Quality Management Dashboards

Updated: 06/04/2024

a.   Where can I find the Dashboard page in the application?
Location in the application
Login >  Dashboard
b.   What can the Dashboard page do for me?
The Dashboard page displays details about evaluations and mentions. You can select the dashboard you want to display. There are two dashboards available, one for supervisors and the other one for agents.
Switch Dashboard
The Switch Dashboard drop-down menu is located in the upper-right corner of your screen. Click on it to display a list of available dashboards.
Each option has a radio button assigned. Select an option and click OK. Dashboard results are recalculated and displayed according to the selected option.
OK confirms the choices you have made.
The Date drop-down menu is located in the upper-right corner of the window. By clicking on it you can choose from the following predefined periods: Last Hour, Today, Yesterday, This Month, Last Month, This Year, Last Year.
Each option has a radio button. Select an option and click OK. Dashboard results are recalculated and displayed according to the selected date.
OK confirms the choices you have made.
From the Switch Dashboard menu select Agent and click OK. The agent’s dashboard is now displayed. On this dashboard agents can see their recent evaluations and mentions, as well as the overall score for the current month.
OK confirms the choices you have made.
Overall Score by Month
The Overall Score by Month chart displays a spline that represents the average of all evaluations. When you hover over the spline you'll see a pop-up that contains the Score and the Date.
Recent Evaluations
Recent Evaluations displays two columns: one shows the date of creation, the other one the score of the evaluation, respectively. Only the last 5 evaluations are displayed in this section.
Note: Every evaluation that is displayed on Recent Evaluations is a hyperlink to Open Single Evaluation Report. By clicking on it you will be automatically redirected to the report.
Recent Mentions
Recent Mentions is on the right side of the window, under the Recent Evaluations. In this section the most recent mentions are displayed. Next to each mention, you can see the date when the mention was created.
Note: All the mentions are hyperlinks. Click on one of them and you will be redirected to the place where you were mentioned.
From the Switch Dashboard menu select Supervisor and click OK. The supervisor’s dashboard is now displayed. On this dashboard supervisors can follow their agents’ performance.
Agent Scores
The chart displayed shows the average scores of all the agents evaluated by the same supervisor. The horizontal axis denotes the number of evaluations for each agent, the vertical axis corresponds to the scale of the possible scores that a user can have. The users are ordered by the number of their evaluations.
Agent Performance
The table below provides details about each agent, information regarding the Average Score, Evaluations, Templates, Date of Last Evaluation, Consistency Rate and Calls. You have the possibility to sort the columns by ascending or descending order by clicking on the table headers. The arrow next to the header will indicate you the chosen order.
On the right-hand side the 5 best and the 5 worst performing agents are displayed along with their average scores. The Top 5 section includes in descending order the names of those agents that have the highest score at evaluations. The Bottom 5 section includes in ascending order the names of those agents that have the lowest score at evaluations.
OK confirms the choices you have made.