Glossary of Terms for Analytics for 8x8 Work

Updated: 07/02/2024


What do the terms in Analytics for 8x8 Work mean?

Applies To

  • Analytics for 8x8 Work


Company Summary

Total Inbound Calls Total number of incoming calls received by the phone system from outside.
Total Outbound Calls Total number of outgoing calls from the phone system to the outside.
Total extension-to-extension Calls Total number of calls dialed within the phone system from one extension number to another extension number.
Total Answered Calls Number of calls answered live.
Total Missed Calls Number of calls that were not answered live.
Total Abandoned Calls Number of calls abandoned by the callers before being answered by a live person or before reaching voicemail.
Active Calls Number of calls currently in progress at the time of this report. This excludes extension-to-extension calls.

Time Statistics

Total Call Time Cumulative duration of all successful calls both extension-to-extension and external (i.e., dialing + ringing + all call handling time).
Average Call Time Average length of a call.
Total Talk Time Cumulative duration of the talk time of all successful calls. It includes extension-to-extension calls.
Average Talk Time Average length of a call's talk time.
Total Ring Time Cumulative duration of the ringing time for all calls. It includes extension-to-extension calls.
Average Ring Time Average duration of ringing time for a call. This includes extension-to-extension Calls.
Total Abandoned Time Cumulative duration of all abandoned calls (all calls where the caller ends the call before being answered). It includes extension-to-extension activity and calls answered by auto attendant but abandoned while waiting in call queue.
Average Abandoned Time Average length of calls that are abandoned. This includes extension-to-extension calls.
Total Voicemail Calls Total number of incoming calls that reached voicemail.

Inbound Statistics

Total Inbound Calls Total number of calls received by the phone system from outside.
Total Inbound Active Calls Total number of inbound calls in progress at the time of the report.
Total Inbound Answered Total number of incoming calls answered live. This excludes calls answered by voicemail or by auto attendant.
Total Inbound Abandoned Total number of incoming calls abandoned by callers before being answered by a live person or before reaching voicemail.
Total Inbound Missed Total number of calls that were not answered live (calls that reached voicemail, plus calls that were abandoned).

Outbound Statistics

Total Outbound Calls Total number of outgoing calls from the phone system to the outside.
Total Outbound Active Calls Number of outbound calls in progress at the time of the report.
Total Outbound Answered Number of outbound calls that were connected. It includes all calls answered live or by auto attendant, or calls that reached voicemail.
Total Outbound Abandoned Number of outbound calls abandoned before being answered by the destination party.

Ext 2 Ext Statistics

Total extension-to-extension Calls Total number of calls dialed within a phone system from one extension to another extension.
Total extension-to-extension Active Calls Number of extension-to-extension calls in progress at the time of the report.
Total extension-to-extension Answered Number of calls between extensions that were answered by a live person. This excludes calls answered by voicemail or auto attendant.
Total extension-to-extension Abandoned Number of calls between extensions that are abandoned by the caller before being answered.
Total extension-to-extension Missed Number of calls between extensions that went unanswered (either abandoned, or answered by voicemail).

Extension Summary

Extension The Extension Number assigned to the user or service.
First Name The First Name value configured for the user or the name value entered for the service.
Last Name  The Last Name value configured for the user.
Department The Department value configured for the user.
Site The Site that the user or service is assigned.
Total Inbound Total number of calls (external and internal) received by the extension.
Total Inbound Answered Total number of incoming calls (external and internal) answered live by the extension. This excludes calls answered by voicemail or by an auto attendant.
Total Inbound Missed Total number of calls that were not answered live (calls that reached voicemail, plus calls that were abandoned).
Total Inbound Abandoned Total number of calls abandoned by callers before being answered by a live person or before reaching voicemail.
Total Outbound Total number of calls placed from an extension.
Total Outbound Answered Total number of outbound calls dialed from the extension that were connected at the destination. This includes calls answered by a live person, auto attendant, voicemail, etc..
Talk Time Cumulative duration of the talk time of all successful calls from the time of connection to termination (includes the hold time).
Avg Talk Time Average duration of the talk time of all successful calls.
Avg Ring Time Average duration of ringing before answering incoming calls.
Avg Abandoned Time Average length of calls that are abandoned including extension-to-extension calls.
Ring Time Cumulative duration of ringing before answering incoming calls.
Abandoned Time Cumulative duration of all abandoned calls to this extension (all calls where the caller ends the call before being answered) including extension-to-extension activity.
Total Outbound Abandoned Total number of outbound calls that never connected to the external system. For example, calls that ring with no answer.
Total Answered Total number of incoming calls answered live by the extension, plus the total number of outbound calls dialed from the extension that were answered at the destination. This excludes calls answered by voicemail or auto attendant.
Total Abandoned Cumulative total calls abandoned by callers before being answered by the extension user or before reaching voicemail (missed calls, minus calls that reached voicemail), plus the total number of outbound calls abandoned by the extension user before being answered by the destination party.
Total Missed Total number of inbound calls that were not answered live by the extension (calls that reached voicemail, plus calls that were abandoned), plus the total number of outbound calls abandoned by the extension user.
Total Voicemail Total number of incoming calls that reached voicemail.
External Inbound Total number of direct calls received by the extension from outside the phone system. This excludes calls from other extensions, and external calls that went through an auto attendant or ring group before alerting the extension.
External Inbound Answered Total number of incoming calls answered live. This excludes calls answered by voicemail or by an auto attendant.
External Inbound Answered Percentage The percentage of inbound calls from an external caller handled by extension users.
External Inbound Abandoned Total number of incoming calls from outside the phone system abandoned by callers before being answered by a live person or before reaching voicemail (missed calls, minus calls that reached voicemail).
External Inbound Missed Total number of calls that were not answered live (calls that reached voicemail, plus calls that were abandoned).
External Outbound Total number of calls placed from an extension to an external number.
External Outbound Answered Total number of outbound calls dialed from the extension to an external number that were answered at the destination. This includes calls answered by a live person, auto attendant, voicemail, and so on.
External Outbound Answered Percentage The percentage of outbound calls to an external number handled by extension users.
External Outbound Abandoned Total number of outbound calls to an external number abandoned by caller before being answered by a live person, auto attendant, voicemail, and so on.
Internal Inbound Total number of calls received by the extension from within the phone system. This excludes calls received from outside the phone system.
Internal Inbound Answered Total number of incoming calls answered live. This excludes calls answered by voicemail or auto attendant.
Internal Inbound Abandoned Total number of incoming calls abandoned by callers before being answered by a live person or before reaching voicemail (missed calls, minus calls that reached voicemail).
Internal Inbound Missed Total number of calls that were not answered live (calls that reached voicemail, plus calls that were abandoned).
Internal Outbound Total number of calls placed from the extension to other extensions.
Internal Outbound Answered Total number of outbound calls dialed from the extension that were answered at the destination. This includes calls answered by a live person, auto attendant, voicemail, and so on.
Internal Outbound Abandoned Total number of calls abandoned by callers before being answered by a live person or before reaching voicemail (missed calls, minus calls that reached voicemail).
User Name The Username configured for the user assigned the extension.
Email The email address configured for the user assigned the extension.