Grant a User Access to the 8x8 Quality Management Application

Updated: 11/05/2024


Grant Quality Management access to an individual user.

Applies To

  • Quality Management
  • Admin Console


A user must either be an admin or super user that has the Call Recording privilege enabled at the account level in order to access Quality Management. The user will also need an X8 license assigned in Admin Console. Check that the application access toggle has been enabled by an admin in Quality Management.

Additional Information

Wait at least 15 minutes between giving an individual admin-level access or a Contact Center user account prior to having them access Quality Management. If after that time the user is still unable to access Quality Management, make sure the user is assigned to a group with Quality Management privileges sufficient enough to use the application.
Only X8 license holders or users who have purchased Speech and Quality management as an Add-on service will have access to Speech Analytics and Quality Management.