Import Outlook Contacts in 8x8 Work for Desktop

Updated: 04/20/2024


Sync your locally stored Outlook contacts with 8x8 Work for Desktop as a Windows user.

Applies To

  • Windows
  • Outlook
  • 8x8 Work for Desktop


  1. Log in to Outlook.
  2. Log in to Work for Desktop and go to the Contacts.
  3. Click My Contacts.
  4. Click Add (person icon).
  5. Click Import Outlook Contacts. This will automatically select the Outlook profile that is set as the default profile.
  6. Select Personal ContactCompany Contact, or both. (Note: The maximum amount of contacts that can be imported is 10,000.)
    • Personal contacts are imported to My Contacts.
    • Company contacts are imported to Company.
    • ​Fields imported include:​ Name, Emails, Phones, and first Address.
To remove all imported Outlook contacts, go to Settings > Contacts and click Remove (trash can).
To sync imported Outlook contacts, go to My Contacts > Add, and click Refresh Outlook Contacts.

Additional Information