My Business, After Hours, or Weekend Voicemail Greeting Doesn't Activate

Updated: 04/23/2024


Why doesn't my business, after-hours, or weekend voicemail greeting activate automatically?

Applies To

  • Voicemail System
  • 8x8 Work
  • Admin Console


The Business, After Hours, and Weekend greetings are mainly labels that allow users to record multiple greetings for their voicemail. These greetings need to be manually switched from Business Hours to After Hours and vice versa. 
The voicemail system does not reference a schedule, therefore it doesn't know when it's business hours, after hours, or the weekend. 

Additional Information

User A works a schedule from 9:00 a.m. PST to 6:00 p.m. PST.
User A has recorded both a Business Hours greeting as well as an After Hours greeting and has activated the Business Hours greeting.
At 6:00 p.m. PST, user A needs to dial 555 from 8x8 Work or their desk phone, input their voicemail password, and manually activate the After Hours greeting.