Manage Contacts in Admin Console

Updated: 02/10/2025


Adding contacts to the directory in 8x8 Admin Console.
Note: Contacts uploaded in this way are only viewable within 8x8 Work for Desktop and 8x8 Work for Mobile, and 8x8 Agent Workspace. They are not available on deskphones.

Applies To

  • Admin Console
  • Contacts
  • Directory


Numbers should include the country code and a +.

Adding Individual Contacts

  1. Log in to Admin Console.
  2. In the upper left, select Menu.
  3. Select Contacts.
  4. Select Create Contact.
  5. Fill in the following required fields:
    • First Name
    • Last Name
  6. Fill in the following optional fields if needed:
    • Phone Number
      Note: The cell/field in the CSV file must also include the phone number TYPE, as this is a requirement when manually adding a phone number for a contact. Otherwise, the bulk upload will ignore the phone number in the CSV file. Example: +445558889999 WORK (for a UK number).
    • Email
    • Nickname
    • Job Title
    • Department
    • Location
  7. Select Save.

Adding a List of Contacts

  1. Log in to Admin Console.
  2. Select Menu > Contacts.
  3. Select Bulk Upload.
  4. Select Download Advanced .CSV Template.
  5. Open the downloaded file in Excel.
  6. Fill In the required fields starting in row 3:
    • Contact.FirstName - First name of the contact
    • Contact.LastName - Last name of the contact
  7. Fill in the following optional fields if needed:
    • Contact.PhoneNumbers
      Note: The cell/field in the CSV file must also include the phone number TYPE, as this is a requirement when manually adding a phone number for a contact. Otherwise, the bulk upload will ignore the phone number in the CSV file. Example: +445558889999 WORK (for a UK number).
    • Contact.NickName
    • Contact.JobTitle
    • Contact.Department
    • Contact.Location
    • Contact.Email
    • Contact.CustomField1
    • Contact.CustomField2
    • Contact.CustomField3
  8. Save the file (as .CSV).
  9. Repeat steps 1 and 2 to get back to the Bulk Upload page.
  10. Select the circle to browse your system and select the file you filled out.
  11. Select Save. The screen may spin for a while.

Deleting a Contact

To delete a contact, select the delete icon to the right of the contact entry. You can delete multiple contacts by checking the boxes to the left of the desired contacts and selecting Delete in the upper right corner of the page.

Additional Information

If you have set up a contact list but are not able to see the contacts, see Display Users in Company Directory From Admin Console for further instructions on how to display the contacts in Admin Console.
If the contact's phone number does not appear after being added via bulk upload, verify that the Contact.PhoneNumber field includes both an E.164 formatted phone number and the type of number (e.g., WORK, HOME, MOBILE, OTHER).