Service Addresses - Sites, Additional, & Emergency

Updated: 05/22/2024


What are the three different service addresses listed in a user's profile in 8x8 Admin Console?

Applies To

  • Service Addresses
  • Admin Console
  • Emergency Information


Service Address Types

  • Site Address
  • Emergency Address
  • Additional Information Address

Site Address

  • Sites simplify administration for all users within a site by applying common properties, such as emergency address, language, dial plan, time zone, as well as the ability to manage advanced call handling options such as receptionist dialing. 
  • Administrators can confirm which Site a user is assigned to by editing a users Profile, under the Basic Information section.
  • Administrators can edit or create a new Site by:
    1. Selecting Sites on the Home page
      • To Create a new Site select Create Site in the top-right corner, OR
      • To Edit an existing Site select the pencil icon next to the Site that needs to be edited
    2. The Emergency Address for the Site can be located under the Emergency section
  • The Site Address will be used for a users E911 address by default.
  • This allows Administrators to quickly update the Site address. For example, if moving to a new building the Administrator would just need to update the address at the Site level, and all extensions will have the Same as Site setting.

Sites within a User Profile


Editing Sites from Home Page


Emergency Address

  • A users Emergency address can be found when editing a Users Profile, under the Emergency Address section. 
  • When creating a new user, the Emergency address will default to the same address set for Site Address. 
  • Administrators have the option to set the individual users Emergency address to the same Site, or change it for each user.
  • Optional: There is also an option to use the bulk upload (Home > Users > Bulk Upload) to update the Emergency Address via .csv template.  

Additional Information Address

  • The Additional Info address listed in a User Profile is based off of the Site selection in the Basic Information section. It auto-fills when you make the Site selection.