8x8 Integration for Salesforce: 8x8 Work and Contact Center

Updated: 04/11/2024


The 8x8 Integration for Salesforce CRM gives you control of your 8x8 phone from within Salesforce, allowing you to combine the benefits of Salesforce with the capabilities of 8x8 Work and/or 8x8 Contact Center.
The application launches conveniently within Salesforce, enabling you to click-to-dial, quickly identify customers based on an inbound call (via records that pop up on an incoming or outgoing call), and improve the efficiency of logging calls. With these records, you can gain full insight into communications with any returning customer, and be prepared to follow up with them whenever they may call.
More information is located in our online documentation, linked below.

8x8 Work Integration for Salesforce


8x8 Contact Center App Integration for Salesforce


Applies To

  • 8x8 Work (formerly VO)
  • 8x8 Contact Center (formerly VCC)
  • Salesforce

Contact Center App Email-in-Case Support 

The 8x8 Contact Center App Integration for Salesforce provides support for new Email in External CRM functionality:
  • Agents can now receive, reply to, and create new emails within the Contact Center App.
  • All email interactions are handled through the Contact Center App, and are stored into Salesforce cases.
  • Each leg of an email "chain" or conversation sent to or from the Contact Center App will automatically be stored in its appropriate case.
  • A new email chain will open a new case, to which all related email replies and responses will be added.

Installation and Use

  • Configuration instructions for email handling are detailed in our Administrator's Guide.
  • Agent usage instructions for email handling are detailed in our User's Guide.

Localization Support 

8x8 Work and 8x8 Contact Center App integrations for Salesforce are currently available in:
  • United States
  • United Kingdom
  • New Zealand (ANZ)
  • Australia
  • Republic of Ireland
  • France
Future Support: Support is planned for the following regions (release dates still to be determined).
  • Belgium
  • Austria
  • Netherlands
  • Canada

Requirements and Limitations

  • Available on Salesforce Editions (Professional, Enterprise, Unlimited, and Performance).
  • Login access to an Salesforce account.
  • Login access to an 8x8 Work extension.
  • Supported web browsers: Chrome (PC and Mac)
  • 8x8 Work (for Desktop, Mobile, or Web) or a desk phone must be used in conjunction with the integration to accept calls.
  • The integration must be logged into for communication records to be written to Salesforce.
  • ALL phone calls are logged in Salesforce by the integration, including internal extension calls.
  • Please see the Administrators and Users guides for more information in the Documentation section below.
  • 8x8 Contact Center integration, call recording links in the Task call logs requires Quality Management Speech Analytics to open the links and access the call recordings.  This requires one of the licenses: X6-VCC, X7-VCC, X8-VCC or VCC Ultimate.
  • In the 8x8 Work integration Panel, the Merge button is not expected to function. This is a know limitation. Users can use the Merge in the 8x8 Work App (Desktop or Web).
  • 8x8 Work integration - when calls are "transferred" via Auto Attendant, Ring Group, Call Queue, or call transfer from another 8x8 Work user, the number of the extension is passed to the receiving user's 8x8 Integration Panel instead of the inbound CLI, therefore screen pop does not function as expected.

Supported CRM Objects

Both integrations support the following objects in Salesforce:
  • Account
  • Contact
  • Lead
  • Opportunity
  • Case (not supported by Salesforce Sales Engagement)


While some parameters can be directly configured in the communication panel by agents, the v3.2 integration currently has no admin-customizable options.
At this time if you require specific customizations of the integration, please contact your 8x8 Sales representative to engage our Professional Services team, who can determine feasibility and potential cost of any requested customization.
