Block Numbers for an Extension in 8x8 Admin Console

Updated: 03/25/2024


Use Advanced Call Forwarding to block calls from certain numbers for an extension.

Applies To

  • 8x8 Admin Console
  • Number Blocking


Note: The ability to block calls from a specific number needs to be configured per user.
  1. Log in to 8x8 Admin Console.
  2. Select Users.
  3. To the right of the desired user, select Edit (pencil icon). 
  4. In the edit page, scroll down to Call Forwarding Rules and expand this section. 
  5. Check the box to enable forwarding for When user gets a call from a blocked caller.
  6. Select Edit (pencil).
  7. Enter the name or number of the caller you want to block.
  8. Select Add to the list. The only forwarding option is selected by default so that calls from the blocked caller go to no one and the busy signal plays. 
  9. Select Save.
  10. Save the user.