Configure 8x8 Authentication Password Policy in Admin Console

Updated: 09/10/2024


Set up a password policy with rules around password length, formation, password duration, and lockout duration.

Applies To

  • Password Policy
  • Admin Console
  • 8x8 Authentication


This process assumes that you have enabled 8x8 Authentication in Admin Console.
  1. Log in to Admin Console.
  2. Select Identity and Security.
  3. Under 8x8 Authentication, expand Advanced Password Settings.

  4. Select the desired settings.
    • Complexity Requirement: Defines if a password must be set with a certain complexity. Numbers and a mix of upper and lower case letters are required. The use of symbols can be enabled.
    • Minimum Length: Defines a minimum length for a password. Restricts agents from choosing a password less than the specified length. Can be set between 8 and 25 characters.
    • Password Expires: Defines how long a password is alive. After the specified duration, the password expires and needs to be changed. If disabled, passwords do not expire. If enabled, can be set between 30 and 360 days.
    • Enforce Password History: Defines the number of previous passwords (or no passwords) to be remembered by the system. It prevents users from using the previous passwords when creating a new one. If disabled, no passwords are remembered. If enabled, can be set between 1 and 10 previous passwords.
    • Invalid Login Attempts: Defines the maximum invalid login attempts before the system locks users out. If disabled, invalid login attempts will not lock the user out. If enabled, can be set between 1 and 10 login attempts.
    • Unlock Automatically: Defines the lockout duration before a user is allowed to try to login again. If enabled, can be set between 1 and 60 minutes.
    • Multi-Factor Authentication for All Users: Enable or disable MFA for all users.
    • Check Multi-Factor on User Device Every: If MFA is enabled, determine how often to prompt users for MFA. Can be set from Always to Every 90 Days.
  5. Select Save.

Additional Information

Administrators can unlock users by resetting their password.