Configure Quality Management and Speech Analytics for 8x8 Work

Updated: 11/19/2024


Configure QM/SA for 8x8 Work and enable the QM/SA add-on license for each user you want to evaluate and transcribe.

Applies To

  • 8x8 Work
  • Admin Console
  • Quality Management and Speech Analytics


Configure Quality Management and Speech Analytics from Admin Console

For the users to be evaluated and transcribed, the primary administrator must log in to Admin Console to:
  • Enable QM/SA add-ons for users
  • Assign a transcription policy to users

Enable Quality Management and Speech Analytics add-ons for specific users

Only users with QM/SA add-on licenses enabled may be evaluated and transcribed in QM/SA. After purchasing the QM/SA add-ons, you (as a primary administrator) must manually enable the QM/SA add-on license for each user that you want to evaluate and transcribe.By default, Quality Management and Speech Analytics is disabled for all users.
To assign an add-on license to a user:
  1. Log in to your 8x8 Application Panel.
  2. Select Admin Console.
  3. From the Home page, select Users.
  4. From the list of users, search for and select the user to whom you want to assign a license.
  5. To the right of the desired user, select Edit (pencil icon).
  6. Go to Services and permissions.
  7. Under Assign one or more services to user, toggle on Quality Management and Speech Analytics (blue).
  8. Select Save.

Assign Transcription Policy to Users

Primary administrators use 8x8 Admin Console to set policies for the calls they want to evaluate and transcribe.
For example, let’s say that your company transcribes client interactions in multiple languages. To ensure that each user interaction is transcribed in the correct language, you must manually set the transcription language for each user. Setting the correct language dialect ensures the transcription is accurate.
By default, all interactions are transcribed in the language selected for the user by the customer administrator.
  • Only one language can be assigned per user.
  • Only with the add-on license enabled will appear in editable fields on the Transcription policy page.
  • Users without the add-on license enabled are visible on the page, but are disabled for editing.
  • Transcriptions are not supported for call queues or ring groups.
To assign transcription language to users:
  1. Log into Admin Console.
  2. From the Home page, select Transcription Policy.
  3. On the 8x8 Work panel, select Edit.
  4. From the 8x8 Work transcription policy page, select the check box for the users you want to set the language for.
  5. Select Set Language from the top of the page.
  6. In the Transcriber drop-down, select Standard.
  7. Under Language, select the language you want associated with these users.
  8. Select Save.
To unassign a transcription language from users:
  1. Log into Admin Console.
  2. From the Home page, select Transcription Policy.
  3. On the 8x8 Work panel, select Edit.
  4. From the 8x8 Work transcription policy page, select the check box for the users you want to unassign the language and transcriber for.
  5. Select Unassign from the top of the page.
  6. At the prompt, select Unassign and Save.

Configure Quality Management and Speech Analytics from App Panel

From the QM/SA app panel, the primary administrator must:
  • Manage the user settings
  • Configure the dashboards
  • Set up Content Analytics Center

Manage User Settings

To benefit from the full capabilities and functionality of QM/SA for 8x8 Work, as the primary administrator, you must set up the user settings from the Settings  page. Once you’ve created the users, you must assign them to groups, and groups to roles. Role permissions define the level of access granted to users.
To access the QM/SASettings page:
  1. Log into the 8x8 Application panel.
  2. Select Quality Management & Speech Analytics.
  3. From the side menu panel, select Settings .


Users are individuals with an 8x8 Work account. The users with similar job functions must be assigned to groups. Users gain the permissions set for the group they are assigned to.


Groups are job functions that must be assigned to a role. Groups gain permission from the roles they are assigned to.


Roles are created using a set of permissions to ensure each user assigned to a role can perform their tasks accordingly. Role permissions determine the level of access granted to users. By default, the system displays a set of roles with permissions that can be customized to match the needs of each customer. The default roles display in bold text and cannot be deleted.
Let’s say you want supervisors to be able to evaluate user performance based on their interactions. For supervisors to be able to evaluate interactions, you must access the Supervisor role settings and configure the correct permissions for it.
To set role permissions:
  1. Log in to your 8x8 Application Panel.
  2. Select Quality Management & Speech Analytics.
  3. From the menu, select Settings .
  4. Select Roles.
  5. Under Role Name, select a predefined role or create a new one.
  6. Scroll down to Authorization Options, select + for Permissions, and select the check boxes for the permissions you want to enable.
  7. Select Save.

Ensure Accessibility to Dashboard Data

Dashboards are configured and assigned to users based on their roles. They are a useful tool to quickly access Quality Management data.
There are two types of dashboards:
  • Agent: Displays a graph of the user’s evaluation scores over a period, and @mentions. Agents can only view their own data.
  • Agent supervisor: Displays data for the users supervised by them.
Supervisors that have the correct role permissions assigned can view both dashboard types.
Let’s say you are a supervisor and you want to see how the users under your supervision performed this month. To view this data in the QM/SA app, go to Dashboard . From the drop-down lists located at the top of the page select This Month, and Agent Supervisor. The dashboard populates with the requested data.
To configure and assign a dashboard:
  1. From the Quality Management & Speech Analytics app, select Settings .
  2. Select Users.
  3. In the search bar, type the name of the user you want to assign a dashboard to.
  4. Select on the user to open the Info panel.
  5. Go to Main group and from the drop-down list, select a group to assign the user to.
  6. Select Save.
  7. Select Groups.
  8. From the available groups, select the group you assigned to the user.
  9. From the group Info panel, go to Application settings > Dashboards, and from the drop-down list:
    • To assign a dashboard to a user select Agent.
    • To assign a dashboard to a supervisor select Agent Supervisor.
      1. Select Save.
      2. Select Users.
      3. In the search bar, type the name of the user you want to assign a supervisor to.
      4. Select on the user to open the Info panel.
      5. Go to Quality management settings > Agent supervisor, and from the drop-down list select the name of the supervisor you want to assign to the selected user.
  10. Select Save.
As a supervisor, you can now evaluate the user’s interactions and view the data on the dashboard for Agent supervisor.

Set Up Content Analytics Center

Users can only access the Content Analytics Center  page if they are assigned a role with Speech Analytics permissions granted.
The Content Analytics Center  page, also known as Speech Analytics, displays an interactive map generated from topic categories created by the customer. Each category contains associated topics. Each topic contains interactions based on predefined topic phrases. The more interaction data is available for a category, the bigger the category displays on the map.
Select a category on the map to view the number of interactions linked to the topics, to edit an interaction, or to open the interactions available. Double-click on a category on the map to display the topics included.
Let’s say you want all interactions regarding faulty products to be linked to a topic. You must first create a new category to match the topic if one is not yet available. Next, create a new topic labeled for example Faulty products, add the category and channel for the topic, and set the phrases — i.e., product doesn’t work, the product is broken — that will ensure the interactions link to the correct topic. Once the new topic is properly defined and saved, all future interactions that include the phrases defined for the topic will display in the Content Analytics Center map.