When trying to download a report from the Admin Console, an error message appears indicating that the download was unsuccessful.
Whitelabel Error Page
This application has no explicit mapping for /error, so you are seeing this as a fallback.
There was an unexpected error (type=Internal Server Error, status=500).
Applies To
- Admin Console
- Reporting
Use a different administrator that does not have a Storage application role without "Storage Admin"
Alternatively, you could add a storage admin role or remove all storage roles from the user.
These will change users' storage application permissions; please ensure that you understand the impact of amending role assignments to the users before taking action.
Add Storage Admin Role
- Log in to Admin Console.
- In the Menu navigate to Roles & permissions > Assignments.
- Click Create Assignment.
- Set the Assign to the affected user.
- Select Role Storage Admin.
- Save.
Remove All Storage Roles from User
- Log in to Admin Console.
- In the Menu navigate to Roles & permissions > Assignments.
- Search for the affected user.
- Locate role assignments for the Storage application.
- Click the Delete icon.
- In the Are you sure? pop up click Delete.
Users with a Storage application role (Site Storage, Storage access, Storage API) who do not have the Storage Admin role are not permitted to download the report.