Set Up Cisco/Linksys SPA122 ATA Adapter for 8x8 Service


Set up your Cisco/Linksys SPA122 ATA adapter for 8x8 services.
Admin Console no longer supports the Cisco/Linksys SPA122 ATA. 

Applies To

  • Cisco/Linksys SPA122 ATA Adapter


Before You Begin!
In order to complete provisioning of your Cisco/Linksys SPA122 ATA adapter, you will need to:
  1. Ensure the computer you will use is set up for DHCP. (Unless you or a network/IT admin has manually configured your computer with a static IP address, this should typically be unnecessary.)
  2. Note the adapter's administrator password.
  1. Using a LAN/Ethernet cable, connect the computer to the yellow Ethernet (LAN) port of the SPA122.
  2. Open Internet Explorer browser (IE is required to ensure the adapter's configuration page displays properly).
  3. Access the adapter's web interface (GUI) by browsing to If this address does not work to access the web GUI:
    1. Connect an analog phone to the PHONE 1 port.
    2. Dial * * * *.
    3. When the IVR plays, dial 1 1 0 #. The WAN IP address will be read back to you.
    4. Note the IP address, then enter it into the browser to access the web GUI.
  4. Log in: admin / (administrator password)
  5. Click Voice > Provisioning.
  6. Enter both of the following Profile Rule addresses:
    • Profile Rule:
    • Profile Rule B:$MA.cfg
  7. Click Submit.
  8. Disconnect your PC from the yellow Ethernet (LAN) port.
  9. Connect the SPA122 to your router/switch using the blue Internet (WAN) port.
  10. Power-cycle your SPA122 (remove it from its power source for at least a full minute, then power it back on).