8x8 Desk Phone Directory Upgrade FAQ

Updated: 06/24/2024


The contact directory functionality of your 8x8 desk phones will be updated to take advantage of improved experience and functionality.

Applies To

  • 8x8 Desk Phones
  • Contact Directory

Frequently Asked Questions

When is this going to happen?

You will receive an email at least two weeks in advance informing you of the date we have scheduled for the first night of updates.

Do I need to do anything?

No action is required from our customers.

What is changing?

  • Contact directory search results will be faster, with enhanced performance and reliability.
  • Contact directory search results will no longer include entries where the Display contact in company directory setting is disabled in 8x8 Admin Console (applicable for users, ring groups, call queues, and auto-attendants).

What type of phones are affected?

The improvements to the corporate directory feature will be applied to your 8x8 desk phones or DECT handsets.

Is anything changing to the directory of Work for Desktop, Work for Mobile, or Agent Workspace?

No, this change will affect only the physical device types noted above.

What will happen on the night of the update?

We will send a signal to any registered desk phones to instruct them to refresh their configuration from our servers. The new configuration will give new connection details for the corporate directory function.
Most types of phone will then restart in order to apply this new configuration. Some types of phone will just switch over without restarting.

What is meant by night?

The restarts will take place between 22:00 and 05:00 relative to the region in which the phone is connected.

Will my phones all restart at the same time?

We will restart up to 30 phones per hour, per night, over consecutive nights (if required) until complete.

How many nights will this take?

This will depend on how many phones you have.

Will this affect phones that are connected on an active call?

Active calls will not be interrupted or affected by the restart process. The phones will instead wait until an active call has ended before restarting.

What happens if I have phones that are not plugged in during this maintenance? Will they miss out?

Any phones that are not powered up and registered at the time will pick up the new configuration when they are next powered up.

Some or all of my devices are manually configured. What happens to them?

If you have devices that are not automatically configured by 8x8, they will not be affected by this change. We will contact you at a later date with options for making this change manually.

Is the firmware of the phones being updated?

No, in the vast majority of cases all you will see is a single restart of your phones.
However, if you have any phones that have not been restarted for many months, there is a chance that the restart could trigger an outstanding firmware update. In this case your phone would restart multiple times, typically over 15 minutes. You should allow the process to continue until the phone stops rebooting.

What if my phones don't reboot, or if I experience problems?

In the event that phones do not reboot after the process in general is completed, you can try manually rebooting the affected phone. Keep in mind that if you have a large number of phones, the update process may take place over several nights.
If your phone or phones do not update, or they experience unexpected behavior, raise a case with our support team.

Can I push the date back?

Yes, raise a case with our support team if you need to push the date back by up to one month for any reason.

Can I change the timing of the restarts?

If you wish to have control over the time of restarts you can raise a case with our support team to request that we do not do this automatically. In this situation it will be up to you to restart your phones manually at any convenient time after the maintenance window.

Can I opt out of this change altogether?

No, the current directory connection will be deprecated in the near future.