8x8 Agent Workspace Softphone Emergency Call Flow

Updated: 09/12/2024


Making an emergency call from Agent Workspace.

Applies To

  • Agent Workspace
  • Emergency Calls


Emergencies can happen at any time, and being able to call for help quickly is essential. Understanding the emergency call flow can be critical in ensuring that you or someone you know can get the assistance needed in a crisis.
This process is only valid if the agent has their phone setup selected as Use Agent Workspace. If agents are set to Forward to a phone number or Use a SIP URL, then this process will not be relevant.

Make an Emergency Call

Making an emergency call is simple, but it's essential to follow the correct procedure:
  1. Make sure you have no active interactions.
  2. Dial the Emergency Number. In most countries, you can dial 911 to reach emergency services.
  3. Once the call is answered your status will automatically change to Working Offline.
  4. Stay on the line. Wait for the dispatcher to answer. Do not hang up until you are instructed to do so. If you accidentally call 911, stay on the line and inform them it was a mistake. Bear in mind that during the call with the emergency services, you can still receive direct calls or transfers.
  5. Provide essential information. Calmly and clearly explain the situation to the dispatcher. Be prepared to provide your location and a description of the emergency.
  6. Follow instructions. The dispatcher may provide you with instructions on how to handle the situation until help arrives. Follow their guidance carefully.

If the Call Ends or Drops

Once the call ends or drops, you are put in an emergency call lock for five minutes to ensure that the emergency services can call you back if necessary.
If the call drops or ends and the dispatcher needs to call you back, make sure you keep your status as it is.
  • While you are waiting for a call back you are still able to receive direct calls or transfers to your agent extension and work app phone number. 
  • Reject those to keep the emergency line free.
If you had any active interaction before making the emergency call, your status will be Busy instead of Working offline. If all active interactions end during the five minutes lock mode, that will automatically put you back to Available instead of Working offline and you may receive new interactions. We recommend rejecting those to keep the line free for emergency callback.
Once the five minutes window passed you are now able to adjust your status and resume your activity if that has been resolved.
After the five minutes if you try to adjust your status back to Available you will be asked if you want to exit or remain in the emergency mode. If you choose to remain in emergency mode you will still be able to receive calls to your UC DID until you log out or until the current session expires (up to 24 hours). If you choose to exit, then no emergency callbacks will be presented to you in Agent Workspace, however, those still can be received on your work web, mobile, or desktop applications if you are logged in.