Metrics and Filters Migration Guide for Customer Experience End-of-Life

Updated: 06/04/2024


In this page the user will find detailed migration mapping for the metrics and filters of the CEX reports into Analytics for CC or Supervisor Workspace reports, where applicable. For the high-level overview over the reports mapping between the systems, please consult the Customer Experience (CEX) EOL Overview .

Applies To

  • Contact Center
  • Customer Experience (CEX)
  • Analytics for Contact Center (ACC)
  • Supervisor Workspace

Recent Calls report migration into Detailed Reports/Interactions in Analytics for Contact Center

Metrics Mapping

Recent Calls Report Metric [CEX] Detailed Report / Interactions correspondent metric [ACC]
Transaction ID Transaction ID 
Abandon Time Time to Abandon
Agents Participant
Call Date Creation Time
Call Start Time Creation Time
Call Direction Direction
Call Duration Interaction Duration
Call Type Type and/or Label
Caller Name Customer Name
Caller Phone Number Customer Phone
Destination Number Destination
Dialed Phone Number Channel Name / Channel ID
Hangup By Terminated by
Hold Count Hold
Max Hold Duration Longest Hold Duration
Total Hold Duration Hold Duration
Mute Count Mute
Queues Queue Name
Schedule Hours Scheduled Hours
Time in IVR IVR Treatment Duration
Wait Time in Queue Queue Wait Duration


Filters Mapping

Recent Calls Report Filters [CEX] Detailed Report / Interactions correspondent filter [ACC]
NOTE: Filtering approach between the 2 systems ( CEX and ACC ) are different; while in CEX there are just checkboxes, in ACC customer have a dedicated Search/Filter bar where they can add and combine filters to obtain the desired result using is, isn’t, is empty, is not empty criteria, defining hence custom reports.
Channel Channel Name, Channel ID
Queue Queue Name, Queue ID
Agents Participant type is Agent
Caller Customer Name
Customer Email
Transaction ID Transaction ID
Date Range Time & Date picker
Call Direction Direction
Call Type Type
Call Type is Queued Label is Queued
Call Type is No Queue Label isn’t Queued or Queue Name is empty
Call Type - Direct Agent Routing Label is Direct Agent Routing
Call Type - Direct Agent Access Label is Direct Agent Access
Call Type - Agent to Agent Type is Internal Call and/or Type is Consultation Call
Call Type - Agent Verification Type is Verification Call
Call Type - Post Call Survey Callback
Type is Post-Call Survey Callback
Label is Post-Call Survey Stay On Call
Lavel is Post-Call Survey Callback
Call Type - Hangup in IVR Label is Ended in IVR
Call Type - Hangup before IVR Not available
Call Type - Voicemail
In CCA, one have split the ‘Voicemail’ type for all possible activities while in CEX were grouped only under a single value
Label is Forwarded to Voice Mail
Label is Forwarded to Agent Individual Voicemail
Media Type is Voicemail
Call Type - Call Forwarded Label is Forwarded to External IVR
Label is Forwarded to External Number
Call Type - Web Callback Type is Callback
Call Type - My Recording Not available
Hangup by Terminated by
Outcome  - Rejected by Agent Outcome is Rejected 
Outcome - Spoke to Agent Outcome is Handled 
Outcome - Went to voicemail queue Outcome is Forwarded to Voicemail
Outcome - Went to agent individual voicemail Outcome is Forwarded to Agent Individual Voicemail 
Outcome - Call Hangup in IVR Outcome is Ended in IVR 
Outcome - Caller Hangup in Queue Outcome is Abandoned
Outcome - Conference Agent Outcome is Conference Established
Transfer to Agent Transfers is Transfer to Agent
Transfer to another number Transfers is Transfer to Another Number
Transfer to Queue Transfers is Transfer to Queue
Blind transferred Transfers is Blind Transfer
Scheduled Hours Scheduled Hours is Open / Closed
IVR Exit Points - Queue Labels is Queued
IVR Exit Points - Hangup Labels is Ended in IVR
IVR Exit Points - Direct Agent Access Labels is Direct Agent Access
IVR Exit Points - Forward to External number Labels is Forwarded to External Number
IVR Exit Points - Forward to Voicemail Label is Forwarded to Voicemail
Repeated Interactions
Repeated interactions by 
-Customer Phone
-Customer Name
-Customer Email
Call durations ( from - to ) Interaction Duration =, !=, <, >
Time in Queue ( from - to ) Queue Wait Duration =, !=, <, >
Time in IVR ( from - to ) IVR Treatment Duration =, !=, <, >
Transfer count ( from - to ) Not available
Handling time ( from - to ) Handling Duration =, !=, <, >
Hold count ( from - to ) Hold =, !=, <, >
Total hold duration ( from - to ) Hold =, !=, <, >
Mute count  


Digital Channels report migration into Digital Channels / Detailed report in Analytics for Contact Center 

Metrics mapping

all metrics are available in the new system

Filters mapping

all filters are available in the new system with the disclaimer that filtering approach between the 2 systems ( CEX and ACC ) are different; while in CEX there are just checkboxes, in ACC customer have a dedicated Search/Filter bar where they can add and combine filters to obtain the desired result using is, isn’t, is empty, is not empty criteria, defining hence custom reports. 


Dominant Paths and IVR Metrics reports migration into Script Paths Report in Analytics for Contact Center 

The Script Path Report will be available from the Analytics for Contact Center and will present caller behavior and routing in an active graphical format. Dominant Paths will become a filter inside this report.
The Script Path Report diagram will show all the nodes and outcomes of each node in a given script a call has run through, as per the script configuration defined in the 8x8 Configuration Manager

Filters mapping

IVR Metrics & Dominant Path filters [CEX] Script Path report filter [ACC]
Note: Filtering approach between the 2 systems ( CEX and ACC ) are different; while in CEX there are just checkboxes, in ACC customer have a dedicated Search/Filter bar where they can add and combine filters to obtain the desired result using is criteria, defining hence custom reports. 
IVR Script Script
Channel Channel
Queue Queue
Agents Agent
Date Range Time & Date picker


Post Call Survey Analytics report migration into Post Call Survey in Supervisor Workspace

Metrics Mapping

Post Call Survey - Survey Summary  Metric [CEX] PCS Widget Supervisor Workspace correspondent metric [ACC]
Offered Offered
Opted In Opted In
Started Started
Completed Completed
- Score per Script
Answered Answered
Hang Up Hang Up
Skipped Skipped
Score per Question Score per Question
Min Value Min Value
Max Value Max Value
Average Score Average Score
Median Score -
Response # Response #
Response % Response %
Recorded -
Post Call Survey - Detailed Responses  Metric [CEX] PCS Interaction Retrieval Supervisor Workspace correspondent metric [ACC]
Call Date Call Date
Call Start Time Call Start Time
Caller Name Caller Name
Caller Phone Number Caller Phone Number
Agent Name Agent Name
Qn.. response Qn.. response
Total Score Total Score
Actions -


Filters Mapping

Post Call Survey - Detailed Responses filter [CEX] PCS Widget Supervisor Workspace correspondent filter [ACC]
Note: Filtering approach between the 2 systems ( CEX and Supervisor Workspace ) are different; while in CEX there are just checkboxes, in Supervisor Workspace customer have a dedicated Search/Filter bar where they can add and combine filters to obtain the desired result using is criteria, defining hence custom reports.
Survey Not needed as a filter since customers have a landing page with all the surveys available 
Agent Groups -
Agents Agents
Queue Queue
Caller Caller
Transaction ID Transaction ID
Date Range Date Range
Offer Type: Callback Offer Type: Callback
Offer Type: Stay on call Offer Type: Stay on call
Results Totals: Completed -
Voice Comment: Question Selection - Recorded Voice Comment: Question Selection - Recorded
Voice Comment: Question Selection - Skipped Voice Comment: Question Selection - Skipped
Voice Comment: Question Selection - Hang Up Voice Comment: Question Selection - Hang Up
Score: Question Selection - Greater or Equal to -
Score: Question Selection - Equal to -
Score: Question Selection - Less or Equal to -
Call Outcome: Rejected by Agent -
Call Outcome: Spoke to Agent -