Agents
Number of agents in the overflow call queue that are currently logged in to the queue.
Total number of overflow agents for the selected queues 
Total Calls
Total calls being handled and waiting.
Total number of calls that are either waiting in queue or in progress for the selected queue(s)
Total Answered
Total number of queued calls that were answered live in the time period monitored.
This metric is present in the Queues Table 
Abandoned Calls
Number of queued calls abandoned by callers before being answered by agents during the time period monitored
This metric is present in the Queues Table
Total Advanced Calls
Calls that were advanced to the next available agent in the queue due to the unavailability of previous agents.
This metric is no longer available in the new report 
Total Hold Time
Cumulative duration of answered calls placed on hold during the time period monitored.
This metric is present in the Queues Table
Calls in Queue 
Number of calls currently waiting to be served in the queue
In Queue
Number of calls currently waiting in queue(s)
Calls in Progress
Number of calls currently handled by the agents logged in to the queue.
In Progress
Number of calls currently in progress
Longest Hold Time
The longest hold time of calls answered placed on hold during the time period monitored.
Hold Time
The longest hold time of calls answered placed on hold
The average duration of hold duration for all ongoing calls. 
Longest Talk Time
The longest talk time of all calls answered during the time period monitored.
Talk Time
The current longest time of the talk duration of all answered ongoing calls. This is the time that the call was connected to a live person. 
Talk time does NOT include the time the call was on hold while connected to a user-type extension. 
It does not include any time when the call is connected to voicemail.
Average Talk Time
Total talk time averaged over all answered calls during the time period monitored.
The average time of the talk duration of all answered ongoing calls. This is the time that the call was connected to a live person. 
Talk time does NOT include the time the call was on hold while connected to a user-type extension. It does not include any time when the call is connected to voicemail.
Total Talk Time
Cumulative duration of the talk time of all answered calls during the time period monitored.
Talk Time
Cumulative duration of the talk time of all answered ongoing calls. This is the time that the call was connected to a live person. 
Talk time does NOT include the time the call was on hold while connected to a user-type extension. It does not include any time when the call is connected to voicemail
Total Wait Time
Total waiting time of all calls in the queue during the time period monitored
Wait Time
Cumulative duration of the wait time of all calls.
Total Answer Time
Cumulative time that calls in the queue waited before being answered during the time period monitored.
This metric is no longer available in the new report 
Current Wait Time
Cumulative wait time of calls currently waiting to be served in the queue
Wait Time
Cumulative wait time of calls currently waiting to be served in the queue.
If a call is transferred from 1 queue to another queue, the wait time continues being incremented. 
If a call is transferred from 1 queue to a user, and then to another queue the wait time resets
Average Wait Time
Total waiting time in the queue averaged across all the calls during the time period monitored.
The average time all interactions have spent waiting in the queue. Time starts from the moment the interaction enters the queue and is incremented until the current moment.  The average waiting time should also include the average wait time of the recently completed calls
Average Answer Time
Total answer time averaged over all the calls during the time period monitored.
This metric is no longer available in the new report 
Longest Wait Time
The longest wait time of all calls answered during the time period monitored.
This metric is present in the Queues Table

Queues Table

The Queues table will display the queues list and the following metrics:
(Queue Listing) 
Metric name 
Queue Name
Calls in Progress 
Active Calls
The number of calls still active (i.e. still waiting in queue, being handled, etc.) at the end of the selected date & time interval.
The number of calls completed within the selected date & time range. Includes calls from the previous intervals.
  • Search by 12pm-1pm. 
  • Completed metric includes only completed calls that: 
    • Started before 12pm
    • Started between 12pm-1pm
Calls in Queue
Entered Calls
The total number of interactions that entered the queue
Total Advanced Calls
Removed since it is covered by the Active Calls Metric.
Total Answered
Accepted Calls
The total number of interactions answered by agents for that queue(s) selection. 
Abandoned Calls
The number of interactions that terminated in the queue and ended up as being hung up by the customer.
It should abandoned only include calls hung up by the customer while in waiting
The total number of calls that were missed by all agents in the queue.
The total number of inbound calls declined by an agent - explicitly clicked on the option to decline the call
Total Answer Time
Removed since it is covered by the Wait Metrics 
Available Agents
Metric available in the Summary Widgets 
Average Answer Time
No longer available in the new report 
Average Handling Time
The average time of the handling duration of all answered ongoing calls. This is the time that the call was connected to a live person.
Average On HoldTime
The average time hold duration of all answered calls.
Average Talk Time
Average Talk Time
The average time of the talk duration of all answered calls. This is the time that the call was connected to a live person.
Talk time does NOT include the time the call was on hold while connected to a user-type extension. It does not include any time when the call is connected to voicemail.
Average Wait Time
Average Waiting Time
The average time an interaction has spent in the queue. Calculated from the time the interaction entered the queue until it was accepted, abandoned, or redirected (diverted)
Longest Wait Time
Longest Waiting Time
The longest wait time of all calls in the queue in the selected date/time range.
Longest Handling Time
The longest time of the handling duration of all answered ongoing calls. This is the time that the call was connected to a live person.
Handling time does include the time the call was on hold while connected to a user-type extension.
It does not include any time when the call is connected to voicemail.
Longest Hold Time
Longest On Hold Time
The longest hold time of calls answered placed on hold.
Longest Talk Time
The longest time of the talk duration of all answered ongoing calls. This is the time that the call was connected to a live person.
Talk time does NOT include the time the call was on hold while connected to a user-type extension.
It does not include any time when the call is connected to voicemail.
Total Hold Time
Total On Hold Time
Cumulative duration of the time the users have spent placing a call on hold. 
Total Handling Time
Cumulative duration of the handling time of all answered calls. This is the time that the call was connected to a live person.
Handling time does include the time the call was on hold while connected to a user-type extension. It does not include any time when the call is connected to voicemail.
Total Talk Time
Total Talk Time
Cumulative duration of the talk time of all answered calls. This is the time that the call was connected to a live person.
Talk time does NOT include the time the call was on hold while connected to a user-type extension. It does not include any time when the call is connected to voicemail
Total Wait Time
Total Waiting Time
Total Waiting time for interactions in the specified time frame
Total Calls Sent to Voicemail
Forwarded To Voicemail
Total calls that were forwarded to voicemail during the time period monitored.
Transferred To Call Queue
The total number of interactions an agent or the system transferred to another queue (blind transfer to queue)
Transferred To External Number
Total calls that were either forwarded or transferred to an external number 
Transferred To Ring Group
Total calls that were forwarded to a ring group during the time period monitored (This is meant to cover the scenario in which instead of forwarding the calls to VM, the ring group was chosen as an option). 
Ongoing Available Agents
Total agents available for the selected queue(s). This is a real time metric
Ongoing Avg Handling Time
The average handling time for the selected queue(s). This is a real time metric
Ongoing Avg Talking Time
The average talking time for the selected queue(s). This is a real time metric
Ongoing Avg Waiting Time
Cumulative wait time of calls currently waiting to be served in the queue.
If a call is transferred from 1 queue to another queue, the wait time continues being incremented. 
If a call is transferred from 1 queue to a user, and then to another queue the wait time resets.
Total Agents
Ongoing Eligible Agents
The number of primary AND secondary users in the statuses
  1. Available 
  2. Busy 
  3. Away 
  4. Appear Offline 
Overflow Agents
Ongoing Eligible Overflow Agents
The number of secondary users in the statuses
  1. Available 
  2. Busy 
  3. Away 
  4. Appear Offline
Ongoing Eligible Primary Agents
The number of primary users in the statuses
  1. Available 
  2. Busy 
  3. Away 
  4. Appear Offline
Overflow Agents
Ongoing Enabled Overflow Agents
The number of secondary users assigned and logged into the queue, regardless of their current status.
Ongoing Enabled Primary Agents
The number of primary users assigned and logged into the queue, regardless of their current status.
Ongoing Handling Calls
Number of calls currently being handled by a user (an employee/an agent). Includes calls on hold.
Includes calls transferred from 1 user to another who accepts the call. 
Starts when a user accepts the call
Ongoing Logged Out And Dnd Agents
The number of secondary users in statuses: 
  1. Offline 
  2. Logged out from a queue 
  3. DND
Ongoing Longest Handling Time
The current longest time of the handling duration of all answered ongoing calls. This is the time that the call was connected to a live person. 
Handling time does include the time the call was on hold while connected to a user-type extension. 
It does not include any time when the call is connected to voicemail.
Ongoing Longest On Hold Time
The longest hold time of calls answered placed on hold. 
Ongoing Longest Talking Time
The current longest time of the talk duration of all answered ongoing calls. This is the time that the call was connected to a live person. 
Talk time does NOT include the time the call was on hold while connected to a user-type extension. 
It does not include any time when the call is connected to voicemail
Ongoing Longest Waiting Time
The current longest wait time of all calls in the queue.
Ongoing On Hold Calls
The number of calls being on hold currently.This is a real time metric
Ongoing On Hold Time
Cumulative duration of the time for calls currently being on hold by the selected agent(s)
Ongoing Overflow Agents
Total number of secondary users assigned to the queue (users who will only receive calls if all primary users assigned to that queue are busy), regardless of their available status. This is a real time metric
Ongoing Overflow WrappingUp Agents
Number of overflow  agents that are in wrap-up state at the moment for the selected queue(s)
This is a real time metric
Ongoing Primary Wrapping Up Agents
Number of primary agents that are in wrap-up state at the moment for the selected queue(s)
This is a real time metric
Ongoing Talking Calls
The number of calls that are in “Talking” state.
 This is a real time metric
Ongoing Talking Time
Talking time for ongoing interactions, for the selected queue. This is a real-time metric.
Ongoing Total Calls
Number of all calls being handled by agents (Active) + all calls waiting in queue + callers in voicemail
Ongoing Total Handling Time
This is a real time metric
Ongoing Waiting Calls
Number of calls that are waiting for the selected queue(s)
Current Wait Time
Ongoing Waiting Time
Cumulative wait time of calls currently waiting to be served in the queue.
If a call is transferred from 1 queue to another queue, the wait time continues being incremented. 
If a call is transferred from 1 queue to a user, and then to another queue the wait time resets.
Ongoing Wrapping Up Agents
Number of agents that are currently in wrap-up state.

Users (Agents) Table

(Queue Detail) 
Metric name 
Agent ID
User ID
Agent Name
Users (Agents)
User’s full name
Current Status
User Status
The current presence status of the agent in 8x8 Work: 
  • Available
  • DND
  • Offline
  • Busy
  • On Call 
  • Away = Your status automatically indicates you are away if you are logged in but inactive for a specified time. You can still receive communications.
  • Invisible (Appear Offline) = This status prevents other 8x8 Work users from seeing your presence information when you are logged in, but you still receive communications.
User Status Time
The duration spent by the agent in each user status 
Queue Status
Logged In = User has logged in to the Call Queue
Logged Out = User has logged out of the Call Queue
DND-On = User has turned on Do Not Disturb and will not be offered calls from the queue.
Available Idle = User is not on an active call and will be offered calls if logged in to the Call Queue.
Handling = User is on an active call within the selected Queue and will not be offered calls from the Queue.
Busy Other = User is working on an interaction in another queue. This includes:
  • Agents being alerted of calls from outside of the selected queue
  • Agents handling calls from outside of the selected Queue
  • Agents in post-processing (Wrap-up) for a call outside of the selected Queue
Alerting = User is being offered a call from this specific Queue
On Break (previously Ring Pause) = User was offered a call which was not answered. No calls will be offered to the extension for the configured amount of time.
Note: The On Break time can be set per Call Queue by adjusting the "Delay after not answering" value in the Basic Information section when editing a Call Queue in Admin Console. The default value is 10 seconds and can be changed to any value from 0 to 120 seconds. 
In Wrap-Up = Extension has ended a call that was offered by the Call Queue and answered. No calls will be offered to the extension for the configured amount of time.
Login Time
Queue Status Time
The duration spent by the agent in the current status on the queue. 
This metric is available for each selected agent.
For logged out users, we don’t display time in status, but a timestamp is used.
Total Inbound Calls
Entered Interactions
The total number of interactions that entered for the Agent(s) in the selected time period
Total Answered Calls
Accepted Interactions
The total number of interactions that were accepted by the Agent(s) in the selected time period
Rejected Interactions
The total number of interactions that were rejected  by the Agent(s) in the selected time period
Missed Interactions 
The total number of interactions that were missed by the Agent(s) in the selected time period
Average Talk Time
Average Talk Time 
The average time of the talk duration of all answered calls. This is the time that the call was connected to a live person.
Talk time does NOT include the time the call was on hold while connected to a user-type extension. It does not include any time when the call is connected to voicemail
Average Hold Time
The average time hold duration of all answered calls.
Average Wrap Up Time
The average time the agent has spent in the Wrap Up state
Total Interactions Time
Ongoing Handling Interactions
Number of calls currently being handled by the selected agent(s)
Ongoing Handling Interactions Time
Cumulative duration of the time for calls currently being handled by the selected agent(s)
Ongoing Wrap Up Interactions
Number of calls currently found in wrap-up state for the selected agent(s)
Ongoing Wrap Up Interactions Time
Cumulative duration for calls currently found in wrap-up state for the selected agent(s)
Ongoing On Hold Interactions
Number of Number of calls currently being on hold by the selected agent(s)
Ongoing On Hold Interactions Time
Cumulative duration of the time for calls currently being on hold by the selected agent(s)
Ongoing Talking Interactions
Number of calls currently being in talking status with the selected agent(s)
Total Talk Time
Ongoing Talking Interactions Time
Cumulative duration of the time for calls currently being in talking status with the selected agent(s)
Overflow Agent
No longer available in the new report 

Call Queue Data Table

Available as a separate tab 
In the new report , the queue call data will be available as a table report for drilldown reasons by clicking on the link near the Call Queue List in the Call Queue Table.
Clicking on the link will open the call queue data table, already pre filtered for that specific queue and selected time period. The table will not have, for the first release, a specific filter. 
The collapsed view will display the information for all the interactions that started in the selected time period.
For example, if I have selected the “Today” from the date and time picker and I click on the link near “Call Queue 1” I will be able to see all the calls that entered Queue 1 today, up to now.
I am able to see for each call the ID, Start Time, End Time, and the overall metrics for each call.

The call queue data table will also have an expanded view. By clicking on any of the interactions in the list, all the segments of the interaction, their duration and their participants will be presented. 
In the same example above, if I have a call that I am particularly interested in, i.e has “transferred” multiple times in the labels column, I can click on that row and it will expand,showing me that Agent A spoke with the caller for 2 minutes and afterwards transferred the call to Queue 2. 
The table will contain the following metrics:
OLDReport Metrics 
NEW Report Metrics
Call ID
Call ID
A unique call identification number that identifies all legs of the original call. Customers won’t be able to hide this column from the report or change its position from 1st to another position. 
Call ID
Removed the Leg ID, since the user will be enable to see the whole interaction journey by looking at the labels column 
Start Time
Start Time
Call starts as soon as the caller goes off the hook to dial.
Answer Time
Replaced this metric with Connected Time 
Connected Time
Time the customer got connected to a live agent
Stop Time
Stop Time
The time the first party disconnects the call.
Talk Time
Replaced this with handling time, because this way we include the time that interaction was connected to a live person 
Handling Time
This is the time that the call was connected to a live person. 
Handling time does include the time the call was on hold while connected to a user-type extension. It does not include any time when the call is connected to voicemail. It should not include the time spent in post processing
The phone number of the caller.
Last Re-Direct Number
Removed this metric since we are able to see that information in the expanded view of the interaction. 
Removed this metric since we are able to see that information in the expanded view of the interaction. 
Caller Name
Caller Name
The name of the person that initiated the call
The phone number of the called person
Callee Name
Callee Name
Name of the called person
Indicates the direction of the call as incoming, outgoing or internal.
Parent Call ID
Removed this metric since we are able to see that information in the expanded view of the interaction. 
The new call queue data table is meant to provide a clear understanding of what happened to a particular interaction. The concept of Labels is introduced in the new report. A label is meant to represent what is happening to an interaction at a certain point in time, for example, it is waiting in queue, or a particular agent is talking to the customer.
The labels effectively display the states  a call has been so far:
  • WAITING- The initial state until it directs the caller to an IVR or an agent
  • IN SCRIPT=When the interaction is in script (in the background that means the interaction is in talking state with a media service ID)
  • TALKING- The customer is connected to a live agent 
  • REJECTED- The call was expressly rejected by the user 
  • ONHOLD = The customer is placed on hold
  • TRANSFERRED = A transfer was performed, either to another agent or queue. 
  • FINISHED= N/a for an active call; the interaction is finished altogether
  • ALERTING =The moment it calls (either an agent or an IVR)
  • DISCONNECTED=N/A for active calls. One of the call participants  got disconnected
Last label of completed interactions. Answered by service are included here . This column is meant to show what was the last state the interaction went through. 
Transfer To Call ID
Transfer To Call ID
Call Identification number that a call is transferred to. If a call is transferred to a second call, it has a different Call ID. The second call will have a Transfer To Call ID with the value of the first call's Call ID.
Dial-In Number. The direct inward dialing number.
The current status of the call: Active or Completed or Transferred (outside of the queue)
Caller Device ID
Caller Device ID
The device identifier is unique to the device of the caller.
Callee Device ID
Callee Device ID
The device identifier unique to the device of the callee, if available.
Caller Device Model
Caller Device Model
Device Model used by the caller in this part of the call.
Callee Device Model
Callee Device Model
Device Model used by the callee in this leg of the call.
Caller ID
Caller ID
Transmitted caller number and/or name.
Removed this and introduced Resolution .The resolution field is meant to provide an accurate representation of what happened to the interaction: was it Abandoned, Accepted, did it End in Voicemail? Also, the resolution field is providing a more granular view, by using Offered Timeout for the situation in which a user was alerted but has not answered the phone and Customer Hang UP for the situations in which the customer decides to hang up while the phone is ringing, instead of just using Missed for both use cases.
Removed this and introduced Resolution .The resolution field is meant to provide an accurate representation of what happened to the interaction: was it Abandoned, Accepted, did it End in Voicemail? Also, the resolution field is providing a more granular view, by using Offered Timeout for the situation in which a user was alerted but has not answered the phone and Customer Hang UP for the situations in which the customer decides to hang up while the phone is ringing, instead of just using Missed for both use cases.
Removed this and introduced Resolution .The resolution field is meant to provide an accurate representation of what happened to the interaction: was it Abandoned, Accepted, did it End in Voicemail? Also, the resolution field is providing a more granular view, by using Offered Timeout for the situation in which a user was alerted but has not answered the phone and Customer Hang UP for the situations in which the customer decides to hang up while the phone is ringing, instead of just using Missed for both use cases.
Caller's phone system ID. 
SIP Call ID 
Removed this metric 
Resolution column is meant to show what happened with the interaction. Will populate the following metrics:
  • Abandoned
  • Accepted
  • Offered Timeout
  • Customer Hang Up
  • Ended in voicemail
Caller Service Name
Removed this metric 
Caller Service Type
Removed this metric 
Callee Service Name
Removed this metric 
Callee Service Type
Removed this metric 
Last Re-Direct Type
That information is available by consulting the Outcome and/or the Resolution columns.
Caller Hold Duration
This information is available in the expanded view by looking at the start and end time for each call leg  of the interaction.
Callee Hold Duration
This information is available in the expanded view by looking at the start and end time for each call leg  of the interaction.
Caller Disconnect On Hold
This is presented in the Labels column as DISCONNECTED.
Callee Disconnect On Hold
This is presented in the Labels column as DISCONNECTED.
Original Caller
This information is always available in the expanded view. Where the Caller and Calle fields will populate with the correct parties for each call leg of the interaction.
Original Callee
This information is always available in the expanded view. Where the Caller and Calle fields will populate with the correct parties for each call leg of the interaction.