8x8 Status Page Frequently Asked Questions

Updated: 04/25/2024

Where can I find the Status Page? 

Customers can view updated 8x8 system and service status by logging in here: https://status.8x8.com/

How do I login to the Status Page to view information?

In order to access the status page, your 8x8 Administrator must register desired users for access. See the 8x8 Status Page Registration Form.
Upon registration processing, you will receive an email with a request to confirm registration and define a password with the 8x8 Status page. This request will expire in 48 hours. This login and password are not associated with your 8x8 Admin Console or other 8x8 administrative portals.
If you've forgotten your password, select Forgot Password.
You will receive an email with password reset option for the 8x8 Status page. This login and password are not associated with your 8x8 Admin Console or other 8x8 administrative portals.

How do I subscribe to get notifications for issues I see posted on the status page? 

The subscription section can be found in the top right corner by clicking on the settings icon in top right corner and selecting the Subscriptions option.
In the subsequent configuration menu, select all of the product components you wish to be notified for, as well as how you wish to be notified for each region (Email and/or SMS).

How do I configure to receive SMS message notifications? 

After clicking on the settings icon in top right corner and selecting the Subscriptions option. Navigate to the Phone (SMS) field and enter in your desired number to receive messages through. 

I'm an 8x8 Contact Center customer. How do I know which platform to select for notifications?

When you are logged into your 8x8 Contact Center product interface, the beginning of the web page URL will include the your platform's designation.
In the below example, the Contact Center product component to select would be na12

I want to unsubscribe from status page. I want to remove email notifications.

In the top right hand corner, click the blue icon and select Subscribe. In this section you can customize your email preferences or remove your phone number for SMS. You can also select Unsubscribe to be removed from all notifications.