Forwarding Calls in 8x8 Work for Desktop

Updated: 12/19/2024


Set forwarding rules for calls in Work for Desktop.

Applies To

  •  Work for Desktop 


Forwarding rules for all calls directed to your own extension can be set within Work for Desktop and Work for Mobile.
  1. Open Work for Desktop.
  2. Select Settings > Account Settings.
  3. Navigate to Call Forwarding Rules.
  4. Check or uncheck any boxes as needed to turn on or off the default Call Forwarding Rules.
  5. To create a custom forwarding rule, select +Add New Rule.
  6. Complete all details for the custom rule.
    Screen Shot 2 2021-07-30 at 12.10.45 PM.png
  7. Select Save.
Be sure your forwarding rules do not conflict with any rules set on your deskphone.

Video Guide

Watch a demonstration of how to use Call Forwarding within Work for Desktop and Work for Mobile.