Access Agent Call Recordings in 8x8 Contact Center

Updated: 08/29/2024


Accessing agent call recordings in Contact Center.

Applies To

  • Contact Center
  • Call Recordings
Note: Access to unsecure port (21) and explicit SSL (2121) will be restricted. Please use only implicit SSL on port 990.


Configuration Manager for Contact Center administrators can use any secure FTP client to download agents' recorded calls from the tenant. You can determine the percentage of the automatic call recording via Agents > Phone.

Configure a Secure FTP Client

You can use any secure FTP client to download agents recorded calls. The following third-party FTP clients are available for download at no charge:
The following summarizes the secure FTP configuration requirements for an FTP client to access the audio files directory on your tenant:
  • Host Name:
    • US-West <>
    • US-East <>
    • Canada <>
    • United Kingdom UK2 <>
    • United Kingdom UK3 <>
  • Username: The Tenant Name listed in Home > Profile > Tenant Name.
  • Password: The password you entered in Home > Profile > SFTP Password.

Using FileZilla to Download Audio Files

The following figure illustrates the FileZilla 3 settings used to connect to the Contact Center Configuration Manager agent recording directory.
Refer to the above instructions for information about the User and Password text entry areas in your FileZilla Site Manager.

Using Core FTP LE to Download Audio Files

The following figure illustrates the Core FTP LE 2 settings used to connect to the Contact Center Configuration Manager agent recordings directory.
Refer to the above instructions for information about the User and Password text entry areas in your Core FTP LE 2 Site Manager.

Browse and Locate Recording Files

You can browse and locate your contact center's recorded calls stored under your tenant directory. Your 8x8 Contact Center tenant saves and stores each day's recording files in a time-stamped directory named Syyyymmdd, where yyyy specifies the year, mm specifies the month, and dd specifies the day. In addition, a date-stamped index file is generated at the local tenant time between 12 AM and 1 AM at the end of each day. Each index file contains metadata about the call recordings.
At the root level, the tenant directory contains:
  • An Index directory which contains one or more date-stamped, comma-separated values (CSV) index files named Iyyyymmdd.csv, where I indicates index.
  • Time-stamped sub-directories grouped by day. Each sub-directory contains one or more time-stamped WAV audio files and index files with metadata about the audio files. Audio files are named Ryyyymmddttttttssss.wav, where R indicates recording, and the timestamp includes the date (yyyymmdd) and 24-hour Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) tttttt when the file was recorded by hour, minute and second, and ssss indicates a sequence to differentiate multiple files recorded at the same second. The directory structure of call recordings may be represented as follows:
Note: The filenames and sub-directory names are time stamped by UTC and not by the local tenant time.

Locating Local Call Recordings

Locating your recorded calls requires understanding the time difference between your local tenant time and UTC. For example, if your tenant is located in the Pacific Daylight Time zone (PDT), you are behind the UTC by 7 hours. At 12 AM UTC, you local tenant time is 5 PM PDT.
To obtain recordings of your tenant for 06/06/2016, download recordings in subdirectories S20160606 and S20160607. The calls recorded after 5 PM PDT on 06/06 are stored under the sub-directory S20160607.
Note: The daily recording batch index file created between 00:00 and 01:00 local tenant time references calls in two different UTC daily sub-directories unless your local tenant time happens to be UTC.

Access the Index Files

  1. Double-click the Index directory. The directory consists of index files time-stamped by day. You may view or download the index files in the directory. Each CSV index file lists the following information about that day's agent recording files:

    Note: Index files for a specific day are stored under the relevant sub-directory as well as the index directory. Two types of index files exist. One file contains more details than the other.
  • CALL TYPE: Inbound Outbound, or Direct Agent Access call
  • START TIME, STOP TIME: Local Tenant Time at which the call was answered and terminated by the agent
  • AGENT NAME: Name of the agent who took the call
  • CUSTOMER NUMBER: Phone number associated with the customer
  • PHONE CHANNEL: Phone Channel number processing the call
  • CALLED NUMBER: A phone number to which a call was placed (applicable to outbound calls)
  • CASEID: Case number associated with the caller
  • DURATION: Duration of the phone call
  • FILENAME: Filename of the audio recording of the call
  • DIRECTORY: The sub-directory in which the audio recording of the call is stored
  • ACCOUNT: Account number associated with the caller
  • START TIME UTC: Time represented in UTC at which the call was answered by the agent
  • STOP TIME UTC: Time represented in UTC at which the call was terminated by the agent
  • QUEUE: Queue type indicates outbound or inbound queue
  • QUEUE NAME: Name of the queue the call was channelled to
  • TRANSACTION ID: Unique number that identifies the phone call
  • EXTERNAL VARIABLE 1&2: Data collected during the Interactive Voice Response
  • OUTDIAL CODE: Codes associated with outbound calls
  • WRAP UP CODE: Codes representing the call outcome
  1. Go to the specified directory and download the call recording files.
You can view the CSV index file in most spreadsheet programs, including Microsoft Excel or OpenOffice Calc.

Download Agent Call Recordings

You can download the index files and the call recordings by folders or by individual files.
  1. Select a directory, and right-click to open the menu.
  2. Select Download from the right-click menu. The SFTP client indicates a successful transfer.
  3. To play downloaded call recordings, select a WAV file, and double-click to play the recording.

Contact Center Call Recording Storage Limits

File size is unlimited, however the length of time recordings are stored is limited by the storage package you have purchased.
The default storage limit for Contact Center call recordings is 10 days. Storage packages can be purchased that allow for 40 days of retention, up to 400 days of retention, per agent, per line.