Agent Stuck in System and Can't Log In


An agent is unable to log in, but a Supervisor can see that they are.
The agent may experience a spinning icon on logging back in that doesn't go away (see below), or a login screen that is unresponsive.

Applies To

  • 8x8 Contact Center
  • 8x8 Agent Workspace


If your agent can't log in, Supervisors need to check their monitoring tab to see if they can see if the agent still is stuck in the system. This can be done by following the below.
  1. Log into 8x8 Agent Workspace.
  2. Click Menu > Monitoring.
  3. Navigate to Agent Management.
  4. Click Monitor
  5. Search for your agent under the Agent column. 
  6. Check their status under the Status column. 
    1. If they are not Logged Off click the Door to force log the user off.
    2. Ask the agent to refresh their screen (can do this with F5) and then log in again.