Quality Management Settings Users

Updated: 06/04/2024

  1. How can I find Users in the application?
Location in the application
Login > Settings > Users
  1. What can the Users section do for me?
The Users section of the application has the main function of managing all users in the application and their information. In this section you can view user accounts and all the specific user information.
For multi-tenant environments, the users are managed in the VCC Configuration Manager. Using the administrator account, you can create new user accounts. A new user should be placed in only one VCC group. For mode 3, the users are managed in the Account Manager, and the group placement must be done in the Configuration Manager.
The first four elements you can see on the left next to the navigation bar are the Filter Users field, the existing users list, the column you want to filter agents by, and the Show Inactive Users checkbox. The filter field finds a list of results containing the item you entered. Under the Filter field, QM displays the number of results and the number of pages. You can quickly jump from one page to the other using the forward and back arrows.
Show Inactive Users
Check the Show Inactive Users checkbox and all the inactive users will be displayed on the existing users list.
Beside filtering, you can also rearrange the columns displayed. The first column is Name and it displays the agent's full name. The second column is usually Agent ID, but you can choose another column to show. You have the following options available: Agent ID, Main Group, Supervisor, and Trainer. The Arrange option shows the results in the order you want to see them: alphabetically from a > z, or the other way around, depending on the direction the arrow is pointing, up for a > z; down for z > a.
By default, the application will display information regarding the first user from the list.
To save all of your changes, click Save in the upper right hand corner of the page. A confirmation message appears at the bottom of the screen highlighted in green.
Users can customize account details in the preferences section. Select the Main Group for the agent from the Main Group drop-down. You can also set up the termination date for every agent.
Verify the Hire Date field. It is completed by default with the current date in MM-DD-YYYY format.
Click the Trainer drop-down. You will see the list of all of the trainers. Pick any of the names. The name you have picked appears in the Trainer field.
Click the Supervisor drop-down. You will see the list of all of the supervisors. Pick any of the names. The name you have picked appears in the Supervisor field.
Other fields that can be filled in when adding a new user are:
  • Select Language - Drop-down: Deutsch, English, Espanol, Francais (Canada), Francais (France), Nederlands, Romana
  • Default Playback Speed - Drop-down: 0.5x, 1x, 1.5x, 2x
  • Default Timeline State - Drop-Down: Collapsed, Expanded
  • Login Tab - Drop-down: Dashboard, Search Calls, Search Evaluations, Settings
  • Termination date Text box (manually enter the date in MM-DD-YYYY format or choose a date from the calendar shown below the box)
  • Dashboard - Drop-Down: Agent, Supervisor
It is not mandatory for a user to be part of many groups but it is possible. Each user will belong to a VCC group assigned when the user is created in VCC.
To assign other groups for the user, click the expandable Groups menu. You will see all groups that have been created, each one with a checkbox. Check the boxes of the groups you want this user to be a part of. As you select or deselect them, the names of the groups appear on or disappear from the Groups header line.