Provision Phones Not Provided by 8x8 in 8x8 Express

Updated: 04/22/2024


Provision phones not provided by 8x8 in 8x8 Express.

Applies To

  • 8x8 Express
  • Third-Party Devices


Note: Accommodation of devices not purchased from or originally provisioned for service by 8x8 is on a commercially reasonable effort basis. These devices are not guaranteed to be supported on 8x8 service.
Are you activating phones not provided by 8x8?
In order to work on the 8x8 service, these phones will need to:
  1. Be supported models on compatible firmware.
  2. Have a valid factory-installed device certificate. See How to Check Phone for a Valid Device Certificate.
  3. Have our server address programmed in so they can reach our servers.
Before you try to activate your phones on 8x8 service, click here to make sure the model and firmware are supported.
Once you have confirmed that your device is compatible with the 8x8 service, follow the guides below to configure it to use our service.
Note: The below guides are for phone system administrators. If you are not the person responsible for setting up and maintaining your company's 8x8 phone system, you may not be able to complete all of the steps below.

Provisioning Guides by Manufacturer