Set the Amount of Time Before Ring Group Forwards to No Answer Destination in 8x8 Admin Console

Updated: 12/09/2024


Set the call forwarding time for callers to a Ring Group.

Applies To

  • Ring Groups
  • Admin Console


The amount of time before a Ring Group forwards to the configured no answer destination is dependent upon the Ring Pattern.

Ring Pattern

Simultaneous - All phones will ring for the amount of time configured in Total time to alert a member before forwarding.
Round Robin (Cyclic) - Phones will each ring the Total time to alert a member seconds for the number of Cycles configured, before forwarding. To calculate multiply the number of ring group members times the alert seconds times the number of cycles. E.g., If there are 3 ring group members with alert time set to 10 seconds and 2 cycles then forwarding would occur after 60 seconds.
Sequential (Cyclic Repetitive) - Same as Round Robin (Cyclic)
To set the amount of time to ring a Ring Group member befor moving on to the next member or to a "No Answer" destination, increase the number of seconds under Total time to alert a member.
  1. Log in to Admin Console.
  2. Select Ring Groups.
  3. To the right of the desired Ring Group, select Edit (pencil icon).
  4. Under Total time to alert a member, enter the desired amount of seconds to delay (max of 180 seconds).
  5. Select Save.