Download 8x8 Work for Desktop Beta

System Requirements

  • Operating System 
    • Windows 10 and newer
    • MacOS 10.15 Catalina and newer
  • Hardware Requirements 
    • 1 gigahertz (GHz) or faster 32-bit (x86) or 64-bit (x64) processor
    • 1 gigabyte (GB) RAM (32-bit) or 2 GB RAM (64-bit)
    • 16 GB of available hard disk space (32-bit) or 20 GB (64-bit)
  • Bandwidth 
    • Minimum 1.5 Mbps down/up (Cable modem, DSL, or better)
For a complete list of requirements, refer to the X Series Technical Requirements.

What's new in this release?

Version 8.16 published on 8/19/24. The key features in 8x8 Work for Desktop v 8.16 are:

Voice, Messaging, and Core

Advanced call queues are here!
  • Get queue metrics, easily pause & resume queues plus more. Watch the demo.
  • If you think this can help you in your daily workflows, please reach out to to sign-up interest for a potential free trial.
8x8 Engage Account Workspace - Salesforce deep integration (Beta)
  • You can seamlessly import Salesforce Contacts and select Salesforce List Views on Accounts that are important in your workflow.
  • Interactions with the engaged contacts are automatically logged in Salesforce.
  • Easily link team rooms to your accounts, to get communication and collaboration around your accounts, all in one place.
  • To enable Account Workspace, go to Settings > Sales & Account Workspace, toggle it on and follow the activation steps.
  • This can be disabled any time, from Settings with the same toggle.
Azure Virtual Desktop optimization (Beta)
  • A new optimization feature is now available in 8x8 Work for Web and Desktop in Beta. If you are interested in participating in our Beta program, please email
Video Elevation (Beta)
  • Parallel to your existing call, you can invite the external call party to a one-way video-only stream from them to you, by sending a video link via SMS and get to see what your caller sees, aka show me the problem scenario.
  • During calls, there will be a Video invite button in your active call controls which starts the invite.
New Call Queues Analytics (Beta)
  • New Call Queues API in Analytics for 8x8 Work for Desktop and Web is available in Beta. To enroll in our beta program for this new Public API click here. Please contact with any questions or feedback.
Enhanced Keypad capability
  • Users can now paste numbers into the keypad during an active call. This enhancement allows for quicker navigation through IVR menus.
Park for colleagues in your PBX
  • In multi-PBX (Private Branch Exchange) setups, you can only park calls to a colleague from your own PBX directory.
Enhanced app title bar
  • The app title bar now dynamically displays the name of each navigation area whenever product areas are switched, ensuring accessibility compliance.
Various enhancements & fixes
  • Improved accessibility for screen readers in areas like Calls, Call controls, and General.
  • You can now expedite the refresh of the entire contact directory with the new refresh button displayed in the Company Contacts section.
  • Various bug fixes.

Windows Users

8x8 Work for Desktop v 7.7, and later, provides two packages for Windows. The two packages are fundamentally different, using different deployment and update mechanisms. We recommend reading the following carefully before using either of them.

EXE Version for Per-User Deployment

The .exe version is meant for users that have their own machines and can install upgrades on their own without their company controlling the updates they install.

What to Consider

  • EXE version will be installed to %LOCALAPPDATA%.
  • Automatic updates are downloaded and installed for the user. (In previous versions, users were prompted to install the update.)
  • No need for maintenance — Work for Desktop will keep itself up-to-date and secure.
  • Work for Desktop will check for updates every time the user signs in or once every 24 hours. Users can also check for updates manually. The updates are downloaded in the background without user intervention
  • If there is an update to be installed, Work for Desktop will apply the update automatically when the user signs into Work for Desktop. If the user has not installed an update three days after it was downloaded, they will see a Relaunch to Install banner. They can click the link and install the update.

MSI for Machine-Wide Installation

The Windows Installer file (MSI) package installs 8x8 Work for Desktop machine-wide to the Program Files folder. By installing in the Program Files folder, it can be used by multiple users on one computer.
This package is best for companies that want to control the version that their users receive.

What to Consider

  • Single installation on a machine that multiple users that use the computer can leverage.
  • IT Admins are required to keep 8x8 Work for Desktop up-to-date and secure.

macOS Users

By clicking to download above, you acknowledge and accept the 8x8 Terms of Use and (where applicable) the 8x8 Beta Services Terms of Use.