No SMS Subscription Available Error

Updated: 04/23/2024


When you are attempting to set up SMS services for a new user on 8x8 Admin Console, you get an error that reads, "No SMS Subscription Available."  When attempting to send SMS messages, the messages are not delivered and the sender receives an error that reads, "Error sending SMS message."

Applies To

  • 8x8 Admin Console
  • SMS


Basic, X1 or Lobby Licenses

Upgrade to a 8x8 Work Unlimited plan.

Unlimited, X2 or above Licenses

If you are on a service which should support SMS and you are still unable to send SMS, create a case with 8x8 Support. 


Currently, SMS is only supported on 8x8 Work Unlimited and Global extensions with US phone numbers. Basic licenses, X1, and lobby licenses do not support SMS.