Create an Auto Attendant Greeting in 8x8 Admin Console

Updated: 04/22/2024


Create an Auto Attendant greeting in Admin Console.

Applies To

  • Admin Console
  • Auto Attendant


Your Auto Attendant greeting allows you to create a personal menu for callers who contact your company number.
  1. Log in to Admin Console.
  2. Click Auto Attendants.
  3. To create a new Auto Attendant and then record a greeting, select Create Auto Attendant. If you wish to record a greeting for an existing Auto Attendant, click Edit (pencil icon) to the right of your chosen Auto Attendant.
  4. Select the menu you wish to create a greeting for in the Call Handling Menus section.
    • Note: You must select a Site for your Auto Attendant in order to view this menu.
  5. Click Select File.
  6. Click + Create Audio Files.
  7. Select By Calling a Number to Record from the pop-up menu.
  8. Enter the Name for the recording and the Phone Number or Extension you wish to call.
  9. Click Call Now. This will call the number you have entered in this field.
  10. Record your greeting.
  11. Save your recording.
  12. Wait for the system to confirm your file has been successfully uploaded. 
  13. Click Finished only after you have received the confirmation.
  14. End the call.