SMS Campaign Registration Form Corrective Action Required

Updated: 06/04/2024


US SMS carriers have reviewed our customer SMS Campaign Registration for missing or incomplete information, and revealed that many of our early adopter customers do not meet the current requirements and guidelines for SMS Campaign Registration.
To prevent the US SMS carriers from blocking SMS messages of their 8x8 users, all such customers must take corrective action as outlined below.

Applies To

  • SMS Campaign Registration

Action Required

The SMS Campaign Registration form fields listed below are manually reviewed by US SMS carriers.
This is to confirm that all businesses that send SMS messages are following the outlined best practices they’ve set out to protect their consumers who receive SMS messages.
Log in to 8x8 Admin Console and review the following fields in Home > SMS:
  • Campaign Description
  • Call to Action
  • Opt In Keywords
  • Opt In Response Message
  • Opt Out Keywords
  • Opt Out Response Message
  • Help Keywords
  • Help Response Message
  • Sample Message

Additional Information