How many SMS or MMS can I send per month with my 8x8 X Series license?

Updated: 12/10/2024


How many free outbound SMS or MMS can I send per month?

Applies To

  • SMS
  • MMS
  • X Series Licenses


The following assumes that your account has already been enabled for sending outbound SMS and MMS.
The free outbound SMS and MMS allowance per month is equal to the total number of X2 and higher licenses on your 8x8 account, multiplied by 50. The total is pooled at the account level, meaning that all assigned users have access to the entire allowance, so individual users are not limited to 50 outbound messages.
  • Outbound messaging usage within this allowance will incur no usage charges.
  • Outbound messaging usage in excess of this allowance will incur usage charges.
  • The usage allowance is reset at the beginning of each billing cycle, so any unused message counts are not carried over from month to month.
  • Inbound messages are not charged.

Additional Information