8x8 Case and Contact Management API

Updated: 06/05/2024


The 8x8 Case and Contact Management API are composed of a set of URIs to allow the tenants to download the information related to CRM objects. The tenant can attach files into various CRM objects like Cases, Followups, and Faqs at agent UI. The tenant has a choice of adding multiple files at the agent user interface. This style of API makes it very easy to compose and send a query. which is always done using an HTTP GET request.
The Case and Contact Management Reporting database contains data, related to various CRM objects like Cases, Followups, and Faqs
All API requests are authenticated using a token that is issued to a valid 8x8 tenant. Responses are sent in either file or ZIP format. If more than one file is attached to the CRM object. API will reply to all the files in a single ZIP file.
For security reasons, the Case and Contact Management API only accepts requests using HTTPS, so that request headers and response data are encrypted.
For compatibility reasons, the Case and Contact Management API encodes all special chars of an attachment file name.

Testing Using A Browser

The Case and Contact Management API makes it easy to submit a query, for experimentation, testing, or debugging purposes. From a web browser, simply enter the URL. You will be prompted to enter a username and password. Enter your Tenant name as the username, and your Data Request Token as the password. Then, the query result will be displayed in your browser. For example,
will return attached file(s) from Case type CRM object with id matching {case-id}, provided in request.

Some other examples for downloading attachments

will return attached file(s) from Followup type CRM object with id matching {followup-id}, provided in the request. The format of followup id is the one shown on AGUI. Format of the id is case-id and followup-id separated by a dot (.): {case-id}.{followup-id} e.g. 38.1
will return attached file(s) from Faq type CRM object with id matching {faq-id}, provided in request.

Testing Using curl

In a Linux environment, the curl utility will submit an HTTP request, and allow you to view the result.
curl -u acme:ac12343934687a839cf https://vcc-instance.8x8.com/api/ccm/attachments/case/1  -o {filename}
will return the attached file(s) from case 1. The -u argument identifies the username and password; use your Tenant name as the username, and your Data Request Token as the password.
The -o argument will take the file name as input from the user. This will be the name of the file where content will be saved. A point to remember is that in case of more than one file in response, the response content will be of ZIP type.

Response Codes 

Code Number
Code Label
200 (Status: success)
The request was successful. 
Bad request
The syntax of the request was wrong.
The request was not allowed, usually due to incorrect authentication.
Not found
The requested resource was not found.
Server Error
The server encountered an unexpected condition that prevented it from fulfilling the request.
Server Busy
The server is currently unable to handle the request due to temporary overloading. This is to prevent denial of service. Another reason for this error is to allow only a single request per customer at a time. The same error is also given if more than 10 customers hitting the CCM API at the same time.