Quality Management Search Calls

Updated: 09/18/2024

  1. How can I find the Search Calls page in the application?
Location in the application
Login > Search Calls
  1. What information can I find on the Search Calls page?
The Search Calls page contains all recorded calls. Here you can perform many actions regarding calls (download or share them, add labels to relevant calls, etc.), and apply different filters so that you have your own customized list of calls.
Click Search Calls from the navigation bar. The page will display a list of calls with details. The list appears in a tab called (by default) All.
Add new Tabs
Adjacent to the current tab, there is a + button. Clicking on it will present a new tab containing a list of calls next to the All tab. This tab has the default name NEW TAB.
To save the new tab with no further customizations (presented below), click Save in the upper right side of the page. The following confirmation message will be displayed, “Tabs saved successfully!”
Rename Tabs
Double Click the new tab to rename it. The tab label area will become editable. Delete the current label and enter a new label.
To save changes, click Save in the upper right side of the page. The following confirmation message will be displayed, “Tabs saved successfully!”
Delete Tabs
Each tab has an X button to the right of the tab name. The following question will be presented, “Are you sure you want to delete this tab?” with two options: Delete and Cancel.
To delete the tab click Delete. The following confirmation message will be displayed, “Tab deleted successfully!”
Drag and Drop Tabs
This feature requires at least two tabs on the Search Calls page. The drag and drop functionality helps you rearrange tabs on the Search Calls page.
Click the first tab and drag it beyond the final tab. The tabs will rearrange instantly.
Click the last tab and drag it to the beginning of the tabs list. The tabs will rearrange instantly.
To save tabs in a specific order, click Save in the upper right hand side of the page. The following confirmation message will be displayed, “Tabs saved successfully!”
Tabs List Expansion Arrow
The arrow will automatically appear when there are more tabs (normally 20+) than space in the window.
After adding more tabs, the arrow will appear on both sides of the tabs list. Following the right arrow, the + button allows you to add additional tabs.
Click the left arrow to display the tabs added last.
Click the right arrow to display the tabs added first.
To generate this report click Generate from Calls Report drop-down menu. 
The main function of Calls Report is that it displays the total number of recordings the agent has. The table displays the Group that the agent belongs to, the agent's Supervisor and Trainer, Agent Name, Agent ID, and the agent's recordings: Audio, Video, and AudioVideo.
Organize By 
The Organize By drop-down menu is located in the upper right side of the window. Click on it and it will display a list with the available options by which you can organize the report. These are Group, Supervisor, and Trainer. Each option has a checkbox. Select one of them and click OK at the bottom of the drop-down menu. The table results are recalculated and displayed according to the option that was checked.
Note: At the bottom of the Organize By drop-down menu is a button OK.
OK Confirms the choices you have made on the menu.
Show only agents with no voice recordings
In the upper left corner of the window the Show only agents with no voice recordings checkbox is displayed. Check the box and the report's results are recalculated and displayed according to your chosen option.
Show only agents with no screen recordings
In the upper left corner of the window the Show only agents with no screen recordings checkbox is displayed. Check the box. The page will refresh instantly and display the selected option.
Export to Excel
The Export to Excel function is also available. Click the export button and the report's data are exported to an excel document that you can save locally in your work station.
The Refresh button is located in the upper right corner of the window. Click on it and the page will be immediately refreshed.
Date Range
Users can also pick the date range they want to obtain data for. Click on Date Picker, select a date, and click OK. The chosen date from the Date Picker drop-down menu will be displayed under the Date Range.
For example, Date Range: 2016-10-07 00:00:00 - 2016-10-17 23:00:00
Each subsection has a + button assigned. Click on it to display the details of the subsection. To view all the details simultaneously, click the + button that's on the left corner over the table.
Additional Filters
When filters are applied, the Additional Filters message is displayed at the bottom of the page. The user can also see the applied filter queries.
Note: If no data is available, a message is displayed on each subsection, "No items to display. (Perhaps some filters are applied.)"
It is possible to filter calls based on specified criteria: a specific timeframe, a certain agent, or a specific type of calls. Or you may want to see only a part of the details regarding calls (duration, labels, dialed number, etc.). There are multiple ways of filtering the information on the Search Calls Page as described below.
There are two methods of filtering on the Search Calls page: Advanced and Basic.
You can switch between Advanced and Basic by clicking the Advanced/Basic button in the upper right hand side of the page, below the Save button.
Search Field
Using the Search Box (located in the upper right hand side of the window) is the most efficient way of finding information, below the Delete and Save buttons.
The search field can filter results with alphanumeric characters.
Select Columns
The Select Columns drop-down menu is located in the upper left hand side of the window. Click on it, and it will display a list with the names of the columns. Each column name has a checkbox. All of the checkboxes will be pre-checked. Deselect the checkboxes of the columns that you do not want to see on the calls list. Then click OK at the bottom of the Select Columns drop-down menu. The page will refresh instantly and display only the selected columns.
Note: At the bottom of the Select Columns drop-down menu there are the buttons: Clear, All, and OK.
Clear deselects all columns from the menu.
All selects all columns from the menu.
OK confirms the choices you have made on the menu.
The Datepicker is located between Select Columns and the Filter By drop-down menu. It allows you to sort calls by date and time.
After you click on Datepicker, two calendars will display. In the upper right hand corner of the second calendar, you will find the Range drop-down menu. Here you can choose the period of time you are interested in. The options are: Today, Last Hour, Yesterday, Last X Days, This Month, Last Month, This Year, Last Year, and Custom. Click OK in the bottom right corner of the calendar after you choose one of the options. While the first eight options are standard, (i.e., you cannot modify them), the last one, Custom, is customizable.
Click Custom from the Range drop-down menu. Choose a start date and a start hour from the left calendar. The date and hour you select are highlighted in blue. Notice the calendar on the right, the dates are only available starting with the date and hour selected on the left calendar. Now choose an end date and hour from the right calendar. The date and hour you selected are highlighted in blue. To confirm your choice, click OK on the right side of the calendar’s base. The page will refresh instantly and only display the results that fit within the selected timeframe.
Note: At the bottom of the Date Picker drop-down menu are the buttons Clear and Ok.
Clear removes the previously chosen time frame and only displays calls from the current month.
OK confirms the choices you have made on the calendar and only displays calls in the selected timeframe.
Filter By
The Filter By drop-down menu can be found after Date Picker. It contains all columns in which you can perform a search: Agent ID, Agent Name, Called Name, Caller Name, Direction, Evaluation, Extension, Labels, Main Group, Media Type, Notes, Server Name, Service Name, Share, State, Tag 1, Tag 2, Tag 3, Tag 4, Tag 5, Tag 6, Tag 7, Tag 8, Tag 9, Tag 10, Tag 11, Tag 12, Tag 13, Tag 14, Tag 15, and Transcribed. Each column name has a checkbox. At this point all checkboxes are deselected.
Select the checkboxes of the columns that you want to include in a search. For example, select Agent ID, then click OK at the bottom of the Filter By drop-down menu.
Note: At the bottom of the Filter By drop-down menu there are buttons Clear, All, and OK.
Clear deselects all columns from the menu.
All selects all columns in the menu.
OK confirms the choices you have made on the menu.
The application adds the Agent ID drop-down menu in front of the Filter By drop-down menu. Click Agent ID. A list of all Agent IDs, each with a checkbox, appear in the drop-down. Select an Agent ID from the list and click OK at the bottom of the Agent ID drop-down menu.
Note: At the bottom of the Agent ID drop-down menu there are buttons Clear, All, and OK.
Clear deselects all columns from the menu.
All selects all columns from the menu.
OK confirms the choices you have made on the menu.
The page will refresh instantly and display only calls related to the chosen Agent ID.
The Advanced Search feature is a powerful search method, which you can use to specify certain criteria that cannot be defined in Basic Search (for example Media Size > 100) as well as criteria that can be selected using Basic Search. To use this feature you need to construct queries using the Quality Management Query Language.
To open this feature, simply click Advanced Search near the quick search box. This will automatically expand the advanced search box where you can enter your search query fields. A field in the Quality Management Query Language is a word that represents a table column from the Search Calls page. Functions are used to perform advanced and complex calculations on specific recordings or evaluations data. Advanced search works with operators and keywords.
The operators used in Advanced Search queries are:
= equals
!= different from (excludes from search all values typed after this operator)
> greater than (a certain value)
>= greater than or equals  (a certain value)
< smaller than (a certain value)
<= smaller than or equals (a certain value)
The keywords used in the Advanced Search queries are:
AND – used to combine items of different criteria in order to narrow the results as much as possible
OR – used when searching for alternative results in the query
LIKE – used to obtain recordings when searching by partial words; results returned are all that contain the word or letters entered in the search query
IN – used when searching for multiple results of the same criteria
IS - used to obtain results that are empty
IS NOT - used to obtain results that are not empty 
CONTAINS - used when searching for transcriptions that contains a specific word or query
NOT CONTAINS - used when searching for transcriptions that not contains a specific word or query
BETWEEN – used when searching for results within a specific date range
To search for a certain agent’s recordings in Advanced Search, simply click Advanced Search and start typing the criteria. A list of suggestions automatically appears, with all the fields containing the typed letters or word. Select the correct suggestion from the drop-down list; now the first field of the search query is displayed. After this, press the spacebar and a list of operators will automatically appear in a suggestions drop-down. Choose the proper operator for your current search and press the spacebar. If your search concerns something other than a numeric value, a list of suggestions will appear in a drop-down. Select the item you want to find from the list and then press Enter to validate the search query. The page will then load all the recordings that fit the search parameters.
A search query in Advanced Search can be simple or complex. Any simple query can be identified if the Basic Search button, at the right end of the search box, is activated. By clicking Basic Search, the filters will automatically convert to basic, which means that the search criteria and results remain the same, but with the basic search filters applied. The same filters that are applied in Advanced Search can also be applied from Basic Search.
An example of a simple search query is:
"Agent Name" = "[agent_name]" AND Direction = inbound
A complex query can be identified if the Basic Search button is not activated. By hovering the mouse over the deactivated Basic Search button, it will show the following information, “Search query is too complex.” This means that not all filters applied in the Advanced Search can be found in, and therefore, converted to Basic Search.
An example of a complex search query is:
"Agent Name" = "[agent_name]" AND Duration > 10
If you are not sure about the name or ID of the agent you are searching for, you can use wildcards to search using approximate words, with the help of the star (*) symbol. This symbol will replace the part of the name or word that is missing. The wildcards can be used according to the following methods:
“Agent Name” = “*chel” – names that end with “chel”; the star symbol replaces the beginning of the name that you are not certain about.
“Agent Name” = “Ra*” – names that begin with “Ra”; the star symbol replaces the ending of the name that you are not sure about.
“Agent ID” = “*ach*” – IDs that contain “ach”; the star symbol replaces both the beginning and ending of the ID that you are uncertain about.
RAND option available in Advanced Search brings a new option to search for recordings randomly. RAND allows the user to narrow the option when selecting recordings for evaluation, the randomized results including recordings of all types and durations.
Click + from the upper side of the window, over the Select Columns and a new tab is opened. The user creates the filter he or she wants and clicks Save, from the upper right corner of the page.
Click Advanced Search and introduce a specific query. 
Example 1:  <"Agent Name" = "Smith" AND "RAND" = "20%" >
The result is 20% of the calls of the agent Smith.
Example 2: < "Agent Name" = "Smith" AND "Interaction Date" BETWEEN ("2016-08-12 08:00:20" ,"2016-09-12 14:17:53") AND RAND = 20%>
The result is 20% of the calls of the agent Smith between a specific date.
Keep in mind that any Basic Search can be converted to an Advanced Search query, however not all Advanced Search queries can be converted to Basic Search. When the search query is too complex for basic search, the Basic Search button will be disabled. 
To clear the query and reset the results to default, delete all the information in the advanced search box and press Enter.
Update Recordings List
Your company may have hundreds or thousands of calls per day that you want to monitor. Quality Management has the ability to automatically update the most recent call statuses. The refresh rate is usually within a few seconds, but will vary depending on server load.
Clicking Refresh will immediately refresh the page with the calls that have been processed, but have not yet displayed a current status.
Drag and Drop Columns
By default the call list details are organized first in alphabetical order, then by the following criteria: Agent ID, Agent Name, Called ID, Called Name, Caller ID, Caller Name, Interaction Date, Dialed Number, Direction, Duration, Extension, GUID, Labels, Main Group, Media Size, Media Type, Media URL, Server ID, Server Name, Service ID, Service Name, State, Transcribed, Update Date, User ID, Tag, Tag 1, Tag 2, Tag 3, Tag 4, Tag 5, Tag 6, Tag 7, Tag 8, Tag 9, Tag 10, Tag 11, Tag 12, Tag 13, Tag 14, and Tag 15. You can rearrange all the columns, using drag and drop in the Page Columns section of the Settings page.
Columns from Tag to Tag 15 are customizable. To edit the Tag columns, go to Settings > Page Columns > Search Calls. There you can choose to make the tags editable or not editable. When the Tag field is editable, you can enter relevant information for a recording in that field. To go to the next field of that recording, press the Tab button on the keyboard and it will take you to the next editable field. To save the information entered in the tag fields, you can press Tab or Enter on the keyboard, or click anywhere outside the editable field in the Search Calls page.
Like tabs, columns can also be rearranged at your convenience.
Click the first column and drag it to the middle. Columns are rearranged instantly.
Click the last column and drag it to the middle of the columns present on the Search Calls page. Columns are rearranged instantly.
To have columns saved in a specific order, click Save in the upper right part of the page. The following confirmation message will be displayed, “Tabs saved successfully!”
Add label
Labels make it easier to label and organize calls (most important calls, most urgent calls, best calls, etc.). A label can contain one or more words.
Hover the mouse pointer below the Labels column. A text box will appear as you move the mouse pointer from one Label to another. Click the text box to edit the contents. Type something, for example: call back on May 1st, and press Enter. The following confirmation message will be displayed, “Label saved successfully!”
Once you have added a label (that contains many words) to a call, you may want to modify or update it. To do so, go to the call line where you want to make a change and click the label. The text box will become editable. Each word has an X symbol on the right. To delete one word, click X, or press the BACKSPACE key. Then press Enter. The application displays a confirmation message, “Label saved successfully!” You can add one or more words to a label once the text box becomes editable. To save them, press Enter and wait for the confirmation message.
If you want to delete a label from a call (a one word or a multiple word label), click the label. When the label box becomes editable, press the BACKSPACE key until the label is removed (depending on the number of words that you have for that label) and then press Enter. The following confirmation message will be displayed, “Label deleted successfully!”
Click on a call and the page becomes divided. The Agent Name and the Caller Name or Caller ID are displayed on the left upper corner of the page. The main function of Slide Out Panel is to display the call details. You can switch between Calls Details, Evaluations, Notes, Attachments or Video views. From the left side of the window click the specific button for the section you want to concentrate on.
Click the Actions Menu button from the right upper corner. The menu offers the following options: Evaluate Call, Download, Download Audio Only and Delete. If the call does not have the audio media type, then the option download audio only is not shown in the Actions Menu.
Evaluate Call 
The main function of this feature is creating evaluations of the calls you choose. The evaluations are completed using templates you can create and edit using the QA Template Editor, located on the Settings Page. Click on Evaluate Call option to start evaluating the call in a new page. 
Call Evaluation Process
Select the template you want to use for this evaluation. There is a drop-down menu containing the list of QA templates. Available categories of evaluation data are: draft and blank. 
Draft: Contains unfinished evaluations and the name of the auditor. If there are no drafts, the draft section will not appear on the drop-down menu.
Blank: Contains QA templates that do not have evaluations on the current call.
Select the template you want to use for this evaluation. The template content is displayed in the window. Submit answers for each question. There are four questions types you can find in templates. The simple Yes or No question type will have two possible answers and you can choose only one of them. Usually the "yes" answer gives the agent all the points for the question and the "no" answer gives no points, but that is customizable. Single Choice Questions have multiple answers but only one answer can be selected. You can recognize this type of question in the evaluation form, as the answers have radio buttons. The Multiple Choice questions have multiple answers and each one of them can be selected in the evaluation process. You can recognize them by the checkboxes. Scale questions require an answer within a measurable interval. You can recognize a scale question in the evaluation form as it has a dragable horizontal bar that you can drag to establish the desired level.
There will be templates that have a comment icon next to a question or next to the name of the template. Wherever you see that icon, you can add a comment. Click the icon and an editable text box will appear on the screen. There you can enter your comment. You can save default comments. All the comments will be displayed in the evaluation report. You also have the option to add @mentions in your comments. Let's say you are a QA team member and you evaluate an agent's call and you want to consult the agent's supervisor regarding something the agent said. You simply have to open the comment field and type @ followed by the first letters of the supervisor's e-mail address and simply select the person you want from the populated list. Add the information you want the supervisor to read. When you save the evaluation, an e-mail will be send to the supervisor's inbox displaying the information you typed in and a button that redirects the user exactly where the comment was added.    
After you have chosen the answers and added notes to questions or template (if applicable), click Save in the upper right hand side of the page in front of the Delete button. A confirmation message with the scoring for the evaluation will be displayed, highlighted in green at the bottom of the page. 
You can also delete evaluations. Click an evaluation and Slide Out Panel is displayed. From the Actions Menu drop-down that's next to each evaluation, click the DELETE option. The following prompt will be displayed: “Are you sure you want to delete this Evaluation?” and the options Delete and Cancel. Click Delete. You will see the “Evaluation deleted successfully!” message highlighted in green on the bottom of the page. The evaluation that was previously deleted will no longer show up in the completed list.
There are different types of evaluations you can complete depending on the template you want to use. For example, if the template contains sections with nested questions, when you start to evaluate the call, the nested questions will be displayed only if the parent question you chose belonged to the parent. For example, let’s say that we have the parent question, “Did the agent use the caller’s name?” and the answers “yes” and “no.” If the answer we choose is yes, the nested child question will be displayed, “How many times?” If we chose "no," the nested child question will not show because it has no logical reason to do so and the evaluation will show the next question.
Attach files on evaluations by simply clicking the Evaluate Call or Edit Evaluation buttons from Slide Out Panel. The New Evaluation, respectively Edit Evaluation pages are displayed. You can upload any kind of files: video, audio or document. The files' size needs to be less or equal to 10 MB. Click the Attach Files button and choose the file you want to upload. If the file size is larger than 10 MB a message: "The 'name' (size) file is larger than the maximum allowed (10 MB)" is displayed, highlighted in yellow at the top of the page. If you want to attach a file that was already attached, the message: "File 'Name' is already attached" is displayed, highlighted in yellow at the top of the page. This function also allows you to upload files with the same name but different content.
Ex: Step 1: Upload a file named "Report"
      Step 2: Upload another file named "Report". This file is saved and renamed "Report (1)"
All the uploaded files can be downloaded or deleted. Click the Menu button that's next to each uploaded file and choose to download or delete the file.
The Share option allows the user to share call information and content via a unique web URL.
To create a share, click the Share button. A pop-up window will open in the center of the screen. A link to the share window will be created automatically. This also has a COPY button to make access to the shared call easier. There are two more options in the Share pop-up: Password Protected and Expiration Date.
Click the Password Protected button to activate it. An edit box will be displayed, saying “Share a password.” Type a password inside the edit box. Click SHOW to view the typed password.
Click the Expiration Date button to activate it. Another box will appear saying “Expiration Date.” Click on it to open the calendar and select a date when the share will expire and can no longer be accessed.
Click the COPY button for the created link and paste it in a new browser tab. A window will be opened with the message “Enter the share’s password to view the call information” and an edit box called “Password.” Enter the share password in the field and click Go to call. The share window will be opened displaying the shared call information.
To delete a share, click on the Call Shared button on the call line and click the On button next to the Share link. The button will turn to Off and the share will be deleted from the recordings list.
All the functionalities discribed above are also available on the Right-Click.
Click Download option in order to download an mp3/mp4 file containing a recording of a call.
Download Audio Only
Click Download Audio Only option to download only the audio file of an audio video call.
Note: If the recording is video or audio this option is not displayed.
Click the Delete option to delete the call. A message will appear on the screen in a pop-up window, "Are you sure you want to delete the Call?". Click Delete. The following confirmation message will be displayed, "Call deleted succesfully!" highlighted in green on the top of the page.
Calls Details
Calls Details displays information about the call direction and informs the user if the call is transcribed. Other Information the user can see are related to the Caller, Call Date and the Duration.
Speech & Transcrip
The Speech & Transcrip section displays the full transcription. Users can identify keywords or phrases said by agents or customers by simply running an Advanced Search query. The searched keywords or phrases will show up in bold as part of an in-context preview below each call record match found. Opening up the Slide Out Panel, by clicking on “Read More”, will bring the user to the transcription with all the matched keywords or phrases bolded.
Evaluations displays the number of the evaluation made on the selected call, the date when the evaluations were completed, the Score and the Evaluator name. Each Evaluation has an Action Menu button in the right with two available actions: Delete and Edit.
Click the Delete option. A message will appear on the screen in a pop-up window, "Are you sure you want to delete the Evaluation?" and two options "Delete" and "Cancel" below the question. Click Delete. The following confirmation message will be displayed, "Evaluation deleted succesfully!" highlighted in green on the top of the page.
Click the Edit option. Edit Evaluation page is displayed and you can edit the selected evaluation.
The template content is displayed in the window. Change answers for the questions you want. You can see that the timer starts counting adding your work to the total duration. The are four questions types you can find in templates. The simple Yes or No question type will have two possible answers and you can choose only one of them. Usually the "yes" answer gives the agent all the points for the question and the "no" answer gives no points, but that is customizable. Single Choice Questions have multiple answers but only one answer can be selected. You can recognize this type of question in the evaluation form, as the answers have radio buttons. The Multiple Choice questions have multiple answers and each one of them can be selected in the evaluation process. You can recognize them by the check-boxes. Scale questions require an answer within a measurable interval. You can recognize a scale question in the evaluation form as it has a dragable horizontal bar that you can drag to establish the desired level.
There will be templates that have a comment icon next to a question or next to the name of the template. Wherever you see that icon, you can add a comment or edit an existing one. Click the icon and an editable text box will appear on the screen. There you can enter your comment. You can save default comments. All the comments will be displayed in the evaluation report. You also have the option to add @mentions in your comments. Let's say you are a QA team member and you evaluate an agent's call and you want to consult the agent's supervisor regarding something the agent said. You simply have to open the comment field and type @ followed by the first letters of the supervisor's e-mail address and simply select the person you want from the populated list. Add the information you want the supervisor to read. When you save the evaluation, an e-mail will be sent to the supervisor's inbox displaying the information you typed in and a button that redirects the user to exactly where the comment was added.
After you have chosen the answers and added notes to questions or the template (if applicable), click Save in the upper right hand side of the page in front of the Delete button. A confirmation message with the scoring for the evaluation will be displayed, highlighted in green at the bottom of the page. Select the drop-down menu below the Quality Assurance header. In the Completed section you will find your evaluation.
Evaluate Call
Evaluate Call button is displayed under the Completed evaluations. The main function of this feature is creating evaluations of the calls you choose. The evaluations are completed using templates you can create and edit using the QA Template Editor, located on the Settings Page. Click on Evaluate Call button to start evaluating the call in a new page.
Select the template you want to use for this evaluation. There is a drop-down menu containing the list of QA templates. Available categories of evaluation data are: draft and blank. 
Draft: Contains unfinished evaluations and the name of the auditor. If there are no drafts, the draft section will not appear on the drop-down menu.
Blank: Contains QA templates that do not have evaluations on the current call.
The template content is displayed in the window. Submit answers for each question. There are four questions types you can find in templates. The simple Yes or No question type will have two possible answers and you can choose only one of them. Usually the "yes" answer gives the agent all the points for the question and the "no" answer gives no points, but that is customizable. Single Choice Questions have multiple answers but only one answer can be selected. You can recognize this type of question in the evaluation form, as the answers have radio buttons. The Multiple Choice questions have multiple answers and each one of them can be selected in the evaluation process. You can recognize them by the checkboxes. Scale questions require an answer within a measurable interval. You can recognize a scale question in the evaluation form as it has a dragable horizontal bar that you can drag to establish the desired level.
There will be templates that have a comment icon next to a question or next to the name of the template. Wherever you see that icon, you can add a comment. Click the icon and an editable text box will appear on the screen. There you can enter your comment. You can save default comments. All the comments will be displayed in the evaluation report. You also have the option to add @mentions in your comments. Let's say you are a QA team member and you evaluate an agent's call and you want to consult the agent's supervisor regarding something the agent said. You simply have to open the comment field and type @ followed by the first letters of the supervisor's e-mail address and simply select the person you want from the populated list. Add the information you want the supervisor to read. When you save the evaluation, an e-mail will be send to the supervisor's inbox displaying the information you typed in and a button that redirects the user exactly where the comment was added.    
After you have chosen the answers and added notes to questions or template (if applicable), click Save in the upper right hand side of the page in front of the Delete button. A confirmation message with the scoring for the evaluation will be displayed, highlighted in green at the bottom of the page. 
You can also delete evaluations. Click an evaluation and Slide Out Panel is displayed. From the Actions Menu drop-down that's next to each evaluation. The following prompt will be displayed: “Are you sure you want to delete this Evaluation?” and the options Delete and Cancel. Click Delete. You will see the “Evaluation deleted successfully!” message highlighted in green on the bottom of the page. The evaluation that was previously deleted will no longer show up in the completed list.
There are different types of evaluations you can complete depending on the template you want to use. For example, if the template contains sections with nested questions, when you start to evaluate the call, the nested questions will be displayed only if the parent question you chose belonged to the parent. For example, let’s say that we have the parent question, “Did the agent use the caller’s name?” and the answers “yes” and “no.” If the answer we choose is yes, the nested child question will be displayed, “How many times?” If we chose "no," the nested child question will not show because it has no logical reason to do so and the evaluation will show the next question.
Attach files on evaluations by simply clicking the Evaluate Call or Edit Evaluation buttons from Slide Out Panel. The New Evaluation, respectively Edit Evaluation pages are displayed. You can upload any kind of files: video, audio or documents. The files' size needs to be less or equal to 10 MB. Click the Attach Files button and choose the file you want to upload. If the file size is larger than 10 MB a message: "The 'name' (size) file is larger than the maximum allowed (10 MB)" is displayed, highlighted in yellow at the top of the page. If you want to attach a file that was already attached, the message: "File 'Name' is already attached" is displayed, highlighted in yellow at the top of the page. This function also allows you to upload files with the same name but different content.
Ex: Step 1: Upload a file named "Report"
      Step 2: Upload another file named "Report". This file is saved and renamed "Report (1)"
All the uploaded files can be downloaded or deleted. Click the Menu button that's next to each uploaded file and choose to download or delete the file.
The Notes section displays information about the note, the user who wrote it and the date when the note was added on the timeline. The Notes section also has the Actions Menu button. Click on it to display the available actions: Show Notes and Delete.
Click Show Notes and the Timeline expands and shows the note.
Click the Delete option. A message will appear on the screen in a pop-up window, "Are you sure you want to delete this Note?" and the options "Delete" and "Cancel" below the question. Click Delete. The following confirmation message will be displayed, "Note deleted succesfully!" highlighted in green on the top of the page. 
You can watch the video file for the selected call in the Video panel. Zoom in and drag the window to concentrate on the elements you want to analyse. 
The right-click menu provides quick access to the features mentioned above, as well as two additional features: Copy Current Row and Current Field.
Click Download option in order to download an mp3/mp4 file containing a recording of a call.
Download Audio Only
Click Download Audio Only option to download only the audio file of an audio video call. If the recording is video or audio this option is not displayed.
The Share option allows the user to share call information and content via a unique web URL.
To create a share, click the Share button. A pop-up window will open in the center of the screen. A link to the share window will be created automatically. This also has a COPY button to make access to the shared call easier. There are two more options in the Share pop-up: Password Protected and Expiration Date.
Click the Password Protected button to activate it. An edit box will be displayed, saying “Share a password.” Type a password inside the edit box. Click SHOW to view the typed password.
Click the Expiration Date button to activate it. Another box will appear saying “Expiration Date.” Click on it to open the calendar and select a date when the share will expire and can no longer be accessed.
Click the COPY button for the created link and paste it in a new browser tab. A window will be opened with the message “Enter the share’s password to view the call information” and an edit box called “Password.” Enter the share password in the field and click Go to call. The share window will be opened displaying the shared call information.
To delete a share, click on the Call Shared button on the call line and click the On button next to the Share link. The button will turn to Off and the share will be deleted from the recordings list.
All the functionalities discribed above are also available on the Right-Click.
Click the Delete option to delete the call. A message will appear on the screen in a pop-up window, "Are you sure you want to delete the Call?". Click Delete. The following confirmation message will be displayed, "Call deleted succesfully!" highlighted in green on the top of the page.
Edit Tags
The tag fields have more possibilities for editing according to business needs. The editable tags can be filled in either with plain text, with exclusive date format, or by choosing an option from the suggestions list.
To see if a tag column is editable, go to a Tag column and click on a table cell. If the text box appears, the tag is editable.
For a tag that is not editable, go to Settings > Page Columns > Search Calls Page. The Editable column allows you to enable editing in the Tag fields. To enable editing for a tag, check the box for the corresponding tab and the Save button becomes enabled.
The Type column allows you to select the type of input that can be added in the tag fields. Click the drop-down from the Type column. You can choose from the following options: Text Only, Auto-Suggestion Field, and Date Field (ISO 8601).
After configuring the Tag columns accordingly click Save to apply the changes.
The Text Only option permits you to add any type of text.
The Auto-Suggestion Field option opens a suggestions list when you click on the tag field. You can add new information or select a suggestion to be displayed. Every time new text is added and saved in the tag field, it will be displayed as a suggestion for the next tag field.
The Date Field (ISO 8601) option only allows you to add a date in the tag field, in ISO format. Simply add the date in simplified form, for example 20160203, and the field will convert it automatically to date format 2016-02-03. Plain text cannot be added in the tag field when this option is applied.
Click Hide/Show Timeline located at the bottom of the screen, to show or hide the timeline. The function is available on Search Calls Page and Search Evaluation Page and is designed for user convenience. If you want to find a particular call on the Search Calls Page, you can click on it and click Show Timeline to listen to the call.
The timeline contains a series of useful elements displaying important information for the auditor. The first row displayed on the left side of the timeline is Events forward/previous. The next row contains the Active Window, Caller ID buttons followed by the Agent Name forward/previous buttons.
The Events forward/previous buttons allow the user to bounce from one call event to the other, a feature might be useful for long calls. The call event options are: Notes and Call Sub-Events. For some calls the auditor might be interested in a specific phrase and place a note on the timeline in the specific point of the call when the phrase is said. Once the note is saved, the next event arrow will move to the desired section of the interaction.
Call Sub-Events are displayed on the timeline to help the user identify the hold periods. This means that the timeline shows all the states the call passes through, from recording to completed.
Caller ID and Agent Name forward/previous buttons have the same functionality, but the events they move between are different. Caller ID and Agent Name forward/previous arrow functions are enabled when the calls are transcribed. In this case, the person who is listening to the call has the option to jump from one transcribed phrase to the next or the previous one.
Below the Caller ID is displayed Playback Speed button. You can easily speed up the recordings playback. Click the button and the speed is changed from 0.5x to 1x, 1.5x, 2x.
Timeline Scrubber
The scrubber is the progress tab display located at the base of the timeline. Using the scrubber you can move from one point of the interaction to another by clicking on the desired time.
The scrubber has a feature called Bird’s Eye, which allows you to control exactly where you are on the Timeline. When the call is longer than the length of the screen, Bird’s Eye enables the area you are seeing to become highlighted in blue.
Timeline Filter
The Timeline Filter is very useful for the auditor to identify key words on the timeline. It is located on the upper bar next to the Show/Hide Timeline button.
If the word entered in the filter is repeated, it is highlighted in all the timeline channels, with no exception. To move from one highlighted word to the next, you can click on the Next and Previous buttons. This allows you to move between found words on the entire Timeline, in the order they are displayed. If you are interested in a specific channel, you can hop from one word to the next, by clicking the Next and Previous buttons belonging to the respective channel.
Once you have the timeline displayed, the timeline buttons will become visible. Play, represented by an arrow pointing right, is the button you use to start playing the media content of the call. When you press the Play button, the call starts playing and the button changes to Pause, represented by two parallel lines. If you press the Pause button, the media stops and you can resume, from the point you decided to stop it, by pressing the same button again. Next to Play there is the Stop button. The difference between Stop and Pause is, if you press Stop, you cannot resume the call because it starts from the beginning.
The other two buttons on the timeline are Full Screen and Pop-Up. Full Screen plays the media file using the whole screen. Pop-Up opens the media file in a new window where you can change the window size and position.
The time-slider is easy to use and intuitive. If you hover over it you will see a tooltip showing exact time of the media file, so you can resume the call from the desired time. The Volume bar also has a tooltip with numeric values representing the volume level.
A text box called Timestamp will appear on the screen. 
Click a time stamp in the timeline. Recording stops and notes field becomes active and ready for editing. Type your note in the Timestamp text box and click + next to the text box. Application displays the “Note saved successfully!” message highlighted in green on the bottom of the page and the note icon appears instantly on the top of the timeline. You can add @ Mentions in notes. Type @ followed by the first letters of the user's e-mail address and simply select the person you want from the populated list. Add the information you want the mentioned user to read. When you save the note, an e-mail will be sent to the supervisor's inbox displaying the information you typed in and a button that redirects the user on Search Calls Page, and displays the call and the timestamp where the note was added.   
You can jump from one note to the next on the timeline just by clicking on the note field. The application also shows the time and date when the note was added and the name of the agent who added the note.
You also have the option to delete a call note. At the end of each Note line there is a Delete button; click on it if you want to delete that note. A message will appear on the screen in a pop-up window, “Are you sure you want to delete this Note?” and the options “Delete” and “Cancel” below the question. Click Delete. The following confirmation message will be displayed, “Note deleted successfully!” highlighted in green on the bottom of the page. The note is no longer displayed for that call. Click on a note and the button "Read More" appears below the Delete button. Click on it and Notes Page is displayed.
On the top of the page details about the selected call are shown: GUID, caller name, and called number.
All the notes are shown below the caller name. The notes are displayed in the order they were written. The timestamp for each note is displayed on the left side of them. A delete button is assigned to each note. Click on it and a message will appear on the screen in a pop-up window, “Are you sure you want to delete this Note?” and the options “Delete” and “Cancel” below the question. Click Delete. The following confirmation message will be displayed, “Note deleted successfully!” highlighted in green on the top of the page. The Back to Timeline button is displayed on the right upper corner of the page. Click on it and the page redirects you to the timeline on Search Calls page.