Pull an email using 8x8 email functionality, when integrated with Salesforce or MS Dynamics.
Applies To
- 8x8 Agent Workspace
- External CRM
Use the Pull Feature
You can use the pull feature, while not on an interaction or working on an interaction, up to the limit in your blended settings. You can pull emails from within your interactions allocation.
Access Pull Email
This can be done from two different places when you are logged in as an agent, by accessing My assigned queues.
Once you are in the queue, you can see which queues have emails waiting to be pulled.
If you click Pull email (red arrow), that will allow you to pull emails from all queues. If you click where the blue arrow is indicating, this will allow you to pick emails just from that queue.
Once you decide which you want to select, this will pop out the window, where you are able to see which emails are in the queue.
Below is an example of how this looks when working with MS Dynamics.
When working in the pull screen, you can then see a number of columns.
- Wait time - How long the email has been in the queue.
- Case/Follow-up - This case relates to the email identity inside 8x8, but not the external CRM. However, if it shows has a . in it, e.g., 12.1, this means it is a follow up on an email, whereas if there is no ., and it’s 12, this means that it’s a new email.
- Queue - The name of the queue where the email has come from.
- From address - The email address where the email has been sent from.
- Name - The name of the person that has come through on the email headers.
- Subject - The subject of the email.
You can then use the search option to search queue, from address, name, or subject.
This list is static once you have clicked on it. If you want to refresh the list, select Refesh list.
If you want to select an interaction, select the check box, then select Accept interaction.
Once the interaction is accepted, it will then be delivered to agent workspace panel, so it can be worked on as an interaction. Below is an example of what this looks like in the panel. From here, you can work on the email and do any of the actions that are listed in our documentation.
Currently, there is a limitation so you can only pull one email at a time. However, you can go back and pull extra emails until you get to your blended limited.
If you want to hold onto an email, this can be done by keeping it inside the Agent Workspace panel. You can continue to work on other interactions, up to the limit you have set in blended settings.
Videos of Service
Pull one email from the queue
Pull multiple emails from the queue
Pull an email while on the phone