Quality Management Settings Roles

Updated: 06/04/2024

  1. How can I find the Roles page in the application?
Location in the application
Login > Settings > Roles
  1. What can the Roles page do for me?
The Roles page allows you to organize the user groups into predefined roles and assign them specific permissions within the application according to their position, tasks, and responsibilities.
Add a New Role
To create a new role, click New, located in the upper right hand corner of the page. This will open a new page with blank fields for creating a new role.
The first section of the Roles page consists of basic information and options relating to the role. In the Role Name field, type the name that you want the role to have. In the Role Description field, you can add a short description of the role and the responsibilities of its members.
Under the Role Description field, you have more drop-down menus.
The 'This role contains a supervisor' drop-down includes the options Yes and No, which allow you to make all the users that have this role supervisors to other users. A user can be assigned as a supervisor to another user, as specified in the Users page.
The ‘This role contains trainers’ drop-down includes the options Yes and No, which allow you to make all the users that have this role trainers for other users. A user can be assigned as a trainer to another user, as specified in the Users page.
The ‘Members of this role can access their own recordings’ drop-down allows users with that role to access their own information only, which means they only have access to their own recorded calls and call information and not to any other user’s information.
Frame Rate allows you to set the number of frames per second for the Live Monitoring page monitoring feature. According to this selection, the members of this role will display the screen monitoring in frames per second as set in the role configuration: 4 Frames/Second, 2 Frames/Second, 1 Frames/Second, 1/2 Frames/Second, and 1/4 Frames/Second.
The ‘Disable this role’ drop-down includes the options Yes and No, which allow you to disable a role and restrict QM Application access of all users that pertain to it. When a user attempts to log in after their role has been disabled, they can no longer access the application and will receive the following message upon login: “Sorry, login failed because your account is locked! If the error persists, please contact your system administrator."
The second section of the Roles page is Assigned Options. Here you have a list called Assigned Groups. To add one or more groups, click + for the Assigned Groups to expand it and see a list with all the existing groups. Check the box near each group that you want to be a part of the role that you are creating.
The third section of the Roles page is Authorization Options. This section contains all the Permissions that can be attributed to a role and, therefore, its users. Click + for the Permissions to expand it and see a list with all the permissions. Check the box for each permission that you would like your users to have within the application.
Under Permissions, you can see Authorized Groups. This contains all the Groups that this role’s users have the authorization to see when logging into the application. Click + for the Authorized Groups to expand it and see a list with all the existing groups. Check the box of every group that the user should be authorized to access.
Authorized QA Templates is the third list in the Authorization Options section and it contains all the existing templates that have been created in the application. Click + to expand the Authorized QA Templates and see a list with existing templates. Check the box of every template that the user should have access to.
After completing all required information, click Save in the upper right hand corner of the page, to save the new created role. After receiving the confirmation message, your role will appear in the Roles list on the left side.
On the left hand side of the roles window, you can see the Roles Names list. Click the Role Names table header to reorder the list alphabetically A-Z, alphabetically Z-A, or for random order.
At the top of the list is the Filter Roles box. Type a letter or a group of letters in the filter box. The list will display the results that only contain that specific letter or group of letters.
Show Inactive Roles
The Show Inactive Roles checkbox is displayed below the Filter Roles box. Check this box and the inactive roles are now displayed on the Roles list.
To delete a role, select the role from the Roles list on the left. The Role with all its information will open. To delete the role, click Delete in the upper right hand corner of the page, near Copy. The following confirmation window will appear: “Are you sure you want to delete this role?” with the options Delete and Cancel. To permanently delete the role, click Delete. A confirmation message will appear and your role will no longer be present in the Roles list on the left.
The Copy function allows you to create an exact copy of an existing role without having to repeat the entire process. This is very useful when you need a role that is only slightly different from an existing one. By using Copy, you only have to rename the role, make the minor modifications that you need, and save them.
To save all of your changes, click Save in the upper right hand corner of the page. A confirmation message appears at the bottom of the screen highlighted in green. 
Reset Permissions button offers the user the possibility to reset the system permissions to the factory default. The permissions are all checked by default. 
Click on it and the following question will be presented: "Are you sure you want to reset the role permissions?" with two options: Reset and Cancel. To reset the permissions click Reset. The following confirmation message will be displayed: "Permissions were updated to the default values!"
Predefined Roles
The QM Application has a set of predefined roles, which have been created to meet all the basic requirements of the generic roles needed in a call center business: Administrator, Agent, Auditor, Manager, and Supervisor.
These roles have been created and come with the application by default, in order to save managers and administrators the hassle of having to create these roles manually. All they need to do is add groups accordingly to each role.
The roles have been named explicitly and they each contain the clearly defined permissions necessary only for each of them, according to their position and tasks, which cannot be modified. Keep in mind that you cannot delete these predefined roles, rename them, or modify their authorization permissions.
Each role can have its own pre-defined filter that can be set from the Roles page. In the Search Query Pre-filters section, you can add a query that can filter exactly what the users of that role need, for each of the pages: Search Calls, Search Evaluations, and Live Monitoring.
Enter an Advanced Search query, as described in the Search Calls page > Filters > Advanced Search section. After entering the correct query, click outside the filter box. The Save button becomes active. Click Save to save all your changes.
The applied pre-filter can be viewed in the page where it was applied, by hovering with the mouse over the “Pre-filter Query” text, next to the page filters. The results displayed will be the ones according to the pre-set filter. This filter can be changed from the Roles page only by the admin or a user with permissions to do so.
  1. How can I find permissions within the application?
Location in the application
 Login > Settings > Roles > Role Names > Permissions
After you enter the application, go to the Settings button which is the last one on the vertical menu bar, on the left of the screen. The application displays the My Profile sub-section, which contains information about your profile.
Next to the vertical menu bar on the left of the screen you will find another vertical menu for the Settings Page called System Settings. It contains six sections: USER, QUALITY ASSURANCE, SERVICE, RESOURCE, SERVER, and APPLICATION. Click the Roles sub-section from the USER section. A third vertical menu called Role Names is displayed on the screen and it contains a list of roles. Click Manager, the first Role Name available in the list. On the main page the application displays all the details related to this role such as role name, role description, etc.
Under the Assigned Options header there is the Assigned Groups menu. Under the Authorization Options header there are three menus: Permissions, Authorized Groups, and Authorized QA Templates. Click + next to Permissions and a list of seventeen permissions expands. In turn, each permission has a + button which enables you to see the details of a permission.
  1. What kind of permissions does the application have?
Quality Management puts at its clients’ disposal the following permission types:
  • Call
  • Call Note
  • Dashboard
  • Evaluation
  • Extension
  • Labels
  • Log
  • Mentions
  • Profile
  • Report
  • Role
  • Screen Recorder Profile
  • Service
  • Share
  • Tab
  • Tags
  • Template
  • Timeline
  • Topics
  • User
  • User Comments
  • Group
  • View
  • Whitelist
1. Call
1.1 Delete – Delete a call from the Search Calls page by selecting calls and then clicking Delete.
1.2 Purge — Permanently delete recordings and all associated files.
1.3 Search – See the content of the Search Calls page.
1.4 Update – Update a call by adding a label to identify it from the Search Calls page.
Purge call
Location in the application
Login > Search
Users can now permanently delete recordings and all connected files by using the purge function.
         Delete call
Location in the application
Login > Search
On the Search page there is an option for deleting calls. As you move the cursor on a call line, you will see a checkbox on each line.
To delete a single call, click the respective call from the list; its checkbox appears as selected and the call line is highlighted in blue. Click X, found in the upper left hand side of the page, next to the Multiple Share button. The application asks you “Are you sure you want to delete the selected call?” and comes with two options: Delete and Cancel. To delete the call, click Delete. The following confirmation message will be displayed, “Call deleted successfully!”
To delete multiple calls, select the checkboxes of the calls you want to remove. Click X, found in the upper left hand side of the page, next to the Multiple Share button. The application asks you, “Are you sure you want to delete the selected calls?” and comes with two options: Delete and Cancel. To delete the call, click Delete. The application displays the confirmation message, “Calls deleted successfully!”
To delete all calls, select the checkbox found on the top of the calls list next to the Multiple Share button. Checkboxes for all calls appear as selected. Click X, found in the upper left hand side of the page, next to the Multiple Share button. The application asks you, “Are you sure you want to delete the selected calls?” and comes with two options: Delete and Cancel. To delete the call, click Delete. The application displays the confirmation message, “Calls deleted successfully!”
Search call
Location in the application
Login > Search
After you enter the application, go to the Search page which displays a list of calls. This page allows you to filter calls in multiple ways.
The most efficient method of filtering calls is by using the Search text box in the upper right hand side of the page. If you are looking for calls received or initialized by a certain agent, enter the agent’s name in the Search text box (e.g., John). The page will refresh instantly and will only display calls related to that agent.
If you are not necessarily interested in the activity of a certain agent but in the flow of calls from a determined period, the Date Picker drop-down menu will help you filter calls by date. After you click on Date Picker, two calendars will pop up. In the upper right hand side of the second calendar you will find the Range drop-down menu. Here you can choose the period of time you are interested in. The options are: Today, Last Hour, Yesterday, Last 3 Days, Last 7 Days, This Month, Last Month, This Year, Last Year, and Custom. Click OK after you choose one of the options. While the first eight options are standard (i.e., you cannot modify them), the last one, Custom, is customizable.
Click Custom from the Range drop-down menu. Choose a start date and a start hour from the left calendar. The date and hour you select are highlighted in blue; notice that in the calendar on the right, dates are available only starting with the date selected on the left calendar. Choose an end date and hour from the right calendar. The date and hour you selected are highlighted in blue. To confirm your choice, click OK on the bottom right of the calendar. The page will refresh instantly and display only the results that fit within the selected timeframe.
There are some other ways of filtering the calls list. Click the Filter By drop-down menu from the Search page. The columns for which filters can be applied are: Agent ID, Agent Name, Called Name, Caller Name, Direction, Evaluation, Extension, Labels, Main Group, Media Type, Notes, Server Name, Share, State, and Transcribed. If you want to sort calls by caller name, for example, check the box for Caller Name from the Filter By drop-down menu; then click OK at the bottom of the drop-down menu. The Agent Name drop-down menu appears next to the Filter By drop-down menu and displays a list of caller names in two categories: “Recently Used” and “All Fields.” Check the box for a name from the list and then click OK. The page will refresh instantly and display all calls that contain the selected caller name. The Caller Name drop-down menu now is shown as the name of the caller you have picked.
Update call
Location in the application
Login > Search
Just like searching a call, the update process can be completed in different ways.
Go to the Search page and you will see a list of calls. Click a call line and go to the Labels column. An editable text box will appear as you move the cursor over the Labels column on a call line. For instance, if a call from the list is very important you can label it by typing Important Call in the Labels text box. After typing the desired label you can either press Enter or click the check mark (✓) to save your label.
Evaluations can also be considered an update for a call. There are calls with evaluations and calls without evaluations. The evaluation itself is a permission described later on in this document. In this section, the criteria for being classified as an evaluation will be outlined. Go to the Search page and click a call line that has the Has Evaluations icon (please note that only calls that have been evaluated at least once will have the Has Evaluations icon enabled. Calls that were never evaluated do not have that icon). Click the Has Evaluations icon and the application will display below the call line the evaluation(s) with generic information such as: date in mm-dd-yyy hh:mm format, name of the evaluator, name of the template used for the evaluation, the final score, and if the call passed the evaluation. Click again on the icon in order to hide details regarding evaluation(s).
2. Call Note
2.1 Add – Add a call note from the Playback page.
2.2 Delete – Delete a call note from the Playback page.
2.3 Delete all — Delete all the calls notes from the Playback page.
2.4 Search – Allows you to see call notes on the Search Calls page and the Playback page.
  • Allows you to add, delete, and search a call note.
Add call note
Location in the application
Login > Search > Playback
Enter the application and go to the Search page. Click a call line from the list displayed. All the call details will be automatically opened in the Playback page. Click the Notes icon on the lower right hand side of the page. A text box labeled Timestamp will appear on the screen. From this point on, there are two ways of adding a note.
  • Click the text box and it will become editable. Write your note and click Save next to the Timestamp box. The following confirmation message will be displayed, highlighted in green at the bottom of the page: “Note saved successfully!” Now you can see your note above of the text box with details: username, date, and time the note was added.
  • Click the Play button on the lower left hand side of the page. Recording starts and the timeline moves along with the recording. Click a time stamp in the timeline. Recording stops and the notes field becomes active and ready for editing. Type your note in the Timestamp text box and click the Save next to the text box. The following confirmation message will be displayed, highlighted in green at the bottom of the page: “Note saved successfully!” and the note appears instantly on the top of the page with details: username, date, and time the note was added. Your note is displayed with the correct time stamp on the timeline.
Delete call note
Location in the application
Login > Search > Playback
Enter the application and go to the Search page. Click a call line that contains the Has Notes icon between the Download and Has Evaluations icons (only calls with notes added will have the Has Notes icon displayed). All call details will be automatically opened in the Playback page. Click the Notes icon in the lower right hand side of the page. The application will display all notes that have been added to this call previously. At the end of each Note line there is an X button; click X delete that note. A message will appear on the screen in a pop-up window: “Are you sure you want to delete this Note?” with the options: “Delete” and “Cancel” below the question. Click Delete. The following confirmation message will be displayed, highlighted in green at the bottom of the page: “Note deleted successfully!” The note will no longer be displayed for that call when you click the Notes button on the Playback page.
Search call note
Location in the application
Login > Search
Enter the application and go to the Search page. There is a list of calls displayed; at the beginning of each call line there are four different icons: Download, Has Notes, Has Evaluations, and Call Shared. Not all call lines will have all these icons displayed. A call that does not have any notes added will not have the Has Notes icon displayed on the call line. Similarly, a call that has not been evaluated will not have the Has Evaluations icon present on the call line, etc.
Select a call line with the Has Notes icon available. Click the icon. The application will display the note(s) added to that call with details such as: username, and the date and time the note was added. To close the display of notes, click again on the Has Notes icon.
3.1 Search - Allows you to see the Dashboard page
Location in the application
Login > Dashboard Page
The Dashboard page displays details about evaluations and mentions. You can select the dashboard you want to display. There are two dashboards available, one for supervisors and the other one for agents.
4. Evaluation
4.1 Add – Add an evaluation to a call from the Playback page.
4.2 Delete – Delete an evaluation made by you from the Search Evaluations page and the Playback page.
4.3 Delete all – Delete any evaluation (made by you or by other editor) from the Search Evaluations page and the Playback page.
4.4 Export – Export evaluations from the Playback page by clicking the Download button.
4.5 Search – Allows you to see evaluations made by you on the Search Evaluations page and the Playback page.
4.6 Search all – Allows you to see evaluations made by you or by other auditor on the Search Evaluations page and the Playback page.
4.7 Update - Allows you to make updates on a evaluation (made by you or by other auditors) on the Playback page.
4.8 Update all – Allows you to make updates on any evaluations (made by you or by other auditors) on the Playback page.
  • Allows you to add, delete, delete all, export, search, search all, and update all evaluations.
Add evaluation
Location in the application
Login > Search > Playback  
After you log in, go to the Search page. Click a call that you want to evaluate. All call details will be automatically opened in the Playback page. Click the QA icon next to the Notes icon in the lower right hand side of the page. QA information is displayed next to the Media file information on the Playback page.
Under the Quality Assurance header there is a drop-down menu containing a list of QA templates. Available categories of evaluations data are: completed, draft, and blank.
Completed: Contains evaluations that have been completed, the name of the auditor, and the score. Any template in gray is a template that has been used in evaluations, but was deleted.
Draft: Contains unfinished evaluations and the name of the auditor. If it does not have any unfinished evaluation, the draft section will not appear on the drop-down menu.
Blank: Contains QA templates that don't have evaluations on the current call.
Click the template you want to use for this evaluation. The template content is displayed on the screen. Add the answer(s) for each question. There will be templates that have a bubble icon next to a question or next to the name of the template. Wherever you see that icon you can add a note. Click the bubble and an editable text box will appear on the screen. Here, you can enter your note. After you have chosen the answers and added notes to the questions/template (if applicable), click Save in the upper right hand corner of the page in front of the Delete button. A confirmation message with scoring for the evaluation will be highlighted in green at the bottom of the page. Select the drop-down menu below the Quality Assurance header. In the Completed section you will find your evaluation.
Delete evaluation 
Location in the application
Login > Search > Playback  
This permission allows you to only delete evaluations completed by you.
Enter the application and open the Search page. A list of calls will be displayed. Click a call line that has the Has Evaluations icon (Has Evaluations icon is available only for evaluated calls). All the call details will be automatically opened in the Playback page. Click the QA icon next to the Notes icon in the lower right hand side of the page. QA information is displayed next to the Media file information on the Playback page.
Under the Quality Assurance header there is a drop-down menu containing a list of QA templates. Available categories of evaluation data are: completed, draft, and blank.
Completed: Contains evaluations that have been completed, the name of the auditor, and the score. Any template in gray is a template that has been used in evaluations but were deleted.
Draft: Contains unfinished evaluations and the name of the auditor. If it does not have an unfinished evaluation, the draft section will not appear on the drop-down menu.
Blank: Contains QA templates that do not have evaluations on the current call.
Click an evaluation from the Completed section. The evaluation opens in the QA window with the answers selected by the auditor. Next to the drop-down menu you will see the score of the evaluation. Click Delete, found between Save and Download in the upper right hand side of the page. The following confirmation message will be displayed: “Are you sure you want to delete this Evaluation?” and options “Delete” and “Cancel”. Click Delete. You will see the “Evaluation deleted successfully!” message highlighted in green on the bottom of the page. Select the drop-down menu from the upper part of the page again. The evaluation you have just deleted will no longer appear in the Completed section.
Delete all evaluations:
This permission allows you to delete any evaluation, made by you or other auditors.
The steps for deleting are the same as described above for delete evaluation permission.
Export evaluation
Location in the application
Login > Search > Playback  
This permission allows you to export a template in XML format to your local folder.
Enter the application and open the Search page. A list of calls will be displayed. Click a call line that has the Has Evaluations icon (Has Evaluations icon is available only for evaluated calls). All the call details will be automatically opened in the Playback page. Click the QA icon next to the Notes icon in the lower right part of the page. QA information is displayed next to the Media file information on the Playback page.
Under the Quality Assurance header, there is a drop-down menu containing a list of QA templates. Available categories of evaluations data are: completed, draft, and blank.
Completed: Contains evaluations that have been completed, the name of the auditor, and the score. Any template in gray is a template that has been used in evaluations but was deleted.
Draft: Contains unfinished evaluations and the name of the auditor. If it does not have any unfinished evaluation, the draft section will not appear on the drop-down menu.
Blank: Contains QA templates that do not have evaluations on the current call.
Click an evaluation from the Completed section. Evaluations open in the QA window with the answers selected by the auditor. Next to the drop-down menu you will see the score of the evaluation. Click Download in the upper right hand corner of the page. A PDF format file containing the details of the evaluation will be downloaded to your computer.
Search evaluation
Location in the application
Login > Search > Playback  
This permission allows you to search only evaluations completed by you.
Enter the application and go to the Search page. There is a list of calls displayed; at the beginning of each call line there are different icons: Download, Has Notes, Has Evaluations, and Call Shared. Not all call lines have all these icons displayed. In this case, a call that does not have any evaluation, will not have the Has Evaluations icon displayed on the call line. Similarly, a call that has no note added will not have the Has Notes icon present on the call line, etc.
Select a call line with the Has Evaluations icon available. Click the icon. The application will display the evaluation(s) added to that call with details such as: date and time the evaluation was added, evaluator, template used, score, and whether the call has passed or failed the evaluation. If you want to see more details about an evaluation, click on it. Template questions will be displayed on the playback page.
Search all evaluations
Location in the application
Login > Search > Playback  
This permission allows you to search any evaluation, made by you or by other auditors.
The steps for searching are the same as described above for search evaluation permission.
Update all evaluations
Location in the application
Login > Search > Playback  
This permission allows you to make modifications to all completed evaluations, whether the evaluations were completed by you or any other auditor.
There is no “Update evaluation” button in the application. The update process refers to the fact that you can, for example, change the answer for one question in an already completed evaluation and save the evaluation again with a different score. The steps to perform this action are the following:
  1. Enter the application and go to the Search page. There is a list of calls displayed. At the beginning of each call line there are different icons: Download, Has Notes, Has Evaluations, and Call Shared. Not all call lines have all these icons displayed. In this case, a call that does not have any evaluation will not have the Has Evaluations icon displayed on the call line. Similarly, a call that has no note added will not have the Has Notes icon present on the call line, etc.
  2. Select a call line with the Has Evaluations icon available. Click the icon. The application will display the evaluation(s) added to that call with details such as: date and time of evaluation, evaluator, template used, score, and whether the call has passed the evaluation. Click an evaluation, the questions from the template will be displayed on the Playback page.
  3. Change the answer(s) for the question(s) that need to be changed. Click Save in the upper right hand side of the page in front of the Delete button. A confirmation message together with the scoring for the evaluation will be highlighted in green at the bottom of the page.
If the evaluation that you just updated was initially completed by you, it can be found in the Completed section from the drop-down menu below the Quality Assurance header. It will appear as being completed by you.
If the evaluation that you have just updated was initially completed by someone else, it will be saved as being performed by the person who made the initial evaluation; it will not show your name. This can be found in the Completed section from the drop-down menu below the Quality Assurance header.
5. Extension
5.1 Export – Export extensions by accessing Settings > Service Extensions > Services.
5.2 Import – Import extensions by accessing Settings > Service Extensions > Services.
5.3 Search – Find extensions in Settings > Service Extensions > Services.
5.4 Update – Update extensions in Settings > Service Extensions > Services.
  • Allows you to export, import, search, and update an extension.
Export extension
Location in the application
Login > Settings > Service Resources > Services.
Enter the application, go to the Settings page and click the Service Resources sub-section under SERVICE section. Choose one of the services available under SERVICES section.
A list of resources is displayed. Click Export Settings under Recording Resources header. A Config (.cfg) format file is downloaded to your computer.
Import extension
Location in the application
Login > Settings > Service Resources > Services
Enter the application. Go to Settings page and click the Service Resources sub-section under SERVICE section. Choose one of the services available under SERVICES section. A list of resources is displayed. Click Import Settings under Recording Resources header. A pop-up window appears on the screen and allows you to select the file you want to import from your computer. Choose the file you want to import and click Open. An “Import successful!” confirmation message will appear. Your file has been imported in the application.
Search extension
Location in the application
Login > Settings > Service Resources > Services
Enter the application, go to the Settings page and click the Service Resources sub-section under SERVICE section. Choose one of the services available under SERVICES section. A list of resources is displayed. Every resource has its own extension displayed. Note that there might be services with no extension.
Update extension
Location in the application
Login > Settings > Service Resources > Services
Enter the application, go to Settings page and click the Service Resources sub-section under SERVICE section. Choose one of the services available under SERVICES section. A list of resources is displayed. Click the extension of a resource; the field will become editable. Delete the existing extension and type a new one, then press Enter. Note that extensions can contain only numbers, no letters or symbols. The new extension is saved automatically.  
6. Labels
6.1 Add – Add labels in the application
6.2 Delete Delete labels from the application
Add Labels
Location in the application
Login > Search Calls page
Delete Labels
This permission enables you to add labels in the application. 
Location in the application
Login > Search Calls page
This permission enables you to delete labels from the application
7. Log
7.1 Find – See logs on Settings > Service Logs > Services.
Find a log
Location in the application
Login > Settings > Service Logs > Services
Enter the application. Go to the Settings page and click the Service Logs sub-section under SERVICE section. Choose one of the services available under SERVICES section. A list of logs for the selected service is displayed under the Service Logs Messages header.
You can customize your log search by time period. Click the Date Picker button at the top of the page; two calendars will display. In the upper right hand side of the second calendar you will find the Range drop-down menu. Here you can choose the period of time you are interested in. The options are: Last Hour, Yesterday, Last 3 Days, Last 7 Days, This Month, Last Month, This Year, Last Year, and Custom. Click OK after you choose one of the options. While the first eight options are standard (i.e., you cannot modify them), the last one, Custom, is customizable.
Click Custom from the Range drop-down menu. Choose a start date and a start hour from the left calendar. The date and hour you select are highlighted in blue. Notice that in the calendar on the right, dates are available starting with the date selected on the left calendar. Now choose an end date and hour from the right calendar. The date and hour you selected are highlighted in blue. To confirm your choice, click OK on the lower right of the calendar. The page will refresh instantly and display only the results that fit within the selected timeframe.
Another way of finding a certain log is by using the Filter Messages search box from the upper right hand side of the screen. Click the search box; it will become editable. Type a name or a letter. The page will refresh instantly and display only logs containing the name or letter you typed. If you want to see all logs, with no filter applied, delete the letters from the Filter Messages search box.
8.1 Add - Add mentions in the application
Add mentions
Location in the application
Login > Settings > > System Settings >  Roles
This permission allows the user to mention other users in the application.
9. Profile
9.1 Search – See the content found on Settings > Service Profiles.
9.2 Update – Update a Service Profile from Settings > Service Profiles.
  • Search and update a policy profile.
Search Profile
Location in the application
Login > Settings > Service Profiles
Enter the application. Go to the Settings page and click the Service Profiles sub-section under SERVICE section. Below the Profile Name header there is a list with all the Policy Profiles. Above the list there is a Filter Policy Profiles search box. Click on it and type the name of the Policy Profile you are looking for. Once you have typed it, the page will refresh instantly and display only Policy Profiles containing the letter(s) or the name you have typed.
If you delete the name or letter(s) from the search box, the application will display all Resource Profiles with no filter applied. Below the search box there are left and right arrows which allow you to navigate through the list of Profile Names. The right arrow moves the list one page ahead. The left arrow moves the list one page back.
On the same line with the arrows, the total number of rows on the list are displayed. The total number of Policy Profiles that you have in the application.
Update Policy Profile
Location in the application
Login > Settings > Service Profiles
Enter the application. Go to the Settings page and click the Service Profiles sub-section under SERVICE section. Below the Profile Name header there is a list with all the Policy Profiles. Click the Policy Profile that you wish to update. The page will display all the details regarding the profile you chose. Click the field that you want to update. The field becomes editable so that you can modify it. Make the modifications you want for that Policy Profile and then click Save in the upper right hand side of the screen next to the Delete button. The message “Resource Profile successfully saved!” will be displayed, highlighted in green at the bottom of the page.
10. Report
10.1 Search - See the reports from Search Calls page and Search Evaluations page
Search Reports
Location in the application
Login > Search Calls> Reports
Login > Search Evaluations > Reports
Evaluation Reports
The Reports drop-down offers a list of various reports that can be run against previously filtered evaluations in order to extract detailed information on agents’ results, performance, and evolution within a selected period of time.
Calls Report
The main function of Calls Report is that it displays the total number of the recordings that the agent has. The table displays the Group that the agent belongs to, the agent's Supervisor and Trainer, Agent Name, Agent Id and the agent's recordings: Audio, Video, AudioVideo.
11. Role 
11.1 Add – Create a new role on Settings > Roles.
11.2 Delete – Delete a role from Settings > Roles.
11.3 Search – See Settings > Roles.
11.4 Update – Update roles from Settings > Roles.
11.5 Search authorized template – See authorized template(s) on Settings > Roles.
11.6 Search authorized group – See authorized groups on Settings > Roles.
11.7 Search permissions – See permissions on Settings > Roles.
  • Allows you to add, delete, search, and update a role as well as assign authorized group, assign authorized template, assign permissions, search authorized group, search authorized template, and search permissions for a role.
Add role
Location in the application
Login > Settings > Roles
Enter the application. Go to the Settings page and click the Roles sub-section under USER section. On the left there is a list of roles under the Roles Names header. The application shows details regarding the first role from the list. Click New in the upper right part of the screen in front of Copy button. The page will refresh and display a page with all role-related fields.
On the first part of the page, fill in the Role Name and Role Description fields, then choose an option from the following drop-down menus: The role contains supervisors, The role contains trainers, Allow members of this role to access their own records, or Disable this role.
The second part of the page contains the Assigned Options and Authorization Options headers. Here we have four expandable menus; Assigned Groups below Assigned Options, and below Authorization Options there are: Permissions, Authorized Groups, and Authorized QA Templates.
Click + found in front of Assigned Groups; the menu will expand and you will see all the groups that exist in the application at this time. Note that each group has its own check box. Select the check boxes of the groups you want to assign to this role. If you want to assign all groups to this role, simply select the check box in front of Assigned Groups next to + button. The application will automatically display the names of all the groups right next to Assigned Groups.
Click + found in front of Permissions; the menu will expand and you will see all the permissions that exist in the application at this time. Note that each permission has in its turn a + button; click on it and the application will display the features of a permission, each one with a check box. For instance, the permission called Policy has the following features: Add, Assign, Delete, Search, and Update. If you want people who are assigned with this role to be able only to search a policy, select only the check box in front of Search from Policy permission. If you want this role to be able to add, assign, delete, search, and update, select all the check boxes for these features from Policy permission. You have to analyze all the features of all permissions so that you make sure you customize permissions for this role according to your business needs. If you want to assign all permissions with all features to this role, simply select the check box in front of Permissions next to the + button. The application will automatically display the names of all permissions right next to Permissions.
Click + found in front of Authorized Groups; the menu will expand and you will see all the groups that exist in the application at this time. Note that each group has its own check box. Select the check boxes of the groups you want to authorize to this role. If you want to authorize all groups to this role, simply select the check box in front of Authorized Groups next to the + button. The application will automatically display the names of all the groups right next to Authorized Groups.
Basically, people from Assigned Groups will have the permission to see members of Authorized Groups. They are most likely to have different kinds of permissions within the application. A person from an Assigned Group will be able to see only activities performed by a person from Authorized Group on which he has permissions. Let’s take the following example:
User Name
Managers (Assigned Group)
Supervisors (Authorized Group)
Permission Type
Add evaluation
Add call note
Add policy
Add evaluation
Add policy
In this particular case, Jessica will see Peter in the Users list. She will also see the evaluations and policies added by him as she has this permissions as well. But Jessica cannot see the call notes added by Peter because she doesn’t have that permission.
Click + found in front of Authorized QA Templates; the menu will expand and you will see all the QA templates that exist in the application at this time. Note that each QA template has its own check box. Select the check boxes of the QA templates you want to authorize for this role. If you want to authorize all QA templates for this role, simply select the check box in front of Authorized QA Templates next to the + button. The application will automatically display the names of all QA templates right next to Authorized QA Templates. Only selected QA templates can be used by people from the Assigned Groups.
After you have chosen the correct permissions, groups, and templates for your role, click Save in the upper right part of the screen after the Delete button. The message “Role successfully saved!” appears in green at the bottom of the page. Now you can see your role in the list on the left under the Role Names header.
Delete role
Location in the application
Login > Settings > Roles
Enter the application. Go to the Settings page and click the Roles sub-section under USER section. On the left there is a list of roles under Role Names header. At this point, the application shows details regarding the first role from the list. Click the role you want to delete. The application will display details related to the selected role, on the main page. Click Delete in the upper right hand side of the screen between Copy and Save buttons. You will see a message in a gray small window: “Are you sure you want to delete this Role?” and two options: Delete and Cancel. Click Delete. The message “Role successfully deleted!” will appear, highlighted in green at the bottom of the page.
Search role
Location in the application
Login > Settings > Roles
Enter the application. Go to the Settings page and click the Roles sub-section under USER section. On the left there is a list of roles under the Role Names header. At this point, the application shows details regarding the first role from the list.
Below the Role Names header there is a list with all roles. Above the list there is the Filter Roles search box. Click on it and type the name of the role you are looking for. Once you have typed it, the page will refresh instantly and display only roles containing the letter(s) or the name you have typed.
If you delete the name or letter(s) from the search box, the application will display all roles with no filter applied. Below the search box there are left and right arrows which allow you to navigate through the list of Role Names. The right arrow moves the list one page ahead. The left arrow moves the list one page back. On the same line with the arrows, there is displayed the total number of rows of the list. Actually is the total number of roles that you have in the application.
Update role
Location in the application
Login > Settings > Roles
Enter the application. Go to the Settings page and click the­ Roles sub-section under USER section. On the left there is a list of roles under Role Names header. At this point, the application shows details regarding the first role from the list. Click the role you want to update. The application displays on the main page details related to the selected role.
You can change any of the fields related to this role according to the needs of the company. You can add or remove Assigned Groups, Permissions, Authorized Groups, or Authorized QA Templates by selecting or deselecting their respective check boxes. After you have made all the necessary modifications on that role, click Save in the upper right hand side of the screen after the Delete button. The message “Role successfully saved!” appears highlighted in green at the bottom of the page.
Assign authorized group
Location in the application
Login > Settings > Roles
Enter the application. Go to the Settings page and click the Roles sub-section under USER section. On the left, there is a list of roles under Role Names header. At this point, the application shows details regarding the first role from the list. Click any role. The application displays details related to the selected role, on the main page.
On the second half of the page there are two headers: Assigned Options and Authorization Options. Under the Assigned Options we have Assigned Groups. Under the Authorization Options we have Permissions, Authorized Groups, and Authorized QA Templates.
Click + found in front of Authorized Groups; the menu will expand and you will see all the groups that exist in the application at this time. Each group has its own check box. Authorized Groups for this role will have their check boxes selected. If you want to add or remove a group, select or deselect its check box.
If you want to authorize all groups to this role, check the box in front of Authorized Groups, next to the + button. The application will automatically display the names of all the groups right next to Authorized Groups. After you have made all the necessary modifications on that role regarding Authorized Groups, click Save in the upper right part of the screen, after Delete button. The message “Role successfully saved!” appears highlighted in green at the bottom of the page.
Assign authorized template
Location in the application
Login > Settings > Roles
Enter the application. Go to the Settings page and click the Roles sub-section under USER section. On the left there is a list of roles under the Role Names header. At this point, the application shows details regarding the first role from the list. Click on any role. The application displays on the main page details related to the selected role.
On the second half of the page there are two headers: Assigned Options and Authorization Options. Under the Assigned Options we have Assigned Groups. Under the Authorization Options are the following:  Permissions, Authorized Groups, and Authorized QA Templates.
Click + found in front of Authorized QA Templates; the menu will expand and you will see all the groups that exist in the application at this time. Note that each group has its own check box. Authorized QA Templates for this role will have their check boxes selected. If you want to add or remove a QA template, select or deselect its check box.
If you want to authorize all QA templates to this role, select the check box in front of Authorized QA Templates, next to the + button. The application will automatically display the names of all QA templates right next to Authorized QA Templates. After you have made all the necessary modifications on that role regarding Authorized QA Templates, click Save in the upper right part of the screen after the Delete button. The message “Role successfully saved!” appears highlighted in green at the bottom of the page.
Assign permissions
Location in the application
Login > Settings > Roles
Enter the application. Go to the Settings page and click the Roles sub-section under USER section. On the left there is a list of roles under the Role Names header. At this point, the application shows details regarding the first role from the list. Click on the role to which you want to assign permissions. The application displays details on the main page related to the selected role.
Click the + in front of Permissions. A list with all permissions will expand. Every permission has a + button which opens a list of features. Each feature have a check box. All you need to do in order to assign permissions to a role is to tick relevant check boxes. Then click the Save button in the upper right part of the screen. The message “Role successfully saved!” appears highlighted in green at the bottom of the page. 
Search authorized group
Location in the application
Login > Settings > Roles
Enter the application. Go to the Settings page and click on the Roles sub-section under USER section. On the left there is a list of roles under Role Names header. At this point, the application shows details regarding the first role from the list. Click on the role in which you want to assign permissions. The application displays details on the main page related to the selected role.  
Next to the Authorized Groups header between Permissions and Authorized QA Templates you will find the names of the authorized groups.
Search authorized template
Location in the application
Login > Settings > Roles
Enter the application. Go to the Settings page and click on the Roles sub-section under USER section. On the left there is a list of roles under Role Names header. At this point, the application displays details regarding the first role on the list. Click on the role that you want to assign permissions. The application displays details on the main page related to the selected role.  
Next to the Authorized QA Templates header after Authorized Groups you will find the names of the authorized QA templates.
Search permissions
Location in the application
Login > Settings > Roles
Enter the application. Go to the Settings page and click on the Roles sub-section under USER section. On the left there is a list of roles under the Role Names header. At this point, the application shows details regarding the first role from the list. Click on the role that you want to assign permissions. The application displays details on the main page related to the selected role.  
Next to the Permissions header below Assigned Options section you will find the names of the permissions assigned to this role.
12. Screen Recorder Profile
12.1 - Add Add a screen recorder on Settings page.
12.2 - Delete - Delete a screen recorder on Settings page.
12.3 - Search Share a screen recorder on Settings page.
12.4 - Update - Update a screen recorder on Settings page.
13. Service
13.1 Search – Allows you to see Settings > Service Resources
  • Allows you to find a service.
Find service
Location in the application
Login > Settings > Service  
Enter the application. Go to the Settings page, Service section. There are three sub-sections: Service Resources, Service Profiles, and Service Logs. Click on any of these to see the list of services. Regardless of the sub-section you enter, the application will always show you details about the first service from the list. To see information about the second or the third service from the list, click on its name.
14. Share
14.1 Add – Add a call share on Search Calls page
14.2 Delete – Delete a call share on Search Calls page
14.3 Search – Search and see call shares on Search Calls page
14.4 Update – Update call shares on Search Calls page (e.g. add them a password or an expiration date)
  • Allows you to add, delete, search, and update a call share.
Add call share
Location in the application
Login > Search   
After you enter the application click on the Search button which is the second option on the vertical menu bar. The search page will open and display a list of calls.  The beginning of a call line can contain any of the following icons: Download, Has Notes, Has Evaluations and Call Shared. If a call has been shared, you will see the Call Shared icon on the call line. If a call was not shared, you will see the Share call icon on the call line. Therefore, there are two types of calls that you can share: those that were not shared before (Share call) and those that have already been shared by others (Call Shared). Please note that you can only share a call once.
Share a call that was not shared before (has the Share call icon)
Click on the Share call icon on a call line. A grey pop-up window will appear on the screen. Click Enter Name to display the share text box; the field will become editable. Type the name you want to have for this share. Tick the check box for Share Link. The application will automatically display a link to the share and two additional options with check boxes: Password Protected and Expiration Date.
If you want to add a password to your share, tick the respective check box. A text box called Share a password will appear. Click on that field; it will become editable. Enter a password. It means that when someone accesses the link to your share has to enter the password you set in order to listen or download the call.
If you want to add an expiration date to your share, tick the respective check box. A text box labeled Expiration date will appear. Click on that field and a calendar will appear below. Select an expiration date; the calendar will disappear and the selected date will be shown in the Expiration date field in the format MM-DD-YYYY. Click OK in the lower right part of the pop-up window. A call line you have just created containing a share will be highlighted in blue.
Click on the Call Shared icon from the line of your shared call. Select the name of the share from the drop-down menu called Select Share Name. The name, link, password (in the format “….”) and expiration date of the share are shown. Copy the link and paste it in your browser. You will be directed to a page that will require a password. Type the password you have chosen for this share. Now you can see all the details regarding the shared call. Click on the details line; a media player will appear on the screen. You can listen to that call by clicking the Play button. Next to the media player you have the Download button. Click on it and a media file (mp3, mp4, etc.) file will download to your computer.
Share a call that has already been shared by others (has the Call Shared icon)
Click on the Call Shared icon on a call line. A grey pop-up window will appear on the screen; it contains three fields: Enter Name for Share (text box), Share Link (checkbox) and Other Shares (expandable menu).
If you want to see shares created by other users, click on Other Shares and the application will display the link, user name and date (in format MM-DD-YYYY) of each share. If not, type a name for your share. The steps are identical with those described above for calls that were not shared before.
Delete call share
Location in the application
Login > Search   
After you enter the application click on the Search button which is the second on the vertical menu bar. The search page will open and display a list of calls. The beginning of a call line may contain any of the following icons: Download, Has Notes, Has Evaluations and Call Shared. If a call has been shared, you will see the Call Shared icon on the call line. If a call was not shared, you will see the Share call icon on the call line. Please note that you can only delete shares made by you. The application will not allow you to delete shares made by others.
Click on the Call Shared icon of a call you have shared. A gray pop-up window will appear on the screen. Click on the Select share name drop-down menu. Select from the list the name of your share. The link containing your share will appear below after you selected the name. You may also see the Password protected and Expiration date fields completed if you chose any of these features when you created the share. If you have not chosen either of the two features when you created the call share, they will be displayed with their respective check boxes unselected. To delete this share; deselect the Share Link check box. The message “Share deleted successfully!” appears at the bottom of the page highlighted in green.
The gray pop-up window is still present. Now you can enter a new share, following the steps described above in the Add call share section. If you do not want to add a new share to this call; click on the X button in the upper right hand side of the pop-up window.
Search call share
Location in the application
Login > Search   
After you enter the application, click on the Search button, which is the second option, on the vertical menu bar. The search page will open and display a list of calls. The beginning of a call line can contain any of the following icons: Download, Has Notes, Has Evaluations and Call Shared. If a call has been shared, you will see the Call Shared icon on the call line. If a call was not shared, you will see the Share call icon on the call line. Therefore, if you want to find a share you need to have the Call Shared icon on the call line.
You can see shares made by you and by other users.
Update call share
Location in the application
Login > Search   
After you enter the application, click on the Search button which is the second option on the vertical menu bar. The Search page will open and display a list of calls. The beginning of a call line may contain any of the following icons: Download, Has Notes, Has Evaluations and Call Shared. If a call has been shared, you will see the Call Shared icon on the call line. If a call was not shared you will see the Share call icon on the call line. Please note that you can only update shares made by you. The application does not allow you to update shares made by others.
Click on the Call Shared icon of a call you have shared. A gray pop-up window appears on the screen. Click on the Select share name drop-down menu. Select from the list; your share. The link containing your share appears below after you select the name. Please note that you cannot change the name of the share. The update can only be made on Password Protected and Expiration Date fields.
If you have not chosen either of these two features, or if you have chosen only one of them when you created the call share, the unused feature will be displayed with its/their respective check box(s) unselected. Select the check box of one or both of them. Fill in the fields as described in the Add call share section. Then click OK in the lower right hand side of the pop-up window. The call line you have just updated containing a share is highlighted in blue.
If you have chosen one or both features when you created the call share, their respective fields will appear as completed. You can delete the password or the expiration date by deselecting the check box that corresponds to each of them: Password Protected and Expiration Date. Then click OK in the lower right hand side of the pop-up window. The call line you have just updated containing a share is highlighted in blue.  
15. Tab
15.1 Add – Add a tab on Live Monitoring, Search Calls and Search Evaluations pages
15.2 Delete – Delete a tab from Live Monitoring, Search Calls and Search Evaluations pages
15.3 Search – View tabs on Live Monitoring, Search Calls and Search Evaluations pages
15.4 Update – Update tabs on Live Monitoring, Search Calls and Search Evaluations pages
  • Allows you to add, delete, search, and update a tab.
Add tab
Location in the application
Login > Search   
After you enter the application, click on the Search button which is the second on the vertical menu bar. The search page will open and display a list of calls.  Click on the New Tab button (+) in the upper right hand side of the page. A new tab appears with the name: Pending Save. Click the Pending Save name in the new tab. The tab name will become editable. Delete Pending Save and type Test Tab instead. Press Enter. The tab is now displayed as Test Tab. Edit box closes. Click the Save button in the upper right hand side of the page. You will see the “Tabs saved successfully!” message displayed on the bottom of the page highlighted in green. Verify the tabs. Test Tab is available on the Search Page.
Delete tab
Location in the application
Login > Search   
After you enter the application click on the Search button which is the second option on the vertical menu bar. The search page opens and displays a list of calls.  Click on an existing Tab from the top of the page that you want to delete. The tab will open in the main window and displays a list of calls. Click the “X” icon present in the corner of the tab. A new small gray window pops up with the message “Are you sure you want to delete this tab?” and the options Delete and Cancel. Click Delete. You will see the “Tab deleted successfully!” message displayed on the bottom of the page highlighted in green. Verify the tabs. The tab is deleted, it will no longer appear in the tabs list.
Search tab
Location in the application
Login > Search   
After you enter the application click on the Search button which is the second from the vertical menu bar. Search page opens and displays a list of calls. In the upper part of the page right below SEARCH header you will see all the tabs previously created and saved on the Search page.
 If they are only a few, for example maximum 10 tabs, you will see all of them displayed. Click on the tab you are looking for. The application will display calls related to that tab.
If they are many, for example twenty tabs, you will see arrow buttons on the tabs line, one on the left and one on the right edge of the tabs line. Click the arrow button from the left. The page displays the last added tabs that do not fit on the screen. Click the arrow button from the right. The page displays the first added tabs that do not fit on the screen.
Update tab
Location in the application
Login > Search
After you enter the application click the Search button, which is the second option on the vertical menu bar. The search page opens and displays a list of calls. In the upper part of the page right below the SEARCH header. All previously created tabs will be saved on the Search page.
Click on the tab you want to modify. There are many way to update a tab on the Search page.
First, click on the Date Picker menu found at the top of the page, below the tabs line. Usually the calendar is displayed for the current month and year, but it can also display a previously selected interval, which will appear highlighted in blue.
Click on the Range drop-down menu from Date Picker. Available options are: Custom, Today, Last Hour, Yesterday, Last 3 Days, Last 7 Days, This Month, Last Month, This Year, and Last Year. Click on Last 7 Days from the Range menu.
The calendar will display the start date of the interval on the left side and the end date (which is the current date) of the interval on the right side. Select 02:00 as start hour in the calendar on the left.  The selected hour will appear highlighted in blue. Select 12:00 as end hour in the calendar on the right. The selected hour will appear highlighted in blue. Click OK on the lower right hand side of the calendar. Page will refresh instantly and display only the results that fit within the selected date and time range. Click the “Save” button on the upper right part of the page. You will see the “Tabs saved successfully!” message displayed on the bottom of the page highlighted in green.
Second, click the Select Columns drop-down menu found at the top of the page. The drop-down list will expand and display available selections with a checkbox: Agent ID, Agent Name, Called ID, Called Name, Caller ID, Caller Name, Interaction Date/ Evaluated Date, Dialed Number, Direction, Duration, Extension, GUID, Labels, Main Group, Media Size, Media Type, Media URL, Server ID, Server Name, Service ID, Service Name, State, Transcribed, Update Date and User ID. Check boxes for all of options will appear. Click Clear at the bottom of the Select Columns drop-down menu. All checkboxes have been deselected on the Select Columns drop-down menu. Tick the check boxes of the columns you want to see in this tab. Ticked check boxes appear as marked. Click OK at the bottom of the Select Columns drop-down menu. Verify your tab; it will display only the selected columns. Click the “Save” button in the upper right hand side of the page. You will see the “Tabs saved successfully!” message displayed on the bottom of the page highlighted in green.
Third, click on the Filter By drop-down menu. It will expand and display all columns to filters can be applied: Agent ID, Agent Name, Called Name, Caller Name, Direction, Evaluation, Extension, Labels, Main Group, Media Type, Notes, Server Name, Share, State and Transcribed. Select the check box of any of those, for example, Agent Name. The Agent Name check box will appear as marked. Click OK at the bottom of Filter By drop-down menu. The Agent Name drop-down menu appears next to the Filter By drop-down menu. Click on the Agent Name drop-down menu; it will display a list of agents in two categories: Recently used and All fields. Tick the check box of a name from the list. The check box of the name you have selected appears as marked. Click OK at the bottom of the Agent Name drop-down menu. The page will refresh itself instantly and display all calls that contain the selected agent. The Agent Name drop-down menu now is shown as the name of the agent you have selected. The Filter By menu is present next to the Agent Name menu. This means that you can go on with your update of the tab and filter further columns following the same steps as for Agent Name. At the end, click the “Save” button on the upper right hand side of the page. You will see the “Tabs saved successfully!” message displayed on the bottom of the page highlighted in green.
Fourth, you can update a tab by changing the positions of the columns displayed on the Search page. Place the cursor on the grabber next to the column title of the columns you wish to move and drag to the end of the table, then release the mouse. The column will be placed at the end of the table, as the last. Now take another column that you wish to move and drag it to the beginning of the table. The column is placed at the beginning, in the place it was dropped.
Click the “Save” button on the upper right part of the page. You will see the “Tabs saved successfully!” message displayed on the bottom of the page highlighted in green.
16. Tags
16.1 Add - Add a new tag on Settings > Page Columns >Search Calls 
16.2 Delete - Delete an existing tag from Settings > Page Columns >Search Calls 
16.3 Update - Update an existing tag from Settings > Page Columns >Search Calls 
Add tag
Location in the application
Login > Settings > Page Columns >Search Calls
Enter in the application, go to the Settings page and click Page Columns. Click on Search Calls under the Page section. Call Columns page is displayed on the right side of the page. This permission allows you to make the tags editable.
Delete tag
Location in the application
Login > Settings > Page Columns >Search Calls
After you enter in the application, go to Settings, click Page Columns and click Search Calls. You can make the tags not editable. Uncheck the Enabled checkbox and click Save button. The application displays the "Column names were saved successfully!" message highlighted in green on the top of the page. 
Update tag
Location in the application
Login > Settings > Page Columns >Search Calls
This permission allows you to edit tags. Click on Settings page and go to Page Columns/Search Calls. There you can choose to make the tags editable or not. When the Tag field is editable, you can enter relevant information for a recording in that field. After you finish your changes, click Save button. The application displays the "Column names were saved successfully!" message highlighted in green on the top of the page.
17. Template
17.1 Add – Add a template on Settings > QA Template Editor
17.2 Delete – Delete a template from Settings > QA Template Editor
17.3 Search – View templates on Settings > QA Template Editor
17.4 Update – Update templates on Settings > QA Template Editor
  • Allows you to add, delete, search, and update a template.
Add template
Location in the application
Login > Search  
Enter the application, go to the Settings page and click on the QA Template Editor sub-section under QUALITY ASSURANCE section. There is also a list called Template Names; it contains all the templates that have been created and saved previously. Click on New in the upper right part of the page found between Export and Copy. Template Name is the first field you need to fill in. The text box next to Template Name is filled in by default with New Template. Click on the text box; it will become editable. Delete the default name, New Template and enter the name you want to use for this template.
Click on the Add Section button in the upper right hand side of the page; to complete the first section of the template. It can be found under the Template Sections header and it is available with the default name; New Section. Click on the name New Section, it will become editable. Delete the default name and enter the name you wish to use for this section.
Click on the Add Question button found below the Delete Selected button on the upper right hand side of the page. The default name for the question is New Question. Click on the name New Question, it will become editable. Delete the default name and enter your question. Next to your question you will find a drop-down menu containing the types of questions that you can add. These are: Yes or No, Single Answer Question, Multiple Choice Question and Scale Question.
Select one of the question types. Click on the + button found on the same line as your question. The menu will expand and will allow you to customize the answers for that question; you can add the total points that question is worth, the passing points and add a default answer for your template by selecting the check box of an answer and clicking on the Add Default button. To add multiple answers for a question, click on the Add Answer button below Scoring.
The answer fields are also editable, like the questions. Click on Answer 1, it will become editable. Type the answer that you want to have for that question.
Close to each answer there is a box in which you can add a number. The number you enter represents the percentage of each answer when adding a score for the question. For example, Answer 1 represents 100% from the score for Question 1; Answer 2 represents 50% and Answer 3, 25%. The total points for this question are 150; passing points are 75. Therefore, if you choose Answer 1 for Question 1, you will get 150 points. If you choose Answer 2 you will get 75 points and for Answer 3 you will only get 37.5 points.
After adding all the questions, click Save in the upper right hand side of the screen. The message "Template was successfully saved!" will appear highlighted in green at the bottom of the page.
Delete template
Location in the application
Login > Search
Enter the application. Go to the Settings page and click on the QA Template Editor sub-section under QUALITY ASSURANCE section. In parallel to this there is a list called Template Names. It contains all the templates that have been created and saved previously. Click on the template you want to delete. The application displays the template you have selected with all details (template name, template sections, questions, etc.). Click the + found in front of Template Sections header to see the details of this template.
Click Delete in the upper right hand side of the screen, between Copy and Save. In a gray pop-up window you will see the message “Permanently remove the data from database?” and options with check boxes:
  • Yes, remove template and its evaluations
  • Yes, keep template but remove evaluations
  • No, keep data in database, but remove template from queue
It is your choice to select or not any of the three options. Note that only one option can be selected when deleting a template.
In the lower right area of the pop-up window there are two buttons: Delete and Cancel. Click Delete. Depending on whether you chose any of the three options mentioned above, you will see the following confirmation messages in highlighted in green at the bottom of the page:
Chosen option
Displayed message
1. None
1. The template was successfully deleted!
2. Yes, remove template and its evaluations
2. The template and template data were successfully deleted!
3. Yes, keep template but remove evaluations
3. The template data was successfully deleted!
4. No, keep data in database, but remove template from queue
4. The template was successfully deleted!
Search template
Location in the application
Login > Search   
Enter the application. Go to the Settings page and click on QA Template Editor sub-section under the QUALITY ASSURANCE section. In parallel to this there is a list called Template Names. It contains all the templates that have been created and saved previously.
If there are only a few templates, for example twenty, just click on the template you are looking for. The application displays the template you have selected with all details (template name, template sections, questions, etc.). Click the + found in front of Template Sections header to see the details of this template.
If there are many templates, for example fifty or more, click on the Filter Templates search box found above Template Names header. The search box becomes editable. Enter a letter or a word. The list will refresh instantly and will display only QA templates containing the letter or the word you have typed. Select the template you are looking for. The application displays the template you have selected with all the details (template name, template sections, questions, etc.). Click the + found in front of Template Sections header to see the details of this template.
 Update template
Location in the application
Login > Search   
Enter the application. Go to the Settings page and click on QA Template Editor sub-section under the QUALITY ASSURANCE section. In parallel to this there is a list called Template Names; it contains all the templates that have been created and saved previously. There are many ways in which you can update a template.
If you have created a new template two minutes ago and you want to add or delete a question to it, you can do it ONLY as long as no evaluation has been made using that template. Select the template you want to edit from the Template Names list on Settings page – QA Template Editor. The application displays the template you have selected with all the details (template name, template sections, questions, etc.). Click the + found in front of Template Sections header to see the details of this template.
Click Add Section found in the upper right hand side of the screen in front of Delete Selected button. A new Section will be added to your template. Click Add Question found on the line of each section. This enables you to add a question to the newly added section or to a previously added section.
Click the + on a question line to see the details regarding that question. You can modify anything related to the answers for that question, allow or not comments for that question, total points, passing points, default answer just as described in the Add template section.
You can also change answers or questions by clicking the name of an answer/question. The field will become editable. There you can type whatever you consider appropriate for the template you are updating. The modifications appear and remain on the screen by pressing Enter.
If you want to delete a section or a question from the template, select the check box in front of the section/template and then click Delete Selected in the upper right hand side of the page, next to Add Section button. In a gray pop-up window you will see the message “Are you sure you want to delete selected items?” and the options Delete and Cancel. Click Delete. The message “Selected items were successfully deleted!” will appear highlighted in green at the bottom of the page.
Right below the name of the template there are three options with check boxes: Enable, Lock, and Allow Overall Comment.
When can be modified
What happens if selected
What happens if deselected
You can make evaluation(s) using this template.
You cannot make evaluation(s) using this template.
You cannot modify a completed evaluation.
You can modify a completed evaluation.
Allow Overall Comment
You can add an overall comment when you perform an evaluation.
You cannot add an overall comment when you perform an evaluation.
After making all the necessary updates on the template, click the Save button in the upper right hand side of the page next to Delete. The message “Template was successfully saved!” will appear highlighted in green at the bottom of the page.
18. Timeline
18.1 Search – Search the timeline for Search Calls, Search Evaluations, and Playback pages
  • Allows you to search the timeline.
Search timeline
Location in the application
Login > Search > Playback  
You can find the timeline in the application on two different pages: Search and Playback.
Enter the application and go to the Search page. At the bottom left side of the page, there is a button labeled: display a timeline. Click on it and the application will display the timeline. In the left upper part of the timeline now you will see the Hide timeline button. Click on it if you don’t want to see the timeline anymore. Please note that whether or not the timeline is displayed, at the bottom of the Search page there will always be the following timeline buttons: Play/Pause, Resume, Full Screen, Pop-up Window, Volume and Progress Bar.
If you want to see the timeline on the Playback page there are two options: you can either click on a call line from the Search page (the application moves you automatically to Playback page and displays details regarding the call you clicked on), or you can click directly on the Playback button (in this case the application shows you the most recent call from the Search page list) from the menu bar after you enter the application. A Timeline on the Playback page contains the same buttons as the one from the Search page.   
19. Topics
19.1 Add – Add a topic on Settings > Topics Editor
19.2 Delete – Delete a topic from on Settings > Topics Editor
19.3 Search – Search for topics on Settings > Topics Editor
19.4 Update – Update topics on Settings > Topics Editor
Add topic
Location in the application
Login > Settings > Quality Assurance > Topics Editor
On Settings page, QUALITY ASSURANCE menu, there is an option for creating a new topic. Select Agent Topics or Caller Topics from Categories. Click on New button and choose for an unique name for the topic you create.
Delete topic
Location in the application
Login > Settings > Quality Assurance > Topics Editor
This permission allows you to delete topics from the Topics Editor, made by you or other auditors. To delete a topic, click the respective topic from the Topics menu. Click Delete button in the upper right side of the page,next to Save button. The application asks you, "Are you sure you want to delete the selected topic?" and comes with two options: Delete and Cancel. To delete the topic, click Delete. The following confirmation message will be displayed. "Topic was deleted successfully!"
Search topic
Location in the application
Login > Settings > Quality Assurance > Topics Editor
This permission allows you manage all Topics and their settings in the application. All the topics are displayed in the list, and you can select one to edit it. All the details are displayed in the right side of the page, phrases and their matches in the calls.
Update topic
Location in the application
Login > Settings > Quality Assurance > Topics Editor
Open the Topics Editor menu and select one topic you want to edit. Click the Edit button that’s next to each phrase and start to edit it. After you finish the edit click the check button that’s displayed on the same row. To save your changes click the Save button in the upper right side of the window.
20. User
20.1 Add – Add a user on Settings > Users
20.2 Delete – Delete a user from on Settings > Users
20.3 Search – Search for users on Settings > Users
20.4 Update – Update users on Settings > Users
  • Allows you to add, assign, delete, search, and update a user.
Add user
Location in the application
Login > Settings > Users  
Enter the application. Go to the Settings page and click on the Users sub-section under USER section. In parallel to this there is a list containing all the users that have been created and saved previously. By default, the application will display information regarding the first user from the list.
To add a new user to the list, click on the New button in the upper right hand side of the page, between Export and Copy. The main page that displays details about the first user from the list will refresh and all fields are now empty. Note that Agent ID/User ID, First Name, Last Name, Password, Confirm Password, Email and Main Group are mandatory fields. The rest are optional. For a better management of your agents it is advisable to fill in as many details as possible for each user in the application.
Click on Agent ID/User ID field, it will become editable. Type “Test User”. Please note that the User ID must be unique. The application will not allow you to create a user with an ID that has already been assigned.
Click on First Name field, it will become editable. Type “Test”. Click on Last Name field; it becomes editable. Type “User”. Unlike the user ID, first name and last name do not have to be unique. You can have multiple users with the same first name and/or last name.
Click on the Password field. The field will become editable and will display an asterisk for each digit place (******). Type “1425367”. The field displays seven dots (……).Click on Confirm Password field. The field will become editable and will display an asterisk for each digit place (******). Type “1425367”. The field displays seven dots (……). Just like first name and last name, the password does not need be unique. You can have multiple users with the same password and can contain any ASCII characters.
Click on Email field, it will become editable. Type test@user.com. The Email also needs to be unique. The application will not allow you to have two or more users with the same email address.
Click on Phone field, it will become editable. Type 8005551212.
Verify the Hire Date field. It is completed by default with the current date in MM-DD-YYYY format. Click the date to change it. A calendar will appear below the Hire Date field. Pick any past or future date from there.
Click on the Trainer drop-down menu. You will see a list of all trainers. Pick any of the names. The name you have picked appears now on the Trainer field.
Click on the Supervisor drop-down menu. You will see the list of all of supervisors. Pick any of the names. The name you have picked will appear on the Supervisor field.
Click on the expandable Groups menu. You will see all groups that have been created in the application, each one with a check box. Tick the check boxes of the groups you want this user to be part of. As you select/deselect them, the names of the groups appear/disappear from the Groups header line.
Select the Main Group drop-down menu below the Phone field. The available groups are the ones that you have selected from the expandable menu as described in the above paragraph. Choose one of the groups to be the main group for this user.
It is not mandatory for a user to be part of many groups. They can be part of one group, which would be the main group.
A new user cannot be added without assigning him to a group. If you try to do so, the application will display “Please assign the user to a group” highlighted in red at the bottom of the page.  
Other fields that can be filled in when adding a new user are:
  • Account Is Locked? – Drop-down: Yes, No
  • Complex Password? – Drop-down: Yes, No
  • Change Password? – Drop-down: Yes, No
  • Active User? – Drop-down: Yes, No
  • Extension – Text box (manually enter the extension)
  • Default Search View – Drop-down: Notes View, QA View, Video Only
  • Login Tab – Drop-down: Live Monitoring, Search, Settings, Report Analysis, Reports, Playback
  • Termination date Text box (enter manually the date in MM-DD-YYYY format or choose a date from the calendar shown below the box)
After adding all the necessary information for the new user, click on the green “Save” button which is the last option in the upper right hand side of the screen. You will see the “User successfully saved!” message displayed highlighted in green at the bottom of the page.
Delete user
Location in the application
Login > Settings > Users  
Enter the application. Go to the Settings page and click on the Users sub-section under USER section. In parallel to this there is a list containing all the users that have been created and saved previously. By default, the application will display information regarding the first user from the list. Choose the user you want to delete; click on their name to see details.
Click on the red Delete button from the upper right hand side of the screen found between Copy and Save. A confirmation message will appear in a gray pop-up window: “By not checking the option below, you will be able to search for the user past records and QA records”. Two options with check boxes will appear below this message: “Delete Calls” and “Delete QA Records.” In the same window you will see: “Warning: Checking both “Delete Calls” and “Delete QA Records” will delete the user and their data forever”. The options below the warning are: “Delete” and “Cancel.”
If you want to delete the user and any data related to them, select both “Delete Calls” and “Delete QA Records” check boxes.
In case the user you want to delete is a trainer or a supervisor, you can reassign trained or supervised users to someone else. In the same gray pop-up window the following two drop-down menus will appear: “Reassign Trained Users To and Reassign Supervised Users To.” After that you can click Delete.
If the user you want to delete is not a trainer nor a supervisor, you can ignore the drop-down menus. Click Delete. You will see the following message highlighted in green at the bottom of the page: “The user with an ID and all additional data was successfully deleted!” This message appears whether or not you ignored both “Reassign Trained Users To” and “Reassign Supervised Users To” drop-down menus.
If you only want to delete the calls related to that user, select the Delete calls option and click Delete in the lower part of the gray pop-up window. The confirmation message: “The user ID was suspended! All user calls were deleted” appears highlighted in red at the bottom of the page.
If you only want to delete QA records related to that user, select the Delete QA Records option and click Delete in the lower part of the gray pop-up window. The confirmation message “The user with ID was suspended! All user QA records were deleted” will appear highlighted in red at the bottom of the page.
Search user
Location in the application
Login > Settings > Users 
Enter the application. Go to the Settings page and click on the Users sub-section under USER section. In parallel to this, there is a list containing all users that have been created and saved previously. By default, the application will display information regarding the first user from the list.
Above the list there are two blue arrows: one on the left and the other on the right. Click on them to navigate back and forward through the list of users.
Below the arrows, user information is displayed in two columns: Name and Agent ID. Although the label of the Name column cannot be changed, you can choose to view other column instead of Agent ID. Next to Agent ID there is a table icon. Click on it and select one of the available options from the drop-down menu: Main Group, Supervisor and Trainer. Any of these three can replace the Agent ID column. You just need to click on the name of the column from the menu and the application will display the information requested.
Above the blue arrows, there is the Filter Users search box. Type a letter or word and the application will filter those names from the list.
Update user
Location in the application
Login > Settings > Users 
Enter the application. Go to the Settings page and click on the Users sub-section under USER section. In parallel to this, there is a list containing all users that have been created and saved previously. By default, the application will display information regarding the first user from the list. Select the user from the list you want to update. Click on the user name to see details.
You can update any of the fields related to that user. For a step-by-step approach go to the Add user section. Click on the green Save button in the upper right hand side of the screen. You will see the “User successfully saved!” message highlighted in green at the bottom of the page.
21. User Comments
21.1 Add – Add a comment.
21.2 Delete – Delete a comment made by you.
21.3 Delete all – Delete any comment made by you or by other editor.
21.4 Search – Allows you to see comments made by you or by other editor.
21.5 Update - Allows you to make updates on a comment made by you.
21.6 Update all - Allows you to make updates on a comment made by you or by other editor
Add comment
Location in the application
Login > Search Evaluation page > Evaluations
You can add multiple comments for each evaluation question or for the overall questions. A mentioned user can write a reply on the same comment they were mentioned.
Delete a comment
Location in the application
Login > Search Evaluation page > Evaluations
You can delete comments from evaluation questions or from the overall questions.
Delete all comments
Location in the application
Login > Search Evaluation page > Evaluations
You can delete comments from evaluation questions or from the overall questions, made by you or by other editor.
Search comments
Location in the application
Login > Search Evaluation page > Evaluations
You can search for comments on evaluation questions or on the overall questions, made by you or by other editor.
Update comments
Location in the application
Login > Search Evaluation page > Evaluations
You can update comments on evaluation questions or on the overall questions, made by you.
Update all the comments
Location in the application
Login > Search Evaluation page > Evaluations
You can update comments on evaluation questions or on the overall questions, made by you or by other editor. 
22. Group
22.1 Add – Add a group in Settings > Groups
22.2 Delete – Delete a group from Settings > Groups
22.3 Search – Allows you to see groups in Settings > Groups
22.4 Update – Update groups in Settings > Groups
  • Allows you to add, delete, search, and update a user group.
Add user group
Location in the application
Login > Settings > Groups  
Enter the application. Go to the Settings page and click on the Groups sub-section under USER section. In parallel to this, there is a list containing all groups that have been created and saved previously. By default, the application will display information regarding the first group from the list.
Click on the New button in the upper right part of the screen before, Copy. The main page that displayed details about the first group from the list will refresh. All fields are now empty, ready to be filled in. There is a text box called Group Name. As you click on it, the field becomes editable. Type the name of your new group. The second field is a text box labeled Group Description. The text box will become editable after you click on it. Type a description for your new group.
Under the Assigned Options header there are two expandable menus: Assigned Users and Assigned Roles, each one with a check box and a + button in front of them.
Click the + button found in front of Assigned Users. A list with all users will expand. Each user has a check box. Select users that you want to be part of this group. As you tick/untick their check boxes, user names begin to appear/disappear on the same line as Assigned Users. If you want all users to be part of this group, just tick the check box in front of Assigned Users. The application will automatically display the names of all users on that line.
Click the + button in front of Assigned Roles. A list with all roles will expand. Each role has a check box. Select roles that you want to assign to this group. As you tick/untick their check boxes, role names begin to appear/disappear on the same line as Assigned Roles. If you want all roles to be assigned to this group, just tick the check box found in front of Assigned Roles. The application will automatically display the names of all roles on that line.
The next step is to click on Save in the upper right hand side of the page. The confirmation message “Group saved successfully” will appear highlighted in green at the bottom of the page.
Delete user group
Location in the application
Login > Settings > Groups 
Enter the application. Go to the Settings page and click on the Groups sub-section under USER section. In parallel to this, there is a list containing all groups that have been created and saved previously. By default, the application will display information regarding the first group from the list.
Click on the group you want to delete. On the main page you will see all details regarding this group. Click Delete in the upper right part of the screen between Copy and Save. A gray pop-up window will appear with the following message: “Before deleting this group you need to move the users. Please choose the group you want to move the users to.” Below the message there is a drop-down menu containing all other groups; choose one of them. At the bottom of the gray pop-up window you have Delete and Cancel buttons. After selecting a group from the drop-down menu, click Delete. The message “Group successfully deleted!” will appear highlighted in green at the bottom of the page.
Verify the list of groups. The group you just deleted will no longer appear.
Search user group
Location in the application
Login > Settings > Groups 
Enter the application. Go to the Settings page and click on Groups sub-section under USER section. In parallel to this, there is a list containing all groups that have been created and saved previously. By default, the application will display information regarding the first group from the list.
Above the list called Groups there are two blue arrows: one on the left and the other on the right. Click on them to navigate back and forward through the list of groups. In front of the left arrow the total number of rows of the list which is actually the total number of groups from the application will be displayed.
Above of the blue arrows, there is the Filter Groups search box. Type a letter or a word and the application will filter the names from the list.
Update user group
Location in the application
Login > Settings > Groups 
Enter the application. Go to the Settings page and click on the Groups sub-section under USER section. In parallel to this, there is a list containing all groups that have been created and saved previously. By default, the application will display information regarding the first group from the list.
You can update any of the fields related to that group. For a step-by-step approach go to the Add group section. Click on the green Save button which is the last one in the upper right hand side of the screen. You will see the message “Group saved successfully” highlighted in green at the bottom of the page.
25. View
25.1 API – Allows you to view Settings > API
25.2 Page Columns – Allows you to view Settings > Page Columns
25.3 Dashboard - Allows you to view Dashboard Page
25.4 Groups – Allows you to view Settings > General Groups
25.5 My Profile - Allows you to view Settings > My Profile
25.6 QA Template Editor – Allows you to view Settings > QA Template Editor
25.7 Reports – Allows you to view Reports page
25.8 Roles – Allows you to view Settings > Roles
25.9 Search Calls – Allows you to view Search Calls page
25.10 Search Evaluations – Allows you to view Search Evaluations page
25.11 Service Extensions – Allows you to view Settings > Service Extensions
25.12 Service Logs – Allows you to view Settings > Service Logs
25.13 Service Profiles – Allows you to view Settings > Service Profiles
25.14 Service Resources – Allows you to view Settings > Service Resources
25.15 Settings – Allows you to view Settings page
25.16 System Monitor – Allows you to view Settings > System Monitor
25.17 System Summary – Allows you to view Settings > System Summary
25.18 Users – Allows you to view Settings > Users
25.19 Whitelists – Allows you to view Settings > Whitelists
  • Allows you to view each section of the application.
View API
Location in the application
Login > Settings > API 
This permission enables you to see the Application Programming Interface section of the application. This is useful for the system administrator to make changes using Swagger.
View Page Columns
Location in the application
Login > Settings > Calls Columns
This permission allows you to have access to the Call Columns page from the Settings tab. The changes made in this page are reflected in Search pages.
View Dashboard
Location in the application
Login > Dashboard page
This permission allows you to have access to the Dashboard page.
View Groups
Location in the application
Login > Settings > Groups
This permission allows you to have access to the Groups page in the Settings tab. Access groups will be able to see the groups names and the assigned options.
View Live Monitoring
Location in the application
Login > Live Monitoring   
This permission allows you to access to the Live Monitoring Page.
View My Profile
Location in the application
Login > Settings > My Profile
This permission allows you to access to the My Profile page in the Settings tab. You can create the profile set-up: the First Name, Last Name, Telephone, Password and Confirm Password (marked as ***). You also see the picture you have uploaded in the Language and Login Tab preferences.
View QA Template Editor
Location in the application
Login > Settings > QA Template Editor
This permission allows you to access the QA Template Editor page in the Settings tab. You can see the list of existing templates, and their content.
View Reports
Location in the application
Login > Settings > Reports
This permission allows you to access the Reports Page.
View Roles
Location in the application
Login > Settings > Roles
This permission allows you to access the Roles page in the Settings tab. You are able to see the list of roles, their settings, the options, the assigned groups and authorized templates.
View Search Calls
Location in the application
Login > Search Page
This permission allows you to access the Search Calls Page.
View Search Evaluations
Location in the application
Login > Evaluations
This permission allows you to access the Search Evaluations Page.
View Service Extensions
Location in the application
Login > Settings > Service Extensions
This permission allows you to access the Service Extension page in the Settings tab.
View Service Logs
Location in the application
Login > Settings > Service Logs
This permission allows you to access the Service Logs page in the Settings tab.
View Service Profiles
Location in the application
Login > Settings > Service Profiles
This permission allows you to access the Service Profile page in the Settings tab.
View Service Resources
Location in the application
Login > Settings > Service Resources
This permission allows you to access the Service Resources page in the Settings tab.
View Settings
Location in the application
Login > Settings
This permission allows you to access the Settings Page. You can see all the settings in the application.
View System Monitor
Location in the application
Login > Settings > System Monitor
This permission allows you to access the System Monitor page in the Settings tab. You will be able to see Application CPU Load, System CPU Load, Instant Memory Load, Instant CPU Load, System Info, and System Memory Load.
View System Summary
Location in the application
Login > Settings > System Summary
View Users
Location in the application
Login > Settings > Users
This permission allows you to access the Users page in the Settings tab. To perform other actions on this page you will need to have other permissions.
View Whitelists
Location in the application
Login > Settings >Whitelists
This permission allows you to access the Whitelists page in Settings. You can see the created whitelists and the WAN IP list.
26. Whitelist
26.1 Add – Add an IP to the whitelist in Settings > Whitelists
26.2 Delete – Delete an IP from the whitelist from Settings > Whitelists
26.3 Search – Allows you to see Settings > Whitelists
26.4 Update – Update IPs from Settings > Whitelists
  • Allows you to add, delete, search, and update a template.
Add Whitelist
Location in the application
Login > Settings > Whitelists
The Whitelists page is divided in two sections: the Whitelists Names list on the left and the Whitelist details on the right.
To create a new whitelist, click the New button in the upper right hand corner of the page. This opens an instance with blank fields that can be filled in. Type a name in the Whitelist Name field and add details about your new whitelist in the Whitelist Description field. In the Whitelist IP List, add all the IPs that will be permitted to access the application.
Delete Whitelist
Location in the application
Login > Settings > Whitelists
To delete an existing whitelist, select it from the list and click Delete button in the upper right hand corner of the page. A pop-up window will appear, containing the question: “Are you sure you want to delete this Whitelist?” and the options Delete and Cancel. Click Delete. The application will display the following confirmation message, “Whitelist deleted successfully,” highlighted in green.
Search Whitelist
Location in the application
Login > Settings > Whitelists
This permission allows you to search the Whitelists you want in the list. Click the Filter Whitelists field and enter the name of the Whitelists you want to display.
Update Whitelist
Location in the application
Login > Settings > Whitelists
This permission allows you to update the Whitelists you want from the list. Click the Filter Whitelists field and enter the name of the Whitelists you want to upload. Make the changes you want to make and click Save. The application will display the following confirmation message: “Whitelist saved successfully.”