Multi-Language Transcription Policies

Updated: 06/17/2024


Set policies for which calls are transcribed and in what language those calls are transcribed. This lets you perform speech analytics on non-English phrases.

Applies To

  • Admin Console
  • 8x8 Contact Center


Access transcription policies

  1. Log in to your 8x8 Application Panel.
  2. Select Admin Console. The Home page displays, your Sign-in name and email address displayed at the top. Your company name is displayed in the top right corner.
  3. Select Transcription Policy.
  4. The Transcription policies Contact Center prompt displays. Click Edit.
  5. The Transcription policies page displays.


Assign a transcription policy to a queue or user

  1. From the Transcription policies page and under Assign language by, select Queue or User.
  2. Select the queue or user you want to assign the transcriber and language to.
  3. Click the down-arrow under the Transcriber column and select the transcriber.
  4. Click the down-arrow under the Language column and select a language.
  5. Click Save.


Assign a transcription policy to multiple queues or users

To assign a transcription policy to two or more queues or users:
  1. From the Transcription policies page and under Assign language, select Queue or User.
  2. select two or more queues or users.
  3. Click Set Language. The Set language screen displays.
  4. In the Transcriber drop-down, select Standard or the agent's name.
  5. Under Language, select the language you want to be associated with this queue.
  6. Click Set. The Transcription policies screen displays and now shows the queue name and language.


Unassign a transcription policy from a queue or user

  1. From the Transcription policies page and under Assign language, select Queue or User.
  2. Select the queue or user you want to unassign the transcriber and language from.
  3. Click the down-arrow under the Transcriber column and select the transcriber. This also un-assigns the language.
  4. Click Save.


Unassign a transcription policy from multiple queues or users

  1. From the Transcription policies page and under Assign language, select Queue or User.
  2. Select the queues or users you want to unassign.
  3. Click Unassign. A prompt displays asking you to confirm.
  4. Click Unassign, then click Save.

Writing phrases in multiple languages

After a transcription policy is configured, you can write phrases in multiple languages when you create or edit a topic in the Speech Center for X Series customers. By default, the language for phrases is whatever language is set at the tenant level.

Write in another language

  1. Click New.
  2. Enter the Topic NameTopic category, and Channel.
  3. Click the Assign Language drop-down to select one of the supported languages. A counter is displayed next to the language in the drop-down to show how many phrases are already configured for that language.
  1. Click Add Phrases.
  2. Enter the phrase into the textbox and click the checkmark icon.
  3. Click Save.

Filter topics by language

  1. Click on the Language filter icon at the top of the category topics list.
  2. Select a language. Only the topics that have phrases in the selected language display. The graphic to the right of the topic list does not change.