
Is it possible to delete 8x8 Work Chat Rooms created in Work for Desktop or Work for Mobile?

Applies To

  • Work for Desktop
  • Work for Mobile


8x8 Work Chat Rooms cannot be deleted.
You can unfollow a chat room to stop receiving message notifications for that room. You will still receive notifications when you are mentioned.
If a chat room is private, you can remove yourself from the room. Once you're removed, the room will no longer appear in your room list and other users will not be able to trigger notifications by mentioning you. You cannot remove yourself if you are the only member of a room.


Delete a chat message that you sent in 8x8 Work.

Applies To

  • 8x8 Work for Desktop
  • 8x8 Work for Mobile
  • Messaging


The ability to delete chat messages applies only to those messages in chat conversations and rooms you yourself have sent. You cannot delete:
  • Messages sent by other users and received/viewed by you
  • Messages older than 12 hours
  • SMS messages (sent or received)


  1. Click More Options (three dots) next to the message.
  2. Click Delete.
  3. Click Delete"[This message was deleted]" will appear in the chat.

Additional Information

Alternatively, messages can be edited instead of deleted. Deleted messages cannot be recovered and redisplayed in the chat conversation or room. Deleted messages are removed from the end user-visible chat conversation, but are preserved in the chat conversation archives available to 8x8 service administrators.