
This guide will show you how to install and configure the 8x8 extension from the Cognigy marketplace to use with your ICA integration.

Applies To

  • Intelligent Customer Assistant (ICA)
  • 8x8 Contact Center
  • Cognigy

Installing the Extension

  1. Within Cognigy, open an agent and navigate to Manage and then Extensions.
  2. In the Marketplace, 8x8 should be listed.
  3. Click the tile and then install in the right navigation pane.
  4. Once the Extension is installed, it will be listed above:

Configuring/Using the Extension in a Flow

  1. Now open a flow and add a new Node.
  2. In the selection box, select the Extensions Tab across the Top.
  3. Then click the 8x8 Icon for the list of available functions:
  4. Add the function you would like to use.
  5. The Node needs to be configured to query the correct system and object.
  6. From within the Edit Node click the + button to add a new connection.
  7. You will need to complete all items in the form:
    • Connection name
      This is the name of the connection and will appear in all 8x8 Extensions once create for use.
    • Tenantid
      This is the Tenant name found in CC CM under Home and Profile.
    • crmApiUsername
      This is found in CC CM under Integration and CRM API to get the username.
      Make sure that the Enable CRM API Access box is ticked.
    • crmApiPassword
      An existing password cannot be displayed. If you do not know the current password, you will need to create a new password in CC CM under Integration and CRM API and use that.
    • dataRequestToken
      This is found in CC CM under Integration and the API Token tab.
    • actionRequestToken
      This is found in CC CM under Integration and the API Token tab.
    • clusterBaseURL
      This is the full CC URL eg. https://vcc-eu5.8x8.com
      When pasting to this field, the form automatically adds a forward-slash, click the reveal button and remove this as it will cause the connection to fail.
  8. If everything has worked, the Select Queue field will have a list of the available queue’s / schedules depending on the function you are using.
  9. You will need to create at least 1 queue / schedule for anything to show in the field as the system will not use the defaults
      Note: There is a known limitation that only the first 50 queues/schedules will be displayed.  Currently there is no way to use the 8x8 extension nodes for items not listed.
    Now that you have configured the 8x8 extension for ICA, you can move onto Configuring a Chatbot Using the 8x8 Chat Widget .


This guide will cover how to configure your AI chatbot in the Cognigy platform using the 8x8 chat widget.
Before starting this guide, you will need to make sure you have completed Configuring the 8x8 Extension for ICA.

Applies To

  • 8x8 Contact Center
  • Intelligent Customer Assistant (ICA)
  • Cognigy

Configure the 8x8 Endpoint

  1. You will need to obtain a Chat Gateway API Key. You can follow this guide for steps on obtaining the API key. Create an App with a name similar to ICAChatGatewayAPI.
  2. Make a note of this key as it will be used in Cognigy.
  3. Log into your Cognigy account.
  4. Click on the agent you need to handover to 8x8.
  5. Expand the Deploy tab and select Endpoints.
  6. Create a new endpoint.
  7. Enter a name for the Endpoint
  8. Select a Flow.
  9. Select 8x8.
  10. Click Save.
  11. Expand the 8x8 Setup section.
  12. Enter https://api.8x8.com as the Base API URL.
  13. Copy and paste the API Key you acquired in step 1 into the API access token field.
  14. Enter your tenant name into the 8x8-Tenant field.
  15. Scroll down to the Handover Settings section.
  16. Select 8x8 as the Handover Platform.
  17. Enter the same information that you just entered.
  18. Click Save.
  19. Copy the Endpoint URL.

Create a Channel for the Cognigy Bot

  1. Open your 8x8 Configuration Manager.
  2. Go to the Channels tab and click on Chat.
  3. Create a new chat channel for your chatbot.
  4. Make sure the channel is enabled.
  5. Click Save.
    Note: Do not create a channel of type ChatAPI.

Create a Webhook in 8x8 to Point to the Cognigy Endpoint

  1. Go to the Integration tab and click on Webhooks, then add a new webhook.
  2. Enter the Webhook name and the Endpoint URL you copied earlier.
  3. In the Chat API Version field, select Chat Gateway v1.0.
  4. Click Test Connection to ensure it has been entered correctly and is working.
  5. Click Save.
  6. Edit the Webhook again and assign it to the channel you created earlier.
  7. Click Save.

Create a Chat Queue for the Cognigy Bot

  1. Go to the Queues/Skills tab and create a new chat queue.
    Note: Do not add any agents to this queue. A separate queue will be used to handover chats to agents. This queue is to hold chats that Cognigy bot/agent is answering before, or instead of, passing them to a human agent.

Create a Chat Window

In order to use an 8x8 chat widget with Cognigy you will need to create the design of your chat widget. 
  1. To do so, go to the Chat Design tab and follow this chat design guide.
  2. Once you have created your chat design, click on the Window section and edit the chat Window you are using.
  3. Make sure the option for Allow customers to keep session alive is ticked.
  4. Set the Duration value to 60 minutes.

Create a Chat Script

Now that we have our chat design, we need to create a chat script to piece it all together.
  1. Go to the Scripts tab and use this chat script guide to see how to build a chat script, as well as what each script object does.
  2. Now that you have created your chat script how you require, add in a Forward to Queue object.
  3. Set your Forward to Queue object to point to the chatbot queue you created earlier.
This completes the steps on how to integrate your AI chatbot on the Cognigy platform using the 8x8 chat widget. Here are the steps on Configuring the Agent Handover from Cognigy to 8x8.


This guide will cover how to configure your AI chatbot in the Cognigy platform to connect and handover a chat session to your 8x8 Contact Center queues, using the Cognigy chat widget.
Please be aware that we recommend using the 8x8 chat widget over the Cognigy chat widget. There are some features in the Cognigy chat widget that we do not support.

Applies To

  • 8x8 Contact Center
  • Intelligent Customer Assistant (ICA)
  • Cognigy


  1. You will need to obtain a Chat Gateway API Key. You can follow this guide for steps on obtaining the API key. Create an App with a name similar to ICAChatGatewayAPI.
  2. Make a note of this key as it will be used in Cognigy.
  3. Log into your Cognigy account.
  4. Click on the agent you need to handover to 8x8.
  5. Expand the Deploy tab and select Endpoints.
  6. Create a new endpoint.
  7. Enter a name for the Endpoint.
  8. Select a Flow
  9. Select Webchat.
  10. Click Save.
  11. From here, you can copy the HTML Embedding code to insert the chat widget into your website.
  12. Scroll down to the Handover Settings section.
  13. Select 8x8 as the Handover Platform.
  14. Enter https://api.8x8.com as the Base API URL.
  15. Copy and paste the API Key you acquired in step 1 into the API access token field.
  16. Enter your tenant name into the 8x8-Tenant field.
  17. Click Save.
This completes the steps on how to integrate your AI chatbot on the Cognigy platform using the Cognigy chat widget. Here are the steps on Configuring the Agent Handover from Cognigy to 8x8 .


This guide will cover how to configure your Agent Handover nodes in your Cognigy flows to pass an interaction to a live agent on 8x8 Contact Center.

Applies To

  • 8x8 Contact Center
  • Intelligent Customer Assistant (ICA)
  • Cognigy


  1. Open your 8x8 Configuration Manager.
  2. Go to the Integration tab and click on Webhooks, then add a new webhook.
  3. Enter the Webhook name and enter the URL of the instance of Cognigy you are pointing to:
  4. In the Chat API Version field, select Chat Gateway v1.0.
  5. Click Test Connection to ensure it has been entered correctly and is working.
  6. Click Save.
  7. Go to the Channels tab.
  8. Click on Chat API and create a new channel.
  9. Enter the channel name and a description of the channel.
  10. Select the webhook you just created.
  11. Choose the queue you wish to handover chat sessions to. This is a default queue that will be handed over to if the handover to a different queue doesn’t work. You can create a handover event to any standard chat queue.
  12. Click Save.
  13. Make a note of the Channel ID of the Chat API channel you just created.
  14. Go to the Cognigy platform.
  15. Click on the agent you need to handover to 8x8.
  16. Expand the Build tab and click on Flows.
  17. Edit the flow you require to handover to a Contact Center queue.
  18. Within your flow, find where you need the handover to occur and add a Handover to Agent node by clicking on the + button. From the menu that appears, you can type handover in the search bar to find the node.
  19. Click on the Handover to Agent node to edit its settings.
  20. Scroll down to the 8x8 Settings and enter in the Channel ID and Queue ID that you wish to hand the chat over to.
  21. Click Save Node.
Note: that the JSON parameters for passing attached data to 8x8 currently do not work and need to be done by a conversation gateway API call.


Customers reporting issues with Intelligent Customer Assistant (ICA) are to be supported and escalated per the following procedure.

Applies To

  • Intelligent Customer Assistant (ICA)
  • 8x8 Contact Center


  1. Perform initial triage to determine if the issue is with Contact Center or ICA. If the issue resides with Contact Center, continue to troubleshoot as normal.
  2. Once established that the issue resides with ICA, raise a case to 8x8 customer support with the information gathered from the initial triage.

Initial Triage

Partners should perform initial triage for ICA related cases in order to gather as much information as possible and determine whether the issue relates to 8x8 Contact Center or ICA, before escalating to 8x8 support for troubleshooting. Here is a list of some information that should be gathered and possible issues that may arise.
Details to collect
  • Time of interaction
  • Transaction ID (if applicable)
  • What website URL was used to interact with the chatbot?
  • Which API, webhook, channel and queue are they using?
  • What is the issue?
  • Can you replicate the issue through their chatbot?
  • Can you replicate the issue directly to 8x8 chat queues, bypassing the chatbot? (if applicable)
  • What did they expect to happen?
Examples of possible Contact Center Issues (Troubleshoot as normal)
  • Some users are not receiving interaction but others are.
  • All agents are not receiving interactions from the chatbot and are also unable to receive other interactions not through the chatbot. (ie. interactions from the same chat queue which bypass the AI.)
Examples of possible ICA Issues (Escalate to 8x8 Support for ICA troubleshooting)
  • Any flow change requests.
  • Chatbot is not responding.
  • Interaction routed to the incorrect queue.
  • All agents are not receiving interactions from the chatbot but can receive other interactions.