How to Park a Call on IP Phones

Updated: 04/16/2024


Park a call on an IP phone.

Applies To

  • Call Park Extensions
  • Desk Phones


  1. While on a call, either:
    • Transfer to extension 460, or
    • Use the Call Park soft key if available on your phone model (it may be behind a button or soft key labeled More).
  2. The person you were talking to will hear hold music and be assigned to an open Call Park extension.
  3. You will hear what extension the person is on (e.g., 461).
  4. Any IP phone in your system can then pick up the call by dialing the extension number that was assigned (e.g., 461). You can park up to 10 calls at once (on extensions 461-470).

Additional Information

  • A parked call can be picked up by any extension within the organization
  • The parked call will remain on the extension for a maximum of five minutes.
  • After five minutes the call will automatically ring back the person who parked the call. If the ring back is not answered, the call is transferred to the person’s voicemail.
  • When you park a call, the system will tell you which cloud extension the call is parked on; then anyone in the company can call that extension to pick up the parked call.