What's my 8x8 Work username and password?

Updated: 04/16/2024


What is my 8x8 Work username and password?

Applies To

  • 8x8 Work


To log in to 8x8 Work applications, you will need an active 8x8 extension along with the extension username and password. When your 8x8 extension and user profile were created, you should have received a welcome email with all of the following:
  • Extension Number
  • Phone Number
  • Phone Model (if applicable)
  • Username
  • Service Plan
  • Device Activation Code (if applicable)
  • Link to set Account Password

Additional Information

If you have been assigned additional roles and privileges, your username and password will extend to other 8x8 portals and applications, such as the My 8x8 Support Portal, Admin Console, etc.
If you have not received an extension welcome email or do not have these credentials, speak to your phone system administrator to have them created or assigned, or to have the email re-sent.
If you have simply forgotten your password, you can reset it easily via the 8x8 Work login page.