View Number of Licenses Available in 8x8 Admin Console

Updated: 08/29/2024


See how many of your 8x8 licenses have been used and how many remain unassigned.

Applies To

  • Admin Console
  • 8x8 Licenses


Find Number of Licenses

The Licenses page will only show you what portion of your 8x8 licenses are currently linked to users or services. This is not reflective of how many phone numbers you can still add to your account. The Unassigned total includes both spare licenses and any telephone numbers on your account which are not yet linked to a user or service.
To view how many phone number licenses you have remaining, navigate to Phone Numbers and select Claim Phone Numbers.
  1. Log in to Admin Console.
  2. Select Licenses.
  3. See Unassigned / Total column.
  4. To view what licenses are assigned to what user, click the into the license and select the country assigned.
    • License: The type of license, e.g., X1, X2, X6, VCC.
    • Unassigned: The total number of licenses that are unassigned on the account.
    • Total: The total number of licenses on the account.
    • Description: Description of the license type.

Find Amount of Numbers Claimed

  1. Log in to Admin Console.
  2. Select Phone Numbers.
  3. Select All for each filter.
Note: If you have more than 60 numbers claimed, only the first 60 will be shown. Scrolling down to the bottom of the list will load more numbers.