To port your Google Voice number to another provider, you must first unlock it. There may also be a one-time fee to port your number. Learn more here.

LNP Services allows small business users to get assistance in porting numbers and handling any issues that may occur in the number porting process. Learn more.

To claim phone numbers in 8x8 Admin Console, navigate to Phone Numbers and select Claim Phone Number to add a new phone number. Learn more here.

Transfer a number from your former service provider to 8x8. To transfer a number to 8x8, click Phone Numbers in 8x8 Admin Console. Learn more here.

Porting article directory. Looking for information on porting your numbers in or out of 8x8? Find helpful articles here.

It is normal to experience up to 15 minutes of downtime on the day of your port. If you experience more than 15 minutes of loss of service, check the number assignment, perform some test calls, and contact 8x8 Support.

Need to move your phone number from one 8x8 account to another? If you are moving fewer than 10 numbers, create a case with 8x8 Support. For more than 10 numbers, contact your account manager to arrange an account migration.

You can use the Porting Date Selector to choose a porting date. Read more for tips on ensuring a smooth port into 8x8.

To reclaim or reuse a number associated with a closed account or line of service, then create a case with 8x8 Technical Support. Learn more here.

Guidance for 8x8 Reseller or Resale partners and Direct Customers with the porting process and giving guidance on when and how to get numbers ported over.

Port a large quantity of numbers to 8x8. This process requires the assistance of a porting coordinator to ensure a smooth transition of all numbers.